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Mon-Khmer Languages Database

Aṅguttaranikāya (the fourth of the five sections of the Suttanta Pitaka) អង្គុត្តរនិកាយ ʔɑŋkuttaʔreaʔniʔkaaj
Aṭānā (name of the protective prayers used in the annual royal ceremony called ពិធីបញ្ជាន់ត្រស្តិ់ contraction of អាដានាដិយៈ ) អាដានា ʔaadaanaa
B-40 (= RPG - 2, antitank grenade launcher) បេសែសិប bee sae səp
babbling sounds made by a baby យ៉េៈយ៉ុ jeʔjoʔ
baby ង៉ែត ŋaet
baccalaureate degree បក្កវិញ្ញាប័ត្រ pakkaʔviɲɲiebat
back (again) viñ vèɲ
back (person) knɑɑŋ
back part, hind part, stern កន្សៃ kɑnsaj
back, dorsal ridge; back side, reverse side; front (of an envelope); surface ខ្នង knɑɑŋ
back-rest; support, back (of a chair, sofa, etc.); leaning, propping; reliance, dependence បង្អែក bɑŋʔaek
back បិដ្ឋិ bettheʔ
back ប្រឹសា័ង្គ prəhsthaaŋ
back ប្រឹស័ prəh, prəhs-
bad action, sin; hostility, enmity; hatred, ill-will; grudge; vindictiveness, spite; punishment; retribution; suffering ពៀរ pie
bad luck, lack of success ចំណែង cɑmnaeŋ
bad luck, misfortune, danger. ចង្រៃ cɑŋraj
bad smell, stench; ferment(ation) កំហុល kɑmhol
bad, evil, cruel កាច kaːc
bad ʔaakraʔ
baffled ប្រទាល់ prətɔ̀əl
bag, bundle, carried slung from shoulder សម្ពាយ sɔmpìːəy
bag, pouch, small sack, shoulder bag, purse; vesicle ថង់ thɑŋ
bag, pouch, wallet, sack; (swim) bladder; scrotum ប្លោក plaok
bag ថង់
bait, decoy, lure (esp. for catching fish) នុយ nuj
balance (of an account); clearance sale items, remnants សមតុល្យ saʔmaʔtol
balance, scale, platform scale ជញ្ជីង cʊəɲciiŋ
ball-point pen, Bic pen ប៊ិច bic
ballast និច្ចាល nɨccaal
bamboo or rattan ring / hoop / splint used to strengthen or support something. ច្បោស cbaoh
(bamboo) shoots ទំពាំង tùmpɛ̀əŋ
bamboo-twill floor of cart phiər phniə
bamboo rɨhsəj
bamboo ឫស្សី rəsɤj
ban, prohibition; dissuasion; intervention, interruption គំហាត់ kumhoat
banana (cl.) plae
banana (Musa sp.) ចេក ceek, ceec
banana ceik
banana កន្ទន់បាក់ក kantʊən bak kɑɑ
bang bang. ផូងៗ phooŋ - phooŋ
Bangkok បាងកក baaŋ kɑɑk
bank, embankment (esp. around houses to keep out water); terrace, veranda ខឿន khɨən
bank, shore, beach; slope ច្រាំង craŋ
banked / covered fire; bonfire, camp fire; mound of earth or leaves put over a fire to create clouds of smoke and drive insects away ភ្នក់ pnʊək
banner, flag ទង់ tʊəŋ
banquet, party. អាំងអួង ʔaŋ - ʔuəŋ
bar the way ទល់ tùp tùəl
bar, bolt, catch, latch រនុក rənùk
barb (of certain fish) ធ្មុង tmuŋ
(bare) bones ឆ្អែង [chʔɤŋ] chʔaeŋ
barge with a cabin at the stern ថ្វែ tvae
bark (n.) sɑmbɑɑʔ
bark (v.) pruh
barren soil, infertile land; fallow land. ដឺ dəɨ
barrier of branches used to keep fish from swimming into certain areas and to funnel them into a selected spot where they may be caught ធ្នស់ tnʊəh
barrier, obstacle, stalemate, stoppage, block ទំនាល់ tumnoal
barrier, obstacle; fence, hedge; partition, screen; backing, support; shelter; protective device (e.g. a shield), cover របាំង rɔbaŋ
base (of a tree), stump; cause, reason, basis; floating tree trunk; crocodile គល់ kʊəl
bashfully and awkwardly, hesitantly and timidly, shyly; modestly ណិមណុម nəm - nom
basket (back) ciəl prɔnɔɔ
basket (general) kaɲcəə
basket (round) lʔəj
basket (round) taw
basket (square) kaɲchei
basket (wide, flat) kaɲcraeŋ
basket for crockery, fish, etc. រាវ rìːəv
bat (large) crɨŋ
bat (small) prɑciəw
bat (the mammal) (when a person is compared to a bat it suggests that that person is wishy-washy or double-crossing both sides) ប្រចៀវ prɑciev
bat, club គ្រទា krɔtie
bathe ŋuut
bathing water នហានោទក neaʔhaanouteaʔkaʔ
battery សមាច័យករ saʔmaacajjeaʔkɑɑ
baulk, flat sheet of wood forming part of structure of house bɔŋkɔŋ
bay (the space in a building between two rows of columns), compartment, section, partitioned-off section of a room; apartment, row house. ល្វែង lvɛɛŋ
bay, gulf, seaport បាង baːŋ
bay, gulf បាង baaŋ
Bayon (name of a monument at Angkor Thom) បាយ័ន baajoan
bead អង្កាំ ʔɑŋkam
beak, bill ចំពុះ cɑmpuh
beaker ពែង pɛ̀ːŋ
beak cùmpùh
beak cambuḥ cɔmpùh
beam / head of a roof ប្រមេ prɑmee
(beam of) light អង្សុ ʔɑŋsoʔ
beam with a counterweight to give stability to a boat, outrigger ខ្ជាង kcieŋ
beam, cross-beam; fret; rib (of a boat, cart etc.); section, row, column, part; alignment. ខ្ទង់ ktʊəŋ
beam, prop, scaffolding, pole បង្គង bɔŋkɔ̀ːŋ
bean sɑndaek
beard puk cɑŋkaə
bear klaa kmum
bear ghmuṁ [khlaː] khmùm
beating about the head, striking on the head សិរោឃាត seeraokhiet
beating, striking; laundering, washing clothes គំនក់ kumnʊək
beating, striking គំនប់ kumnup
beautiful / handsome figure. សុរូប soʔruup
beautiful woman សោភិនី saophiʔnii
beauty, charm, grace; gait លីឡ្នា liilhaa
beauty, charm, nice personality, good manners; virtue, goodness, decency; adornment លំអ lumʔɑɑ
beauty, charm សិរិ seʔrəj
because, because of, since, although ដ្បិត dbət
because, since ព្រោះ prʊəh
becoming a monk because of the knowledge that monks have an easy life ឧបជីវិកាបព្វជ្ជា ʔuʔpaʔciiviʔkaabappeaccie
bed and seat (place to lie down and place to sit) សយនាសនៈ saʔjaʔnaasaʔnaʔ
bed; stand (on the sidewalk where goods are sold), hawker's tray; platform,stage; រាន rien
bedbug សង្កើច sɑŋkaəc
bed krɛɛ
bed គ្រែ krɛ̀ː
bee (small) kmum
bee ឃ្មុំ kmum
before mun
beggar, supplicant ស្មូម smoom
beggar; begging. ស្មុំ smom
beginning of a sentence / phrase; conjunction វាក្យារម្ភ viekjaarɑm, viekjaarampheaʔ
behind, after ក្រោយ kraoy
Beijing (capital of the People's Republic of China, formerly Peking) ប៉េកាំង peekaŋ
belief, faith; conviction ជំនឿ cumnɨə
believe cɨə
bellowing (of animals) ប៉ឺប pəɨp
belly flesh (of centain fish) ទុល tùl
belly, stomach; pregnancy ផ្ទៃ ptej
bellyband, cinch, girth (of a harness) អុក ʔok
belly ពុង pùŋ
bell កណ្ដឹង kɔndɤŋ
bend over, bow ʔaon
bend, curve; handle (esp. of a saber) ឆែង chaeŋ
bend, fold, wrinkle ជំនច់ cumnʊəc
bending down, going down, descending ឱរោហន្ត ʔaoraohɑn
bending, huddled up… កោន kaon
bending ពំនត់ pumnʊət
bend kaoŋ
bend put
beneficiary អត្ថាគាហក ʔatthaakiehaʔkaʔ
benefit (in general) ហិតានុហិតប្រយោជន៍ heʔtaanuʔheʔtaʔprɑjaoc
benefit, gain, profit; income. ចំណេញ cɑmnəɲ
benefits / results of hearing សវនានិសង្ស saʔvaʔnaaniʔsɑŋ
betel (leaf) mluu
betel plant (Piper betel) ម្លូ mluu
betel ម្លូ mlùː
between, among; during; approximately, about រវាង rɔvieŋ
beverage, drink ; (liquid) medicine ភេសជ្ជ pheisacceaʔ
bezoar (concretion found in the bodies of certain animals, including the elephant); pearl; pebble គជ់ kʊəc
be ciə
be kɨɨ
bifurcated កន្ទែក kɔntɛ̀ːk
big and tall ចង្គ្រុង cùŋkrùŋ
big and tall ចង្គ្រុង cɔŋkrùŋ
bigotry អាធានគ្គហិភាព ʔaathieneakkeaʔhiʔphiep
bigot អាធានគ្គហី ʔaathieneakkeaʔhii
big កន្ទ្រាញ kɔntrìːəɲ
Bimbisāra (king of Magadha during the time of Gautama Buddha; he became a devout Buddhist and supporter of the Buddha) ពិម្ពិសារ pimpiʔsaa
bin (for storing rice); the low, box-like structure on an oxcart where freight is carried ក្រង់ krɑŋ
bin (usually under the house) for storing grain, granary; storeroom, grange, storehouse, warehouse, supply point, loft; reserve ជង្រុក cʊəŋruk
bindweed / water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatica); much used as a vegetable ត្រកួន trɑkuən
bingo ឡូតូ lootoo
bird hunter សាកុណិក saakoʔnək
bird's nest, roost, perch; place where one is content; refuge; residence, home ទ្រនំ trɔnum
bird-lime, kind of sticky resin used to catch small birds សំអិត sɑmʔət
birds of prey, rapacious birds អជ្ឈុប្បាតបក្សី ʔacchuppaataʔbaksəj
bird sat haə
bird វិហង្គសត្វ viʔhɑŋkeaʔsat
birth, beginning, source, origin; profit; utility; success. កំណើត kɑmnaət
birth, origin កំណកំណើត kɑmnɑɑ - kɑmnaət
bisected straight line អឌ្ឍោជុតា ʔatthoucuʔtaa
bisector សមឌ្ឍមុម saʔmattheaʔmum
bite (dog) kat
bite (snake) cək
biting; bite mark ចំណឹក cɑmnək
bitter gourd រនោង rənòːŋ
bitter melon (Momordica Charantia). ម្រះ mreah
bitter taste, tartness; bitter stuff ចំណត់ cɑmnɑt
(bitter) cold raṅā rəŋìːə
bitter, listless ល្វីង lvìːŋ
bitterness; repulsion, aversion, disgust; anger; grief; anxiety បដិឃៈ paʔdeʔkheaʔ
bitter lwiiŋ
bitter ចត់ cɔt
black-collared starling, Gracupeia nigricollis គ្រលីង-, គ្រលេង-[គ្រលូង]?? krəlìːŋ-, krəlèːŋ-[krəlòːŋ]
black kmaw
black ខ្មៅ khmau
bladder; kidney ទាច tiec
blade cɑɑp
blame, criticism; mockery, insult (by mocking); scorn, cynical or obscene words ដំណៀល dɑmniel
blaming; censure, rebuke; insult ជំនេរ cumnei
(blank) check, money order មូលប្បទានប័ត្រ muulappaʔtieneaʔbat
blanket, quilt ភួយ phuəj
blanket phuəj
blanket ភួយ phuːəj
blepharitis (kind of eye disease) អៀ ʔie
blind anger. មោហោទោសោ mouhao - tousao
blind man អន្ឋោ ʔɑnthou
blind kwaʔ
blink prɨc
blistered ṭor dao
block, beam, log; lump, mass ដុល dol
blockade, blockage, barricade បារ៉ាស់ paarah
blocked (road) ទាល់ tɔ̀əl
blocking, obstructing, impeding ចំណាល់ cɑmnal
blood bank លោហិតាគារ louheʔtaakie
blood. ឈាម chiem
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **Aṅguttaranikāya \(the fourth of the five sections of the Suttanta Pitaka\)** | អង្គុត្តរនិកាយ | ʔɑŋkuttaʔreaʔniʔkaaj **Aṭānā \(name of the protective prayers used in the annual royal ceremony called ពិធីបញ្ជាន់ត្រស្តិ់ contraction of អាដានាដិយៈ \)** | អាដានា | ʔaadaanaa **B\-40 \(= RPG \- 2, antitank grenade launcher\)** | បេសែសិប | bee sae səp **babbling sounds made by a baby** | យ៉េៈយ៉ុ | jeʔjoʔ **baby** | ង៉ែត | ŋaet **baccalaureate degree** | បក្កវិញ្ញាប័ត្រ | pakkaʔviɲɲiebat **back \(again\)** | viñ | vèɲ **back \(person\)** | | knɑɑŋ **back part, hind part, stern** | កន្សៃ | kɑnsaj **back, dorsal ridge; back side, reverse side; front \(of an envelope\); surface** | ខ្នង | knɑɑŋ **back\-rest; support, back \(of a chair, sofa, etc\.\); leaning, propping; reliance, dependence** | បង្អែក | bɑŋʔaek **back** | បិដ្ឋិ | bettheʔ **back** | ប្រឹសា័ង្គ | prəhsthaaŋ **back** | ប្រឹស័ | prəh, prəhs\- **bad action, sin; hostility, enmity; hatred, ill\-will; grudge; vindictiveness, spite; punishment; retribution; suffering** | ពៀរ | pie **bad luck, lack of success** | ចំណែង | cɑmnaeŋ **bad luck, misfortune, danger\.** | ចង្រៃ | cɑŋraj **bad smell, stench; ferment\(ation\)** | កំហុល | kɑmhol **bad, evil, cruel** | កាច | kaːc **bad** | | ʔaakraʔ **baffled** | ប្រទាល់ | prətɔ̀əl **bag, bundle, carried slung from shoulder** | សម្ពាយ | sɔmpìːəy **bag, pouch, small sack, shoulder bag, purse; vesicle** | ថង់ | thɑŋ **bag, pouch, wallet, sack; \(swim\) bladder; scrotum** | ប្លោក | plaok **bag** | ថង់ | **bait, decoy, lure \(esp\. for catching fish\)** | នុយ | nuj **balance \(of an account\); clearance sale items, remnants** | សមតុល្យ | saʔmaʔtol **balance, scale, platform scale** | ជញ្ជីង | cʊəɲciiŋ **ball\-point pen, Bic pen** | ប៊ិច | bic **ballast** | និច្ចាល | nɨccaal **bamboo or rattan ring / hoop / splint used to strengthen or support something\.** | ច្បោស | cbaoh **\(bamboo\) shoots** | ទំពាំង | tùmpɛ̀əŋ **bamboo\-twill floor of cart** | phiər | phniə **bamboo** | | rɨhsəj **bamboo** | ឫស្សី | rəsɤj **ban, prohibition; dissuasion; intervention, interruption** | គំហាត់ | kumhoat **banana \(cl\.\)** | | plae **banana \(Musa sp\.\)** | ចេក | ceek, ceec **banana** | | ceik **banana** | កន្ទន់បាក់ក | kantʊən bak kɑɑ **bang bang\.** | ផូងៗ | phooŋ \- phooŋ **Bangkok** | បាងកក | baaŋ kɑɑk **bank, embankment \(esp\. around houses to keep out water\); terrace, veranda** | ខឿន | khɨən **bank, shore, beach; slope** | ច្រាំង | craŋ **banked / covered fire; bonfire, camp fire; mound of earth or leaves put over a fire to create clouds of smoke and drive insects away** | ភ្នក់ | pnʊək **banner, flag** | ទង់ | tʊəŋ **banquet, party\.** | អាំងអួង | ʔaŋ \- ʔuəŋ **bar the way** | ទល់ | tùp tùəl **bar, bolt, catch, latch** | រនុក | rənùk **barb \(of certain fish\)** | ធ្មុង | tmuŋ **\(bare\) bones** | ឆ្អែង | \[chʔɤŋ\] chʔaeŋ **barge with a cabin at the stern** | ថ្វែ | tvae **bark \(n\.\)** | | sɑmbɑɑʔ **bark \(v\.\)** | | pruh **barren soil, infertile land; fallow land\.** | ដឺ | dəɨ **barrier of branches used to keep fish from swimming into certain areas and to funnel them into a selected spot where they may be caught** | ធ្នស់ | tnʊəh **barrier, obstacle, stalemate, stoppage, block** | ទំនាល់ | tumnoal **barrier, obstacle; fence, hedge; partition, screen; backing, support; shelter; protective device \(e\.g\. a shield\), cover** | របាំង | rɔbaŋ **base \(of a tree\), stump; cause, reason, basis; floating tree trunk; crocodile** | គល់ | kʊəl **bashfully and awkwardly, hesitantly and timidly, shyly; modestly** | ណិមណុម | nəm \- nom **basket \(back\)** | | ciəl prɔnɔɔ **basket \(general\)** | | kaɲcəə **basket \(round\)** | | lʔəj **basket \(round\)** | | taw **basket \(square\)** | | kaɲchei **basket \(wide, flat\)** | | kaɲcraeŋ **basket for crockery, fish, etc\.** | រាវ | rìːəv **bat \(large\)** | | crɨŋ **bat \(small\)** | | prɑciəw **bat \(the mammal\) \(when a person is compared to a bat it suggests that that person is wishy\-washy or double\-crossing both sides\)** | ប្រចៀវ | prɑciev **bat, club** | គ្រទា | krɔtie **bathe** | | ŋuut **bathing water** | នហានោទក | neaʔhaanouteaʔkaʔ **battery** | សមាច័យករ | saʔmaacajjeaʔkɑɑ **baulk, flat sheet of wood forming part of structure of house** | | bɔŋkɔŋ **bay \(the space in a building between two rows of columns\), compartment, section, partitioned\-off section of a room; apartment, row house\.** | ល្វែង | lvɛɛŋ **bay, gulf, seaport** | បាង | baːŋ **bay, gulf** | បាង | baaŋ **Bayon \(name of a monument at Angkor Thom\)** | បាយ័ន | baajoan **bead** | អង្កាំ | ʔɑŋkam **beak, bill** | ចំពុះ | cɑmpuh **beaker** | ពែង | pɛ̀ːŋ **beak** | | cùmpùh **beak** | cambuḥ | cɔmpùh **beam / head of a roof** | ប្រមេ | prɑmee **\(beam of\) light** | អង្សុ | ʔɑŋsoʔ **beam with a counterweight to give stability to a boat, outrigger** | ខ្ជាង | kcieŋ **beam, cross\-beam; fret; rib \(of a boat, cart etc\.\); section, row, column, part; alignment\.** | ខ្ទង់ | ktʊəŋ **beam, prop, scaffolding, pole** | បង្គង | bɔŋkɔ̀ːŋ **bean** | | sɑndaek **beard** | | puk cɑŋkaə **bear** | | klaa kmum **bear** | ghmuṁ | \[khlaː\] khmùm **beating about the head, striking on the head** | សិរោឃាត | seeraokhiet **beating, striking; laundering, washing clothes** | គំនក់ | kumnʊək **beating, striking** | គំនប់ | kumnup **beautiful / handsome figure\.** | សុរូប | soʔruup **beautiful woman** | សោភិនី | saophiʔnii **beauty, charm, grace; gait** | លីឡ្នា | liilhaa **beauty, charm, nice personality, good manners; virtue, goodness, decency; adornment** | លំអ | lumʔɑɑ **beauty, charm** | សិរិ | seʔrəj **because, because of, since, although** | ដ្បិត | dbət **because, since**
blood chiəm
blood ឈាម chìːəm
blow (e.g. with a fist, stick, etc.) កំហោក kɑmhaok
blowgun, peashooter; air gun; sprayer; hand water-pump កាំភ្លោះ kamplʊəh
blow plom
blue lotus លំចង់ lùmcɔŋ
blue-grey paint or dye; kind of plant used in dyeing ធ្លះ tleah
blunt រឹល rɯ̀l
blunt ហិល hɤl
board, plank; floor(ing) ក្តារ kdaa
boar cruuk prɨj
boasting, bragging; pride, braggadocio, bluster អំនួត ʔɑmnuət
boat (esp. boats without motors), sampan, canoe ទូក tuuk
boat tuuk
boat ទូក tùːk
bobbin, spool ត្រសាល់ trɑsal
bodily hair, fur សរីរាការ saʔrəjraakaa
body (human or animal); individual, self សរិល saʔrəl, saʔrel
body hair (esp. pubic and under-arm hair) (cf. សក់​ `head hair' and រោម​ `hair of the arms, legs, chest, and nose') មមីស mɔmiih
body, chassis; matter, substance; base, foundation; character / part (in a play); actor, performer តួ tuə
body, soul, heart; (one)self ខ្លួន kluən
body កាយា kaajaa
boil, abscess កណ្ដុំ kɑndom
boil, furuncle; pimple; abscess បូស booh
boiling or bubbling sound គ្រុកៗ kruk - kruk
(boiling or flowing) slowly, unhurriedly; (working) lazily រ៉ែងៗ raeŋ - raeŋ
boiling time, boiling point; time it takes for water to begin to boil អំពុះ ʔɑmpuh
boiling-point រំពុះ rùmpùh
boil puh
boldly, loudly (of speaking) ចច្រែត cɑcraet
boldly; loudly, shrilly, in a shrieking manner (esp. of angry women shouting) ខ្ញែតៗ kɲaet - kɲaet
bolt (of a door); stopper, plug; diaphragm, membrane (anything that is used to plug, stop or close); valve; blockage សន្ទះ sɑnteah
bolt, (cross)bar (for locking), lock ចន្ទាស់ cɑntoah
bond, knot, tie; ligature; strap; (literary) composition ចំណង cɑmnɑɑŋ
bone; skeleton; framework ឆ្អឹង cʔəŋ
bone cʔəŋ
bone ឆ្អឹង chʔɤŋ
Boraginaceae សោណ្ឌកូល saondeaʔkool
border / edge (of a forest) សំយាយ sɑmjaaj
border, edge; edging, binding ឆ្នំ cnɑm
Borneo. ប័រណេអូ bəəneeʔoo
born kaət
Borobodur (ancient city in Indonesia) បូរូបូឌួ booroobooduə
borrow (+return) kcəj
boss, owner, master. ម្ចាស់ mcah
(both) eyes នេត្រា neitraa
bottle caps used as chips or markers in a Cambodian children's game គលាំងបៀង kɔleaŋ bieŋ
bottle, jar, pitcher, flask ដប dɑɑp
bottle dɑɑp
bottom land, soil on the bottom of a body of water ផ្ទា ptie
bottom; foundation, base, bottom part (of body of water, pan, etc.), bottomland, basin បាត baat
bouncer (e.g. in a bar), guard ប៉ាវបារ paav baa
bouncing along without stopping អង្កឹក ʔɑŋkək
bound, leap, jump លង្ឃនៈ leaŋkheaʔneaʔ
bound, leap sɔmtùh, sɔntùh
boundary marker; sign, marker ចារិក caarək
boundary stake / marker កិល kəl
boundary, line ខ្នៅ knav
bovines គោណសត្វ kounaʔsat
bow (esp. the bow used by a reigning king); eyebrow កៅទណ្ឌ kavtoan
bow (n.) tnuu
bow (the weapon); the month of December (the more common var. is ធ្នូ ) ធនុ theaʔnuʔ
bow for beating cotton ផ្នោះ phnɔh
bowl (drinking) ptəl
bowl (other) trɑlaok
box (large) həp
box (small) prəʔɑp
box in which betel is kept ; sack or bag for betel or areca លួម luəm
boxing, fighting with the fists ដំណាល់ dɑmnal
boycotting, proscription ពហិការ peaʔheʔkaa
bracelet (of gold or silver) ណែវ naev
bracelet, anklet, circle, ring; to make a circle កង kɔːŋ
braces ( ). រ៉ាត់ rat
bragging, self-glorification អត្តុក្កង្សនកថា ʔattokkaŋsaʔnaʔkaʔthaa
Brahman (`one who says Bho;' Tandart explains that Buddhists used this for Brahmans as a reproach or rebuke because the Brahmans often used the familiar term bho to address the Buddha. The use of bho by the Brahmans implied equality with or superiority to the Buddha.) ភោរវាទី phouvietii
Brahma ព្រហ្ម័ន preaʔman
braid, braiding, plait, plaiting, garland; specif. skein of yarn containing 80 strands. កំរង kɑmrɑɑŋ
brain; bone-marrow ខួរ khuə
branch, bough មែក mɛɛk
branching / fork (of a tree), crotch ប្រគាប prɑkiep
branch mɛɛk
Brazil ប្រេស៊ីល preesiil
break (intr. stick) baʔ
break (intr. string) dəc
break (intr.) baek
break (tr. stick) kac
break (tr.) bɑmbaek
break period, vacation, rest, leisure, free time. រហែ rɔhae
break, gap, separation; tearing; end (of a period of time), conclusion ដំណាច់ dɑmnac
break, to break dac
breakfast បាតរាស paataʔraah
breaking of voice, mew; hoarse គ្រាវ krìːəv
breaking-in (of an engine) សម្និទ្ឋ sɑmnɨt
breast collar; rope encircling the breast of an elephant and attached to either side of the palanquin ឆ្នាក់ cnak
breast(s), udder ដោះ dɑh
breast, chest (of a quadruped) ឆ្ងក cŋɑɑk
breast dɑh
breast ដោះ dɔh
breast សុដន់ soʔdɑn
breath; breathing, respiration ដង្ហើម dɑŋhaəm
breathe daaʔ dɑŋhaəm
(breathing) in a gasping manner; opening and closing slightly (as a door blown by the wind) ម្ហើបៗ mhaəp - mhaəp
breath ដង្ហើម dɔŋhaəm
breeze, wind វាតា vietaa
bribe, graft, corruption សំណូក sɑmnook
brick ឥដ្ឋ ʔɤt
bride price (symbolic price paid during the wedding ceremony by the groom's parents to the bride's parents); gifts from a man to his fiance ខាន់ស្លា khan slaa
bridge, causeway ស្ពាន spìːən
bridge; gangplank. ស្ពាន spien
bridge spiən
bright (light) plɨɨ
bright, twinkling ផ្លេក phleːk
bright…. ចញ្ចែង cɔɲcaeŋ
bristle (e.g. of a hog); coarse hairs on the back of an animal; eyelashes (the stiff ones that cause itchy eyes); kind of brush made of hog bristles used to comb cotton threads ប្រែង praeŋ
brittle kind of rattan រពាក់ rəpɛ̀ək
broadcast (gravel) saap
broadcast (seed) pruəh
brocade, kind of bright-colored imported fabric with a flowery design សង្កិម sɑŋkəm
broken / collapsed section of a river bank or mountainside, landslide, cave in; cascade; waterfall ល្បាក់ lbak
broken object; breakage, breaking; spot where a break has occurred, break, crack បំណាក់ bɑmnak
broken pieces or sections (of long thin objects such as sticks, branches, or string) កំណាច់ kɑmnac
broken បែក baek
brood / litter / flock (esp. all the offspring of a single female animal), band. គ្រក krɔɔk
broom, whiskbroom អំបោស ʔɑmbaoh
broom ʔɑmbaoh
brother-in-law (older) bɑɑŋ tlaj
brother-in-law (younger) pʔoun tlaj
Brunei ប្រ៊ូនីយ៍ bruunii
Brussels (Belgium) ប្រ៊ុចសែល brucsael
bubbling or gurgling sound of boiling water គគ្រាក់ kɔkreak
bubbling or gurgling sound គ្រក់ៗ krʊək - krʊək
bud, (to be) in bud krabuṁ krəpùm
bud, shoot, sprout (may occur as the second member in a compound word in which case the initial អ is lost; e.g. វេឡុរង្កូរ `bamboo shoot') អង្កូរ ʔɑŋkoo
bud. នោប noup
bud; bunch of flowers (which have not yet opened, esp. of the sugar-palm or banana). ទម tɔɔm
Buddhist ecclesiastical district corresponding to a province; diocese គណ kʊən
Buddhist ecclesiastical district corresponding to a ស្រុក់ title of the Buddhist monk in charge of such a district អនុគណ ʔaʔnuʔkʊən, ʔaʔnuʔkeaʔnaʔ
Buddhist monk's skirt-like lower garment (one of the three items of clothing worn by a Buddhist monk, see also ចីពរ and សង្ឃាដី ) ស្បង់ sbɑŋ
Buddhist. ពុទ្ឋិក putthɨk, putthiʔkaʔ
buffalo ; Dūbhī (name of a magically created buffalo in the Ramayana) ទូភី tuuphii
buffalo krɑbəj
buffalo ក្របី krəbɤj
bugle, trumpet ត្រែ trae
building in the royal palace complex which contains the royal living quarters ខេមរិន្ទ្រ khaemaʔrɨn
building manager / superintendent, concierge គេហាភិបាល keihaaphiʔbaal
building, construction; structure, building; installation, fitting out សំណង់ sɑmnɑŋ
bull; Taurus, the sign / constellation of the bull (in the zodiac); 2nd month in the Khmer solar calendar (corresponds to May) ព្រឹសភៈ prɨhsaʔpheaʔ
bump, protuberance កន្តុប kɑntop
bunch, bundle (of sugarcane, firewood), sheaf (of corn) eg. ឧសមួយបាច់ one bundle of firewood បាច់ bac
bunch, crowd កញ្ចោម kɑɲcaom
bunch ចង្កោម cɔŋkaom
bundle of pieces of sugar palm leaves tied at the ends. (These bundles are carried by the child in the កាត់​សក់​ ceremony) ퟁ���បងពេជ្រ dɑmbɑɑŋ pɨc
bunker បុងគ័រ boŋkoa
buoy; life preserver; inflatable water toy ពោង pouŋ
bureaucracy ការិយាធិបតេយ្យ kaareʔjaathiʔpaʔtaj
(bureaucratic) rank, military leader (rank formerly given to certain government officials; e.g. ស័ក្តិ ៩ ហ៊ូពាន់ commander of 9,000 soldiers; ស័ក្តិ ១០ ហ៊ូពាន់ commander of 10,000 soldiers) ហ៊ូពាន់ huu poan
bureaucrat ការិយលេខានុការ kaareʔjaʔleikhaanuʔkaa
(burial) mound, grave, tomb ផ្នូរ pnoo
Burmese (specifically Shan from Burma; esp. those who settled at Pailin where they mine gems) កុឡា koʔlaa
burnt, scorched ខ្លោច khlaoc
burn cheh
bursar's / treasurer's office អគារូបដ្ឋាន ʔaʔkieruupatthaan
bursar, treasurer (of a college); steward អគារូបដ្ឋាក ʔaʔkieruupatthaak
bury kɑp
business, job, occupation, profession អំរស់ ʔɑmrɑh
businessman, merchant, tradesman ឈ្មួញ cmuəɲ
bust (statue) ឧទ្ឋកាយ ʔuttheaʔkaaj
but, however ប៉ុន្តែ pontae
butterfly ប្ល៉ាក់ប្ល៉ាត plak - plaat
butterfly អំបៅ ʔɔmbau
buttocks, anus ក្ដិត kdɤt
buttocks; bottom (of anything); hips ត្រពោក trɑpouk
buttocks គគូទ kɔkuut
buttocks គូទ kuut
buttock tpòəl kuut
button leiw
buttress ទឡ្នាគម toallaʔhaakum
buy tɨɲ
by guess, by trial and error ព្រាវ priev
by leaps and bounds (as a deer fleeing through the woods) ភ្នែលៗ pnɛɛl - pnɛɛl
by touch, gropingly, blindly. ពពីមពពើម pɔpiim - pɔpəəm
by, by means of, through, with, along; in accordance (with), following (2) adverbial marker in a ... manner ដោយ daoj
cabbage spɨj
cacao កាកាវ kaa kaav
cackle (of a chicken) ខ្ញក kɲɑɑk
cactus; barbary fig ដំបងយក្ខ dɑmbɑɑŋ jeak
cadre, official (term used by the KR in place of the more conservative ក្របខ័ណ្ឌ ) កម្មាភិបាល kammaaphiʔbaal
cage, coop, pen, small enclosure; prison ទ្រុង truŋ
cage, pen ទ្រុង trùŋ
Calcutta កាល់គុត្តា kalkuttaa
calendar ប្រក្រតិទិន prɑkrɑdəjtɨn, prɑkkrɑteʔtɨn
calf (of leg), forearm ភ្លត់ plʊət
calf (of the leg) ផ្លួត pluət
call haw
calmly and motionlessly; without agitation and without motion ទ្រមឹង trɔmɨŋ
Calotes bɔŋkùːəy
Calotes បង្កួយ bɔŋkuːəy
Calotes បង្កួយ bɔŋkùːy
cambium ឯធា ʔaethie
Cambodian food made of fried fish with coconut milk, lemon grass, red pepper, and garlic ឈូឈី chuu chii
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **blood** | | chiəm **blood** | ឈាម | chìːəm **blow \(e\.g\. with a fist, stick, etc\.\)** | កំហោក | kɑmhaok **blowgun, peashooter; air gun; sprayer; hand water\-pump** | កាំភ្លោះ | kamplʊəh **blow** | | plom **blue lotus** | លំចង់ | lùmcɔŋ **blue\-grey paint or dye; kind of plant used in dyeing** | ធ្លះ | tleah **blunt** | រឹល | rɯ̀l **blunt** | ហិល | hɤl **board, plank; floor\(ing\)** | ក្តារ | kdaa **boar** | | cruuk prɨj **boasting, bragging; pride, braggadocio, bluster** | អំនួត | ʔɑmnuət **boat \(esp\. boats without motors\), sampan, canoe** | ទូក | tuuk **boat** | | tuuk **boat** | ទូក | tùːk **bobbin, spool** | ត្រសាល់ | trɑsal **bodily hair, fur** | សរីរាការ | saʔrəjraakaa **body \(human or animal\); individual, self** | សរិល | saʔrəl, saʔrel **body hair \(esp\. pubic and under\-arm hair\) \(cf\. សក់​ \`head hair' and រោម​ `hair of the arms, legs, chest, and nose'\)** | មមីស | mɔmiih **body, chassis; matter, substance; base, foundation; character / part \(in a play\); actor, performer** | តួ | tuə **body, soul, heart; \(one\)self** | ខ្លួន | kluən **body** | កាយា | kaajaa **boil, abscess** | កណ្ដុំ | kɑndom **boil, furuncle; pimple; abscess** | បូស | booh **boiling or bubbling sound** | គ្រុកៗ | kruk \- kruk **\(boiling or flowing\) slowly, unhurriedly; \(working\) lazily** | រ៉ែងៗ | raeŋ \- raeŋ **boiling time, boiling point; time it takes for water to begin to boil** | អំពុះ | ʔɑmpuh **boiling\-point** | រំពុះ | rùmpùh **boil** | | puh **boldly, loudly \(of speaking\)** | ចច្រែត | cɑcraet **boldly; loudly, shrilly, in a shrieking manner \(esp\. of angry women shouting\)** | ខ្ញែតៗ | kɲaet \- kɲaet **bolt \(of a door\); stopper, plug; diaphragm, membrane \(anything that is used to plug, stop or close\); valve; blockage** | សន្ទះ | sɑnteah **bolt, \(cross\)bar \(for locking\), lock** | ចន្ទាស់ | cɑntoah **bond, knot, tie; ligature; strap; \(literary\) composition** | ចំណង | cɑmnɑɑŋ **bone; skeleton; framework** | ឆ្អឹង | cʔəŋ **bone** | | cʔəŋ **bone** | ឆ្អឹង | chʔɤŋ **Boraginaceae** | សោណ្ឌកូល | saondeaʔkool **border / edge \(of a forest\)** | សំយាយ | sɑmjaaj **border, edge; edging, binding** | ឆ្នំ | cnɑm **Borneo\.** | ប័រណេអូ | bəəneeʔoo **born** | | kaət **Borobodur \(ancient city in Indonesia\)** | បូរូបូឌួ | booroobooduə **borrow \(\+return\)** | | kcəj **boss, owner, master\.** | ម្ចាស់ | mcah **\(both\) eyes** | នេត្រា | neitraa **bottle caps used as chips or markers in a Cambodian children's game** | គលាំងបៀង | kɔleaŋ bieŋ **bottle, jar, pitcher, flask** | ដប | dɑɑp **bottle** | | dɑɑp **bottom land, soil on the bottom of a body of water** | ផ្ទា | ptie **bottom; foundation, base, bottom part \(of body of water, pan, etc\.\), bottomland, basin** | បាត | baat **bouncer \(e\.g\. in a bar\), guard** | ប៉ាវបារ | paav baa **bouncing along without stopping** | អង្កឹក | ʔɑŋkək **bound, leap, jump** | លង្ឃនៈ | leaŋkheaʔneaʔ **bound, leap** | | sɔmtùh, sɔntùh **boundary marker; sign, marker** | ចារិក | caarək **boundary stake / marker** | កិល | kəl **boundary, line** | ខ្នៅ | knav **bovines** | គោណសត្វ | kounaʔsat **bow \(esp\. the bow used by a reigning king\); eyebrow** | កៅទណ្ឌ | kavtoan **bow \(n\.\)** | | tnuu **bow \(the weapon\); the month of December \(the more common var\. is ធ្នូ \)** | ធនុ | theaʔnuʔ **bow for beating cotton** | ផ្នោះ | phnɔh **bowl \(drinking\)** | | ptəl **bowl \(other\)** | | trɑlaok **box \(large\)** | | həp **box \(small\)** | | prəʔɑp **box in which betel is kept ; sack or bag for betel or areca** | លួម | luəm **boxing, fighting with the fists** | ដំណាល់ | dɑmnal **boycotting, proscription** | ពហិការ | peaʔheʔkaa **bracelet \(of gold or silver\)** | ណែវ | naev **bracelet, anklet, circle, ring; to make a circle** | កង | kɔːŋ **braces \( \)\.** | រ៉ាត់ | rat **bragging, self\-glorification** | អត្តុក្កង្សនកថា | ʔattokkaŋsaʔnaʔkaʔthaa **Brahman \(\`one who says Bho;' Tandart explains that Buddhists used this for Brahmans as a reproach or rebuke because the Brahmans often used the familiar term bho to address the Buddha\. The use of bho by the Brahmans implied equality with or superiority to the Buddha\.\)** | ភោរវាទី | phouvietii **Brahma** | ព្រហ្ម័ន | preaʔman **braid, braiding, plait, plaiting, garland; specif\. skein of yarn containing 80 strands\.** | កំរង | kɑmrɑɑŋ **brain; bone\-marrow** | ខួរ | khuə **branch, bough** | មែក | mɛɛk **branching / fork \(of a tree\), crotch** | ប្រគាប | prɑkiep **branch** | | mɛɛk **Brazil** | ប្រេស៊ីល | preesiil **break \(intr\. stick\)** | | baʔ **break \(intr\. string\)** | | dəc **break \(intr\.\)** | | baek **break \(tr\. stick\)** | | kac **break \(tr\.\)** | | bɑmbaek **break period, vacation, rest, leisure, free time\.** | រហែ | rɔhae **break, gap, separation; tearing; end \(of a period of time\), conclusion** | ដំណាច់ | dɑmnac **break, to break** | | dac **breakfast** | បាតរាស | paataʔraah **breaking of voice, mew; hoarse** | គ្រាវ | krìːəv **breaking\-in \(of an engine\)** | សម្និទ្ឋ | sɑmnɨt **breast collar; rope encircling the breast of an elephant and attached to either side of the palanquin** | ឆ្នាក់ | cnak **breast\(s\), udder** | ដោះ | dɑh **breast, chest \(of a quadruped\)** | ឆ្ងក | cŋɑɑk **breast** | | dɑh **breast** | ដោះ | dɔh **breast** | សុដន់ | soʔdɑn **breath; breathing, respiration** | ដង្ហើម | dɑŋhaəm **breathe** | | daaʔ dɑŋhaəm **\(breathing\) in a gasping manner; opening and closing slightly \(as a door blown by the wind\)** | ម្ហើបៗ | mhaəp \- mhaəp **breath**
Cambodian musical performance with dialogue and singing accompanied by drums of various sizes; also the kind of large round drum associated with these performances យីកេ jii kee
Cambodian stringed fiddle or bowed lute ទ្រ trɔɔ
Cambodian three-stringed zither in the shape of a crocodile តាខេ taa khee
Cambodia កម្ពុជា kampuʔcie
camel ឩដ្ឋ ʔoot
camp; tent, temporary shelter, lean-to ជំរំ cumrum
camping ខន្ឋវារកិច្ច khanviereaʔkəc
Canada កាណាដា kaanaadaa
canal, creek, stream, small river, tidal river (common element in Cambodian place names) ព្រែក prɛɛk
cancer, ulcer, scrofula mreñ mrèɲ
cancer កង់ស៊ែរ kɑŋ sɛɛ
candle tiən
cane, walking stick; long wooden pole យដិ័ joattheʔ
cangue (heavy wooden board worn around the neck as punishment) ឃ្នាង knieŋ
Canton (Guangzhou) កន្តាំង kɑntaŋ
Canton, Guangzhou (China) កង់តុង kɑŋ toŋ
capacity, contents, load, cargo, volume ចំណុះ cɑmnoh
capillary action កេសភាព keesaʔphiep
capillary កេសនា keesaʔnaa
capital city; town, city; district ធានី thienii
capital investment; unused funds មូលនិធិ muuleaʔniʔthiʔ
(capital) city ភារា phierie
capitalist មូលធនិក muuleaʔtheaʔnɨk
(capitation) tax on foreigners ដំរៀត dɑmriet
caprice, whim, quirk, fancy កបិចិត្ត kaʔpeʔcət
captain (of a ship); ship-owner នាវិកាធិបតី nieviʔkaathɨppaʔdəj
capture, seizure; grip, hold; prisoner, hostage ចំណាប់ cɑmnap
capture, trapping ទំនាក់ tumneak
carambola (Averrhoa Carambola, kind of tree with edible sour fruit) ស្ពឺ spɨɨ
carat (unit for measuring gems; = 205 milligrams) ការាត់ kaarat
carefully / diligently and quickly or timely រវៀសរវាំង rɔvieh - rɔveaŋ
carefully, attentively, conscientiously, scrupulously, in a concentrated manner; raptly ស្បេត sbeet
carefully, stealthily, furtively; in a tottering / unsteady manner (as a person who has been ill when just beginning to walk again) ទទីមទទើម tɔtiim - tɔtəəm
carelessly (of writing or work) ខ្វៀកៗ kviek - kviek
carelessly, unthinkingly (in speaking) ពព្រត pɔprɔɔt
carelessness, indifference អយោនិសោមនសិការ ʔaʔjouniʔsaomeaʔneaʔseʔkaa
carelessness, negligence, indolence, inattention. ប្រមាទ prɑmaat
cargo, load; burden; responsibility, duty; function; sponsorship បន្ទុក bɑntuk
carnivorous រំពា rùmpìːə
carpenter's try square កែង kaeŋ
carrier, courier ហារិន haarɨn
carrion; rot; putrefaction. គំរង់ kumrʊəŋ
carry (on back) lii
carry (on shoulder pole) rɛɛk
carry (transport) dək
(carrying something on one's head) back and forth in a trotting manner អង្កើក ʔɑŋkaək
cart, chariot, vehicle; wagon [plate 3] រទេះ rɔteh
cartographer ឃ្នូរផែនទី knuu phaen tii
carton (esp. of cigarettes) សុង soŋ
cart rɔteh
cart radeḥ rətèh
carving, sculpture, frieze ចំឡាក់ cɑmlak
Caryota mitis ទន្សែ tùənsae
Caryota urens ទន្សែ tùənsae
Caryota urens អន្សែ ʔɔnsae
casein ខីរជាតិ khəjreaʔciet
cask តោង?? taoŋ
cassette កាសិត kaasət
caste, class កុលវគ្គ koʔlaʔveak
casting (of metals) សំណិត sɑmnət
casual advice សិថិលានុសាសន៍ seʔtheʔlienuʔsaah
cat (when someone is compared to a cat it means that he / she is considered to be a hypocrite) ឆ្មា cmaa
catalysis កាតាលីកម្ម kaataaliikam
catalyst, catalyzer កាតាលីករ kaataaliikɑɑ
catalyst កតលិករ kaʔtaʔliʔkɑɑ
catastrophe, disaster, terrifying distress ភយូបទ្រព pheaʔjuupaʔtrup
catch cap
category, kind, type; group(ing); division; chapter, section, part ចំពូក cɑmpuuk
cathode (see also ឧទ្វារ 'anode') និទ្វារ nittvie
cat cmaa
cat mɛɛw
cat chmā chmaː
causalism សហេតុនិយម saʔhaetoʔniʔjum
causality, cause and effect សហេតុធម៌ saʔheetoʔthoa
cavalry, mounted warriors ហយានីក haʔjienɨk
cavalryman; cavalry detachment អស្សានិក ʔahsaanɨk
cavalry អស្វានិក ʔahsvaanɨk
cave, grotto; natural well or crater in a mountain (often used as a storage place for rain water) រអាង rɔʔaaŋ
ceaselessly, without stopping, tirelessly អន្ត្រាក់ ʔɑntrak
celestial dancers (usually regarded as the lowest class of devas), gandharva (a class of Indian demigods) គន្ឋព្វ kʊənthup, kʊənthoap
cell (of an organism, jail or beehive) កោសិកា kaoseʔkaa
census, population សមណោគ្រួ saʔmaʔnaokruə
center of a city / palace ក្លាងមឿង klaaŋ mɨəŋ
centipede (Scolopendre morsitans) ក្អែប kʔaep
centipede ក្អែប kʔaep
centipede ក្អែប kʔaep
ceremony to consecrate a Buddha image ពុទ្ឋាភិសេក putthiephiʔsaek
certificate of authorization, warrant អធិបត្រ ʔaʔthiʔbat
certificate, diploma, license; letter of reference ប្រកាសនីយបត្រ prɑkaasaʔniijeaʔbat
Cervidae សារង្គសត្វ saareaŋkeaʔsat
Cervus aristotelis រមាំង rəmɛ̀əŋ
Cervus aristotelis ល្មាំង lmɛ̀əŋ
Ch'ao Chou, Tae Chiu, Chiu Chou (name of a region in southern China and the dialect of Southern Min Chinese spoken there; many Tae Chiu speakers migrated to Southeast Asia where they settled in the major cities) តៀជីវ tie ciiv, taʔciiv
chaff, husks of paddy អង្កាម ʔɔŋkaːm
chain; fetters; tread, tractor / tank track ច្រវាក់ crɑvak
Cham (an Austronesian ethnic group which once dominated most of southern Vietnam) ចាម caam
chance, luck; fate, destiny; good fortune, blessing, success សំណាង sɑmnaaŋ
chance; reputation យីអ៊ុន jii ʔun
change, replacement, substitute; transfer, move; change (of clothes, linens), set (e.g. of linens); spare(part); shift (e.g. of workers) បន្លាស់ bɑnlah
channel, ditch, area between ditches canʼuər cɔŋʔuːə
channel, ditch ចង្អូរ cɔŋʔoː
charcoal kuuŋ
charcoal tjuuŋ
chariot ornamentation / decorations រថាលង្ការ reaʔthaaleaŋkaa
charioteers; unit of chariot troops consisting of 3 chariots with 4 soldiers riding in each រថានិក reaʔthaanɨk
charm, luck, happiness, blessing ស្វស្តិក svahsteʔkaʔ
charm ប្រមោហន prɑmaohan
chase deɲ
chasing, hunting; pursuit; raising the price; bidding (at an auction or for a contract) ដំណេញ dɑmnəɲ
chasm, deep pool, hollow ចំហុង cɑmhoŋ
cheap thaok
chebulic myrobalan, Terminalia chebula Retz. sram̱a srəmɔː
CHECK GLOSS តាំង-, ទាំង-[យូ] taŋ-, tɛ̀əŋ-[jùː]
cheek(s) ថ្ពាល់ tpoal
cheek tpoal
cheek ថ្ពាល់ thpɔ̀əl
Chenla (ancient Cambodian kingdom centered around southeastern Laos and north central Cambodia; originally a vassal state to the north of Funan, Chenla conquered Funan around A.D. 550 and lasted until about A.D. 802) ចេនឡា ceenlaa
chest (of the body) ទ្រូង truuŋ
chest, breast ឱរា ʔaoraa
chew tumpiə
Chey Chettha II (king of Cambodia, 1618-1624) ជ័យជេដ្ឋាទី២ cejceitthaa tii pii
chicken's ear តត tɑɑt
chicken mòən
chief of a Buddhist monastery, superior of a wat, abbot សង្គ្រាជ sɑŋkriec, saŋkriec
chief of a Buddhist temple អារាមាធិការ ʔaaraamaathiʔkaa
chief of the elephant keepers កុញ្ជរាធិបតី koɲcɔɔriethɨppaʔdəj
chief of the forestry service អដវិកាធិបតី ʔaʔdaʔviʔkaathɨppaʔdəj
chief royal advisor; prime minister អមាត្យាធិបតី ʔaʔmaatjaathɨppaʔdəj
chief, leader, most important person ខ្លោង klaoŋ
chieftain mèː kɔntrìːəɲ
child (of someone; cf. ក្មេង 'child' - in general); offspring, progeny. កូន koon
child (youth) koun kmeiŋ
child of one's sibling, nephew, niece; affectionate term of address for young people of one's children's generation ក្មួយ kmuəj
child's small mattress ម៉ក់ mɑk
child's spouse ប្រសា prəsaː
child, boy កុមារា koʔmaaraa
child, young person ; page, servant. ក្មេង kmeeŋ
children, sons and daughters បុត្តា pottaa
child កូន koːn
chimney of a kerosene lamp; light bulb អំផូង ʔɑmphooŋ
china, porcelain ពរ្សឺឡែន pɔɔksəɨlaen, poasəɨlaen
Chinese theater; Chinese dance ងីវ ŋiiv
Chinese turnip ឆៃថាវ chaj thaav
chin ចង្កា cɑŋkaa
chip, shaving, sliver; small remnant. រំកាច់ rumkac
chirping sound (such as made by a cricket); sound of a policeman's whistle ច្រេក creek
chisel out ckəh
chisel, cold chisel ពន្លាក pʊənliek
choice, selection, things that have been picked up or tidied up. ជំរើស cumrəəh
cholera អហិវាតរោគ ʔaʔheʔvietaʔrouk
cholera អាហិវាតរោគ ʔaaheʔvietaʔrouk
Chong (name of a Mon-Khmer ethnic group). ជង cɔɔŋ
choose crəəh
choose rəəs
chop (with ax) kap
chop (with knife) cəɲcram
chopsticks ចង្កឹះ cɑŋkəh
Chou Ta-Kuan (a 13th century Chinese traveller who wrote an account of his visit to Angkor) ចាវតាកួន caav taa kuən
Christ. គ្រិស្ត krɨh
chronological history (of a family) សាវតារ saaveaʔdaa
chrysalis (of the silkworm moth) ដក់ដឿ dɑk dɨə
CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) សេ. អ៊ី. អា. NOIPA
cicada (Cicada cantatrix) រៃ rej
cicada rɨj
cigarette (cl.) daəm
cigarette bərəj
cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum cambodianum) ទេព្វិរូ teipruu, teippiʔruu
circle, round / circular marking, round opening / frame; cycle, circuit; curve; edge, brim; interior side (of a round object or container) រង្វង់ rʊəŋvʊəŋ
circle វង់ vuəṅ
circular ក្រវង់ krəvɔŋ
circulation, traffic ចរាចរណ៍ cɑraacɑɑ
circumference; perimeter បរិមាត្រ paʔreʔmaat
circumference នេមិ neimiʔ
circumstance, point in time កាលៈទេសៈ kaalaʔteisaʔ
cistern, metal container ធុង thùŋ
citrus fruit, orange ក្រូច krooc
citrus krouc
citrus ក្រូច kroːc
(city) wall កំផែង kɔmphaeŋ
(city) wall កំពែង kɔmpɛ̀ːŋ
city, capital city (occurs in many place names such as អង្គរធំ, អង្គរវត្ត etc.); Angkor អង្គរ ʔɑŋkɔɔ
city, town ក្រុង kroŋ
civet (this term probably refers to various small civet-like mammals of the genera Prionodon, Viverricula, Viverra, Paradoxurus, Paguma, and Arctogalidia, most of which produce musk) សំពោច sɑmpouc
civil servant, official, functionary, employee, mandarin, dignitary នាម៉ឺន nieməɨn
clapping / slapping sound ម៉ាច់ mac
clarity, distinctness ទំហែង tumhɛɛŋ
clarity, limpidness, transparency. តំឡា tɑmlaa
clasp, buckle, fastener, clamp; peg / pin used to join two objects together, paper clip កន្លាស់ kɑnlah
classical language; inflected language (e.g. Sanskrit or Pali) តន្តិភាសា tɑnteʔphiesaa
classification; analysis វិភាគបទ viʔphiekeaʔbat
classification វគ្គីករណ៍ veakkiikɑɑ
clattering sound (such as that of a car driving over a very rough road) រឃុករឃាក់ rɔkhuk - rɔkheak
clattering sound made by something loose រឃិករឃុក rɔkhɨk - rɔkhuk
clause initial interrogative marker occurring in fairly formal speech; it indicates that the following clause is a question, and may sometimes be translated by expressions like `Tell me ...?' or, in subordinate clauses, if' orwhether' តើ taə
claws, tongs ដង្កៀប​ តង្កៀប dɔŋkiəp, tɔŋkiəp
clay pot, pitcher ក្អម kʔɑɑm
clean (adj.) sʔaat
clean and smooth, polished រលីង rəlìːŋ
clean shaven person; one who shaves people's heads; shaved head កំណោរ kɑmnao
clean, nice-looking, beautiful ស្អាត sʔaːt
clean, pure ជ្រះ crɛ̀əh
cleaning, scouring, wiping, polishing; spot which has been cleaned / scoured / wiped / polished / rubbed ដំណុស dɑmnoh
clear (air) srɑlah
clear (water) tlaa
clear, certain, sure, clearly… . ស្បាន់ sban
clear, evident, shinging cpās' cbah
clear, free from impediment ល្អះ lʔah
clear, free ស្រឡះ srəlah
clear, pure ថ្លា thlaː
cleared away cumreah
clearly, distinctly, conspicuously ស្ទេង steiŋ
clearly, distinctly ស្ទោង stouŋ
cleaver, chopping-knife [plate 8] ផាង phaaŋ
cleaver បុ័ងតោ paŋ tao
cleaver បុ័ងតោ paŋ tao
clergy; clergyman, monk, coreligionist សហធម្មិក saʔhaʔthoammɨk
clergyman សហធម្មចារី saʔhaʔthoammeaʔcaarəj
clerk, secretary, clerical assistant, scribe ស្មៀន smien
climbing bird(s) ឧល្លុម្ពបក្សី ʔullompeaʔbaksəj
climbing perch [ត្រី]​ ក្រាញ់ [trɤj] kraɲ
climb laəŋ
clitoris ឆ្តេញ cdəɲ
close (door) bat
close (together) biət
close (together) cɨt
close friend (between women); friend's wife (term used by a man) (see ក្លើ `friend between men') ម្រាក់ mreak
close together, in close ranks, in orderly rows ត្រៀប triep
closely following, right on someone's heels. ប្រជាន់ prɑcoan
closely woven lattice; specif. a woven basket for placing offerings to forest spirits ប្រដឹស prɑdəh
closing, sealing; patch, seal បំណិទ bɑmnət
cloth cover of casket tùː
cloth hanging on which is painted a picture of the Buddha បបត់ bɑbɑt
cloth, fabric, dry goods ក្រណាត់ krɑnat
clothes-line (esp. for monks) made of string or strips of rattan ស្តៀង sdieŋ
clothesline; tightrope, high wire; small bridge, footbridge, catwalk, plank / board (for crossing something); pole, bar ស្នួ snuə
clothing worn below the waist (e.g. skirt, pants), lower garment សំលៀក sɑmliek
(clothing) to trail ស្លុយ sloj
clothing khao ʔaaw
cloth krɑnət
cloud, sky, air នភី neaʔphii
cloudy, overcast [ទូ] ទឹម​​ [tùː] tɯ̀m
cloud pɔpɔɔk
cloud ពពក pɔpɔɔk
clove plant ក្រាំពូ kram puu
clove tree (Cinnamomun sp., Caryphyllus aromaticus or Eugenia caryophyllata; kind of tree the bark of which is used to prepare a tonic and in certain medicines) ក្លាំពូ klam puu
clown, comedian, pantomimist, fool, jester ត្លុក tlok
club (formerly the main offensive weapon of the Cambodian infantry), cudgel, staff, stick, bat ដំបង dɑmbɑɑŋ
club, stick, stake; blow / stroke (with a stick or club) ព្រនង់ prɔnʊəŋ
clump (of trees) គុម្ពោត kùmpòːt
clump of roots under water where fish or snakes may hide សើក saək
cluster / bunch (e.g. of flowers); colony (e.g. of bacteria) កញ្ចុំ kɑɲcom
cluster, bunch (esp. of fruit); sheaf / string (e.g. of fish) ចង្កោម cɑŋkaom
cluster, bunch, stem (of bananas) ស្ទង stɔɔŋ
cluster, bunch ដង្គួរ dɑŋkuə
co-chairman, joint chairman សហប្រធាន saʔhaʔprɑthien
coachman, driver; crew (of a vehicle) យានិក jienɨk
coalition, league សហពលកម្ម saʔhaʔpʊəlleaʔkam
coast, shore, beach; bank, edge (of a body of water). ឆ្នេរ cnee
coastwise trade, coasting តីរនាវាចរ təjraʔnieviecɑɑ
Cobra (attack helicopter) កូប្រា koopraa, koobraa
cocaine កូកាអ៊ីន kookaaʔiin
coccyx កញ្ចូញ kɑɲcooɲ
Cochin China, Southern part of Vietnam កូសាំងស៊ីន koosaŋ siin
cock (name of the 10th year of the 12-year cycle) រកា rɔkaa
cockroach; chestnut-color, light brown, maroon កន្លាត kɑnlaat
coconut-shell measure, weight of rice (600 grams) so measured នាល?? nìːəl
coconut douŋ
code of laws (esp. those governing royalty) អយ្យការ ʔajjeaʔkaa
coexistence សហជីវភាព saʔhaʔciiveaʔphiep
coexistence សហត្ថិភាព saʔhattheʔphiep
coexistence សហវិជ្ជមាន saʔhaʔvicceaʔmian
coffin, casket (usually in ក្តារមឈូស ) មឈូស mɔchuuh
coil (of rope); coiled rope រវេញ rɔvɨɲ
coil, ring, something coiled or spiraled ភ្នេន pnein
coil, sheaf, bunch, skein, hank ចង្វាយ cɑŋvaaj
cold to the touch ស្រេត?? sreːt
cold water សីតោទក səjtaotʊək, səjtaoteaʔreaʔ
cold trɑcĕaʔ
collaboration, coordination. សហការ saʔhaʔkaa
collar / tag (for animals) ប្រឡៅ prɑlav
collard greens (Brassica juncea) ខាត់ណា khat naa
collateral តំណាំង tɑmnaŋ, dɑmnaŋ
colleague; comrade សហភាតរ៍ saʔhaʔphiet
collect together gaṁ kùm
collect together phgaṁ phkùm
collection of offerings presented to the monks during the បុណ្យពិសាខបូជា (the offerings consist of bathing garments and various other items such as dishes and money) សារផាត់ saaraʔphat
collection, gathering; specif. collection of religious writings គន្ថៈ koanthaʔ
collective work, collaboration; community, commonality សហកម្ម saʔhaʔkam
collectivization សមូហភាវកម្ម saʔmuuhaʔphievaʔkam
collectivization សមូហភាវូបនីយកម្ម saʔmuuhaʔphie-vuupaʔniijeaʔkam
colloquial form of អី or អ្វី q.v. ស្អី sʔəj
colloquial pronunciation of កន្ទ្រោក q.v. កន្ទ្រោប kɑntroup
colloquial pronunciation of ស្រៈអស្រៈអា the first two vowels in the Cambodian alphabet ស្អស្អា sʔɑɑ sʔaa
colonization ឧបនិវេសនកម្ម ʔuʔpaʔniʔveihsaʔnaʔkam
colonizing; colonizer ឧបនិវេសក៍ ʔuʔpaʔniʔveih
colony; camp ឧបនិវេសន៍ ʔuʔpaʔniʔveih
column, line, row; furrow; formation, rank; family line, lineage. ជួរ cuə
column, pillar, post, pile, shaft សសរ sɑsɑɑ, təsɑɑ
combustion, burning ចំហេះ cɑmheh
comedy ហសនាការ haʔsaʔnaakaa
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **Cambodian musical performance with dialogue and singing accompanied by drums of various sizes; also the kind of large round drum associated with these performances** | យីកេ | jii kee **Cambodian stringed fiddle or bowed lute** | ទ្រ | trɔɔ **Cambodian three\-stringed zither in the shape of a crocodile** | តាខេ | taa khee **Cambodia** | កម្ពុជា | kampuʔcie **camel** | ឩដ្ឋ | ʔoot **camp; tent, temporary shelter, lean\-to** | ជំរំ | cumrum **camping** | ខន្ឋវារកិច្ច | khanviereaʔkəc **Canada** | កាណាដា | kaanaadaa **canal, creek, stream, small river, tidal river \(common element in Cambodian place names\)** | ព្រែក | prɛɛk **cancer, ulcer, scrofula** | mreñ | mrèɲ **cancer** | កង់ស៊ែរ | kɑŋ sɛɛ **candle** | | tiən **cane, walking stick; long wooden pole** | យដិ័ | joattheʔ **cangue \(heavy wooden board worn around the neck as punishment\)** | ឃ្នាង | knieŋ **Canton \(Guangzhou\)** | កន្តាំង | kɑntaŋ **Canton, Guangzhou \(China\)** | កង់តុង | kɑŋ toŋ **capacity, contents, load, cargo, volume** | ចំណុះ | cɑmnoh **capillary action** | កេសភាព | keesaʔphiep **capillary** | កេសនា | keesaʔnaa **capital city; town, city; district** | ធានី | thienii **capital investment; unused funds** | មូលនិធិ | muuleaʔniʔthiʔ **\(capital\) city** | ភារា | phierie **capitalist** | មូលធនិក | muuleaʔtheaʔnɨk **\(capitation\) tax on foreigners** | ដំរៀត | dɑmriet **caprice, whim, quirk, fancy** | កបិចិត្ត | kaʔpeʔcət **captain \(of a ship\); ship\-owner** | នាវិកាធិបតី | nieviʔkaathɨppaʔdəj **capture, seizure; grip, hold; prisoner, hostage** | ចំណាប់ | cɑmnap **capture, trapping** | ទំនាក់ | tumneak **carambola \(Averrhoa Carambola, kind of tree with edible sour fruit\)** | ស្ពឺ | spɨɨ **carat \(unit for measuring gems; = 205 milligrams\)** | ការាត់ | kaarat **carefully / diligently and quickly or timely** | រវៀសរវាំង | rɔvieh \- rɔveaŋ **carefully, attentively, conscientiously, scrupulously, in a concentrated manner; raptly** | ស្បេត | sbeet **carefully, stealthily, furtively; in a tottering / unsteady manner \(as a person who has been ill when just beginning to walk again\)** | ទទីមទទើម | tɔtiim \- tɔtəəm **carelessly \(of writing or work\)** | ខ្វៀកៗ | kviek \- kviek **carelessly, unthinkingly \(in speaking\)** | ពព្រត | pɔprɔɔt **carelessness, indifference** | អយោនិសោមនសិការ | ʔaʔjouniʔsaomeaʔneaʔseʔkaa **carelessness, negligence, indolence, inattention\.** | ប្រមាទ | prɑmaat **cargo, load; burden; responsibility, duty; function; sponsorship** | បន្ទុក | bɑntuk **carnivorous** | រំពា | rùmpìːə **carpenter's try square** | កែង | kaeŋ **carrier, courier** | ហារិន | haarɨn **carrion; rot; putrefaction\.** | គំរង់ | kumrʊəŋ **carry \(on back\)** | | lii **carry \(on shoulder pole\)** | | rɛɛk **carry \(transport\)** | | dək **\(carrying something on one's head\) back and forth in a trotting manner** | អង្កើក | ʔɑŋkaək **cart, chariot, vehicle; wagon \[plate 3\]** | រទេះ | rɔteh **cartographer** | ឃ្នូរផែនទី | knuu phaen tii **carton \(esp\. of cigarettes\)** | សុង | soŋ **cart** | | rɔteh **cart** | radeḥ | rətèh **carving, sculpture, frieze** | ចំឡាក់ | cɑmlak **Caryota mitis** | ទន្សែ | tùənsae **Caryota urens** | ទន្សែ | tùənsae **Caryota urens** | អន្សែ | ʔɔnsae **casein** | ខីរជាតិ | khəjreaʔciet **cask** | តោង?? | taoŋ **cassette** | កាសិត | kaasət **caste, class** | កុលវគ្គ | koʔlaʔveak **casting \(of metals\)** | សំណិត | sɑmnət **casual advice** | សិថិលានុសាសន៍ | seʔtheʔlienuʔsaah **cat \(when someone is compared to a cat it means that he / she is considered to be a hypocrite\)** | ឆ្មា | cmaa **catalysis** | កាតាលីកម្ម | kaataaliikam **catalyst, catalyzer** | កាតាលីករ | kaataaliikɑɑ **catalyst** | កតលិករ | kaʔtaʔliʔkɑɑ **catastrophe, disaster, terrifying distress** | ភយូបទ្រព | pheaʔjuupaʔtrup **catch** | | cap **category, kind, type; group\(ing\); division; chapter, section, part** | ចំពូក | cɑmpuuk **cathode \(see also ឧទ្វារ 'anode'\)** | និទ្វារ | nittvie **cat** | | cmaa **cat** | | mɛɛw **cat** | chmā | chmaː **causalism** | សហេតុនិយម | saʔhaetoʔniʔjum **causality, cause and effect** | សហេតុធម៌ | saʔheetoʔthoa **cavalry, mounted warriors** | ហយានីក | haʔjienɨk **cavalryman; cavalry detachment** | អស្សានិក | ʔahsaanɨk **cavalry** | អស្វានិក | ʔahsvaanɨk **cave, grotto; natural well or crater in a mountain \(often used as a storage place for rain water\)** | រអាង | rɔʔaaŋ **ceaselessly, without stopping, tirelessly** | អន្ត្រាក់ | ʔɑntrak **celestial dancers \(usually regarded as the lowest class of devas\), gandharva \(a class of Indian demigods\)** | គន្ឋព្វ | kʊənthup, kʊənthoap **cell \(of an organism, jail or beehive\)** | កោសិកា | kaoseʔkaa **census, population** | សមណោគ្រួ | saʔmaʔnaokruə **center of a city / palace** | ក្លាងមឿង | klaaŋ mɨəŋ **centipede \(Scolopendre morsitans\)** | ក្អែប | kʔaep **centipede** | ក្អែប | kʔaep **centipede** | ក្អែប | kʔaep **ceremony to consecrate a Buddha image** | ពុទ្ឋាភិសេក | putthiephiʔsaek **certificate of authorization, warrant** | អធិបត្រ | ʔaʔthiʔbat **certificate, diploma, license; letter of reference** | ប្រកាសនីយបត្រ | prɑkaasaʔniijeaʔbat **Cervidae** | សារង្គសត្វ | saareaŋkeaʔsat **Cervus aristotelis** | រមាំង | rəmɛ̀əŋ **Cervus aristotelis** | ល្មាំង | lmɛ̀əŋ **Ch'ao Chou, Tae Chiu, Chiu Chou \(name of a region in southern China and the dialect of Southern Min Chinese spoken there; many Tae Chiu speakers migrated to Southeast Asia where they settled in the major cities\)** | តៀជីវ | tie ciiv, taʔciiv **chaff, husks of paddy** | អង្កាម | ʔɔŋkaːm **chain; fetters; tread, tractor / tank track** | ច្រវាក់ | crɑvak **Cham \(an Austronesian ethnic group which once dominated most of southern Vietnam\)** | ចាម | caam **chance, luck; fate, destiny; good fortune, blessing, success** | សំណាង | sɑmnaaŋ **chance; reputation** | យីអ៊ុន | jii ʔun **change, replacement, substitute; transfer, move; change \(of clothes, linens\), set \(e\.g\. of linens\); spare\(part\); shift \(e\.g\. of workers\)** | បន្លាស់ | bɑnlah **channel, ditch, area between ditches** | canʼuər | cɔŋʔuːə **channel, ditch** | ចង្អូរ | cɔŋʔoː **charcoal** | | kuuŋ **charcoal**
come mɔɔk
comma ( , ) កណ្ដកសញ្ញា kandaʔkaʔ saɲɲaa, kɑndɑk saɲɲaa
command to encourage draft animals to move forward ហ៊ឺយ hɨɨj
common faith សហធម៌ saʔhaʔthoa
common ideal សហឧត្តមគតិ saʔhaʔotdɑmkeaʔteʔ
commonwealth សហធន saʔhaʔthʊən
communist. កុម្មុយនិស្ត kommujnih
community; association; collaboration; tie, link, communication; joint estate (of a husband or wife) សហគមន៍ saʔhaʔkum
companion, age-mate srakar srəkɔː
companion, associate, colleague; comrade (used as a title among members of the National Socialist Alliance Party), fellow member, party member សហជីវិន saʔhaʔciivɨn
companion សហចរ saʔhaʔcɑɑ
company grade officer, subaltern, officer ranks including and below the rank of captain អនុសេនានី ʔaʔnuʔseenaanii
company, group ពួក pùːək
comparison, similarity; counterpart បដិភាគ paʔdeʔphiek
comparison, similarity; counterpart ប្រតិភាគ prɑteʔphiek
competition ជំនែង cumnɛɛŋ
complaint, lament; weeping, moaning; wail ទំនួញ tumnuəɲ
complete cutoff / break ឧបច្ឆេទ ʔuʔpaccheet, ʔuʔpacchaet
complexion, skin color, color (referring to people or animals), pigment សម្បុរ sɑmbol, sɑmbao
compliance by drawing lots សលាកានុវត្តន៍ saʔlaakaanuʔvoat
compost អំពុក ʔɑmpuk
compound noun អព្យយីភាព ʔapjeaʔjiiphiep
computer, calculator គណិតចរ kʊənneʔtaʔcɑɑ, keaʔneʔtaʔcɑɑ
concealment; illusion បរិយាបន្នកម្ម bɑɑreʔjaapannaʔkam
concentration on a single point ឯកោទិភាព ʔaekaotiʔphiep
concentration on the Dharma ធម្មាធិដ្ឋាន thoammiethiʔthaan
concentration ឯការម្មណ៍ ʔaekaarɑm
conception; rebirth, reincarnation ប្រតិសន្ឋិ prɑteʔsanthiʔ
condensation កំហាប់ kɑmhap
condition, norm, standard; part, section; limit, bounds; clauses, terms លក្ខខ័ណ្ឌ leakkhan
condition, state, status, position លក្ខថាន leakthaan
condominium សហវិជិតរាជ្យ saʔhaʔviʔciʔtaʔriec
condyle (articular prominence on a bone) ពន្លួញឆ្អឹង pʊənluəɲ cʔəŋ
confederation, joining together សហពន្ឋន៍ saʔhaʔpʊən
confidence, lack of doubt និក្កង្ខា nikkaŋkhaa
confirmation សទិសានុញ្ញាត saʔtiʔsaanuɲɲaat
confirming words; evidence បញ្ញាណ paɲɲaan
confiscation, seizure (esp. of a criminal's property); person whose property has been confiscated; slave; criminal. របឹប rɔbəp
confusion, disorder; foolishness ល្បែ lbae
conical / pyramidal pile ស្តូប stoop
conical straw or leaf hat ដួន duən
conjunctiva (of the eyes) យុជា juʔcie
connection, joint, knot, link; joining (together), junction; successor; extension; continuation, descent; future; period of transition. តំណ tɑmnɑɑ
connection; conjunction ឈ្នាប់ cnoap
connoisseur, well-educated person. វិញ្ញូ viɲɲuu
connotation ចិន្តន័យ cəntaʔnej
consequence which remains; sin for which atonement must be made វិបាកាវសេស viʔpaakaʔviʔseeh
consideration, thoughtfulness អកោធនៈ ʔaʔkaotheaʔneaʔ
consider kɨt
consistency សង្គតភាព sɑŋkeaʔtaʔphiep
consonant ព្យញ្ជនៈ pjʊəɲceaʔneaʔ
conspiracy សហក្បដ saʔhakbɑt
constant popping sound ប៉ប្រែះ pɑpraeh
constant pounding noise ប្រភឺស prɑphɨɨh
constantly asking (for); constantly begging (for); slowly and steadily, persistently without ceasing អន្ថោចៗ ʔɑnthaoc - ʔɑnthaoc
constantly on the move; restlessly; relentlessly ប៉ប្លើក pɑplaək
constantly, unceasingly ផ្អូចៗ pʔooc - pʔooc
container (made of silver, copper or wood) for plates and bowls កន្តូ kɑntoo
contemporary era / period សហសម័យ saʔhaʔsaʔmaj
contingent, quota សមាយាត saʔmaajaat
continuance rapiəṅ
continuous crunching sound (e.g. as produced by walking on dry leaves) ប៉ប្រែកប៉ប្រោក pɑpraek - pɑpraok
continuous loud, thunderous sounds គគ្រុម kɔkrum
continuous mumbling sounds made by beggars, petitioners, etc.. ងងូស ŋɔŋuuh
continuous rhythmic sound of drums or music គគ្រឹម kɔkrɨm
continuous sound made by a baby or by birds ចេចៗ cəc - cəc
continuous sound of chains clanking ប៉ប្រេវប៉ប្រាវ pɑpreev - pɑpraav
continuous sound of music or of waves hitting the beach គគ្រាំ kɔkroam
continuously raising and lowering, in a rocking / swaying manner; unsteadily. ផ្ងាក់ផ្ងើក pŋak - pŋaək
continuously, in a constant stream (as bees leaving a hive); in short, quick spurts ប៉ប្រូច pɑprooc
continuously, incessantly, uninterruptedly; one after the other រពុយ rɔpuj
continuously, repeatedly, in succession តៗ tɑɑ - tɑɑ
continuously, without interruption, ceaselessly ញញាយ ɲɔɲiej
contracted word or phrase eg. ផ្ទះខ្ញុំ . 'my house' for the longer ផ្ទះរបស់ខ្ញុំ មជ្ឈេលុប maccheilup
contractor, entrepreneur, owner of an enterprise; employer; enterprise សហគ្រិន saʔhaʔkrɨn
contradiction; opposition បដិកម្ម paʔdeʔkam
contrary, against cās caːh
convection រង្វល់ rʊəŋvʊəl
cook (v.) dam
cook (v.) sŋao
cooked rice; food, meal. បាយ baaj
cooked rice បាយ baːj
cooked ឆ្អិន chʔɤn
cooking pot, kettle, pan, casserole ឆ្នាំង cnaŋ
cooking-pot ឃ្លះ khlɛ̀əh
cook [ចុង]-ភៅ [coŋ]-phɤ̀u
cool greeting សិថិលាភិវាទន៍ seʔtheʔliephiʔviet
cooperative (organization) សហករណ៍ saʔhaʔkɑɑ
copper spòən
copulation, coitus កំទុតគ្នា kɑmtut knie
copy; draft, outline; (printer's) proofs; transcription; reproduction; making a copy of an original. សំណៅ sɑmnav
coquette, frivolous girl; prostitute ពិលាសិនី piʔlieseʔnəj
coral tree (Erythrina orientalis; it has red flowers, thorns and light, porous wood, which is used for floats; the young leaves are edible) រលួស rɔluəh
cord to which string or leaves are attached and which is strung between two trees / posts to frighten animals away រយាល rɔjiel
cord which runs through the pierced nasal septum of an animal (esp. an ox) កន្លុះ kɑnloh
core, center, middle, inner part; heartwood (of a tree), pith; marrow; essence, ideal បណ្ដូល bɑndool
cork, cork tree ត្យក្សា tjaksaa
cork, stopper, plug ឆ្នុក cnok
corn, maize (Zea mays) ពោត pout
corner, angle; barb (on a hook) កោណ kaon
corner, angle ជ្រុង crùŋ
corner, angle មុំ mùm
corner; inlet កៀន kien
corner cruŋ
corn poot
corpse; ghost, spirit; the late...., the deceased ខ្មោច kmaoc
corpse kmaoc
corral / stable for elephants ព្នៀត pniet
corral kraol
correction, reform, repair; correcting, repairing កំណែ kɑmnae
correction, reformation; repentance ចំណាល cɑmnaal
correlation សហសម្ពន្ឋ saʔhaʔsɑmpʊən
correlative សហសម្ពន្ឋី saʔhaʔsɑmpʊənthii
corridor, veranda, porch របៀង rəbiəŋ
corrosion កំណូត kɑmnoot
corruption, depravity, perversity; destruction, damage, injury; failure; corrupt person. កំហូច kɑmhooc
cost, price, fare; value, worth; quality តំឡៃ tɑmlaj
cotton (plant) kapaah
cotton (thread) ʔɑmbɑh
cotton (wool) sɑmlaj
cotton thread / yarn (for sewing or weaving) អំបោះ ʔɑmbɑh
cotton threads tied round corpse pās baːh
cotton krapās krəpaːh
cough kʔɑɑʔ
counter-valuation, examination, experiment, re-survey បដិកោសលវិច័យ paʔdeʔkaosɑlviʔcaj
counterclockwise movement ឧត្តរាព័ត៌ ʔuttaʔraapoat
counterintelligence ប្រតិចារកិច្ច prɑteʔcaaraʔkəc
country, land, territory, region, jurisdiction ដែន daen
country, nation; district (subdivision of a province); village; countryside, rural area; homeland ស្រុក srok
countryman, neighbor(s) ព្រៀងលាន prieŋ lien
country prɑteeh
country srok
count ròəp
cover (v.) krɔɔp
cover, covering, carpet, mat; sheet កំរាល kɑmraal
cover, covering; cape, shawl ឃ្លុប klup
cover, folder, envelope កំរប kɑmrɑɑp
covered with dirt ស្រមក srəmɔːk
covetously, longingly, hungrily; in a glaring manner (refers to the expression on a person's face, esp. in the eyes, when he / she looks at something desired; often describes angry children who do not get their way) ភ្លៀកៗ pliek - pliek
cowardice. កំសាក kɑmsaak
cowbell of bamboo with seeds inside which rattle ត្រដោក trədaok
crab; cramp ក្តាម kdaam
crab; zodiacal sign of the crab (= Cancer) corresponding to July កក្កដ kakkaʔdaʔ
crab ក្ដាម kdaːm
crack of a whip ប៉ាប់ pap
crack, fissure, crevice ក្រហែង krɑhaeŋ
crack, split eg. ជំរែកដី . crack in the ground ជំរែក cumrɛɛk
crack, split, cleft, fissure ចំរេះ cɑmreh
cracking / crackling sound ជ្រិច crɨc
cracking or splitting sound ប៉ផូស pɑphooh
crackling / sizzling sound produced by frying oil or fat ប្រាច់ prac
crackling sound made by frying ប៉ប្រាច់ pɑprac
crackling sound resembling that of salt popping in a hot frying pan ប្រែះៗ praeh - praeh
crackling បំរេះ bɑmreh
crash, slap, thud, smack; sound of a tree falling or of a rock thrown into a bush ប្រូស prooh
crawl (child) wiə
crawl (snake) luun
crawling animal; reptile, snake ល្មូន lmuun
craw kɛɛ
crayfish បង្កង bɑŋkɑɑŋ
crazy about women ឥត្ថុម្មត្តកៈ ʔetthommattaʔkaʔ
creakily ក្រេត?? kreːt
creakily គ្រៀត?? kriət
creaking sound made by ox carts ង៉េតៗ ŋeet - ŋeet
creaking sound រង៉ឺត rɔŋəət
creeper yielding arrow-poison chveḥ chveh
creeping animals (e.g. snakes, eels, millipedes) សរីស្រឹប saʔrəjsrəp
cremation ឈាបនកិច្ច chiepaʔnaʔkəc
crematorium ឈាបនដ្ឋាន chiepaʔnatthaan
crevasse, depression between mountains, ravine, valley; waterfall, mountain spring / stream ជ្រោះ crʊəh
crevice, crack, fissure; rocky gorge រហែង rɔhaeŋ
cricket ចង្រិត cɑŋrət
cricket ចង្រិត cɔŋrɤt
criminal, evildoer ឱមសត្ត ʔaomeaʔsat
criminal, guilty party, culprit ពិរុទ្ឋិកជន piʔrutthiʔkaʔcʊən
cripple, crippled ខ្វិន khvɤn
criticism / mockery of a holy person អរិយុបវាទ ʔaʔreʔjoʔpaʔviet
croaking sound of frogs វ៉ែបៗ vaep - vaep
crocodile (when someone is compared to a ក្រពើ it means that he / she is considered ungrateful); ingrate ក្រពើ krɑpəə
crocodile krɑpəə
crocodile ក្រពើ krəpɤ̀ː
crops, (cultivated) plants, vegetables ដំណាំ dɑmnam
cross (v.) clɔɔŋ
cross-eyed ស្រលៀង srəliəŋ
cross-legged sitting position ភ្នែន pnɛɛn
cross-section ពំនុះ pumnuh
cross-shaped object. ចាងណាង caaŋ naaŋ
crossbow snaa
crossbow ស្នា snaa
crossbow ស្នា snaː
croupier; partner សមាជិកូបត្ថម្ភ saʔmaaciʔkoopattham
crow (bird) kʔaek
crow (Corvus sp.), raven. ក្អែក kʔaek
crowd, group, side ; herd, flock ពពួក pɔpuək
crowded dwelling សម្ពាធាវាស sɑmpiethievieh
crown (of the head) បន្ទូល bɑntuul
crown prince; under king, viceroy, vice king ឧបរាជ ʔuʔpaʔraac, ʔoʔpaʔraac
crowned gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) ទោច touc
crow ក្អែក khʔaek
cruel / wicked / evil person ទុជ៌ន tuʔrəcʊən, tuʔreaʔcʊən
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **come** | | mɔɔk **comma \( , \)** | កណ្ដកសញ្ញា | kandaʔkaʔ saɲɲaa, kɑndɑk saɲɲaa **command to encourage draft animals to move forward** | ហ៊ឺយ | hɨɨj **common faith** | សហធម៌ | saʔhaʔthoa **common ideal** | សហឧត្តមគតិ | saʔhaʔotdɑmkeaʔteʔ **commonwealth** | សហធន | saʔhaʔthʊən **communist\.** | កុម្មុយនិស្ត | kommujnih **community; association; collaboration; tie, link, communication; joint estate \(of a husband or wife\)** | សហគមន៍ | saʔhaʔkum **companion, age\-mate** | srakar | srəkɔː **companion, associate, colleague; comrade \(used as a title among members of the National Socialist Alliance Party\), fellow member, party member** | សហជីវិន | saʔhaʔciivɨn **companion** | សហចរ | saʔhaʔcɑɑ **company grade officer, subaltern, officer ranks including and below the rank of captain** | អនុសេនានី | ʔaʔnuʔseenaanii **company, group** | ពួក | pùːək **comparison, similarity; counterpart** | បដិភាគ | paʔdeʔphiek **comparison, similarity; counterpart** | ប្រតិភាគ | prɑteʔphiek **competition** | ជំនែង | cumnɛɛŋ **complaint, lament; weeping, moaning; wail** | ទំនួញ | tumnuəɲ **complete cutoff / break** | ឧបច្ឆេទ | ʔuʔpaccheet, ʔuʔpacchaet **complexion, skin color, color \(referring to people or animals\), pigment** | សម្បុរ | sɑmbol, sɑmbao **compliance by drawing lots** | សលាកានុវត្តន៍ | saʔlaakaanuʔvoat **compost** | អំពុក | ʔɑmpuk **compound noun** | អព្យយីភាព | ʔapjeaʔjiiphiep **computer, calculator** | គណិតចរ | kʊənneʔtaʔcɑɑ, keaʔneʔtaʔcɑɑ **concealment; illusion** | បរិយាបន្នកម្ម | bɑɑreʔjaapannaʔkam **concentration on a single point** | ឯកោទិភាព | ʔaekaotiʔphiep **concentration on the Dharma** | ធម្មាធិដ្ឋាន | thoammiethiʔthaan **concentration** | ឯការម្មណ៍ | ʔaekaarɑm **conception; rebirth, reincarnation** | ប្រតិសន្ឋិ | prɑteʔsanthiʔ **condensation** | កំហាប់ | kɑmhap **condition, norm, standard; part, section; limit, bounds; clauses, terms** | លក្ខខ័ណ្ឌ | leakkhan **condition, state, status, position** | លក្ខថាន | leakthaan **condominium** | សហវិជិតរាជ្យ | saʔhaʔviʔciʔtaʔriec **condyle \(articular prominence on a bone\)** | ពន្លួញឆ្អឹង | pʊənluəɲ cʔəŋ **confederation, joining together** | សហពន្ឋន៍ | saʔhaʔpʊən **confidence, lack of doubt** | និក្កង្ខា | nikkaŋkhaa **confirmation** | សទិសានុញ្ញាត | saʔtiʔsaanuɲɲaat **confirming words; evidence** | បញ្ញាណ | paɲɲaan **confiscation, seizure \(esp\. of a criminal's property\); person whose property has been confiscated; slave; criminal\.** | របឹប | rɔbəp **confusion, disorder; foolishness** | ល្បែ | lbae **conical / pyramidal pile** | ស្តូប | stoop **conical straw or leaf hat** | ដួន | duən **conjunctiva \(of the eyes\)** | យុជា | juʔcie **connection, joint, knot, link; joining \(together\), junction; successor; extension; continuation, descent; future; period of transition\.** | តំណ | tɑmnɑɑ **connection; conjunction** | ឈ្នាប់ | cnoap **connoisseur, well\-educated person\.** | វិញ្ញូ | viɲɲuu **connotation** | ចិន្តន័យ | cəntaʔnej **consequence which remains; sin for which atonement must be made** | វិបាកាវសេស | viʔpaakaʔviʔseeh **consideration, thoughtfulness** | អកោធនៈ | ʔaʔkaotheaʔneaʔ **consider** | | kɨt **consistency** | សង្គតភាព | sɑŋkeaʔtaʔphiep **consonant** | ព្យញ្ជនៈ | pjʊəɲceaʔneaʔ **conspiracy** | សហក្បដ | saʔhakbɑt **constant popping sound** | ប៉ប្រែះ | pɑpraeh **constant pounding noise** | ប្រភឺស | prɑphɨɨh **constantly asking \(for\); constantly begging \(for\); slowly and steadily, persistently without ceasing** | អន្ថោចៗ | ʔɑnthaoc \- ʔɑnthaoc **constantly on the move; restlessly; relentlessly** | ប៉ប្លើក | pɑplaək **constantly, unceasingly** | ផ្អូចៗ | pʔooc \- pʔooc **container \(made of silver, copper or wood\) for plates and bowls** | កន្តូ | kɑntoo **contemporary era / period** | សហសម័យ | saʔhaʔsaʔmaj **contingent, quota** | សមាយាត | saʔmaajaat **continuance** | rapiəṅ | **continuous crunching sound \(e\.g\. as produced by walking on dry leaves\)** | ប៉ប្រែកប៉ប្រោក | pɑpraek \- pɑpraok **continuous loud, thunderous sounds** | គគ្រុម | kɔkrum **continuous mumbling sounds made by beggars, petitioners, etc\.\.** | ងងូស | ŋɔŋuuh **continuous rhythmic sound of drums or music** | គគ្រឹម | kɔkrɨm **continuous sound made by a baby or by birds** | ចេចៗ | cəc \- cəc **continuous sound of chains clanking** | ប៉ប្រេវប៉ប្រាវ | pɑpreev \- pɑpraav **continuous sound of music or of waves hitting the beach** | គគ្រាំ | kɔkroam **continuously raising and lowering, in a rocking / swaying manner; unsteadily\.** | ផ្ងាក់ផ្ងើក | pŋak \- pŋaək **continuously, in a constant stream \(as bees leaving a hive\); in short, quick spurts** | ប៉ប្រូច | pɑprooc **continuously, incessantly, uninterruptedly; one after the other** | រពុយ | rɔpuj **continuously, repeatedly, in succession** | តៗ | tɑɑ \- tɑɑ **continuously, without interruption, ceaselessly** | ញញាយ | ɲɔɲiej **contracted word or phrase eg\. ផ្ទះខ្ញុំ \. 'my house' for the longer ផ្ទះរបស់ខ្ញុំ** | មជ្ឈេលុប | maccheilup **contractor, entrepreneur, owner of an enterprise; employer; enterprise** | សហគ្រិន | saʔhaʔkrɨn **contradiction; opposition** | បដិកម្ម | paʔdeʔkam **contrary, against** | cās | caːh **convection** | រង្វល់ | rʊəŋvʊəl **cook \(v\.\)** | | dam **cook \(v\.\)** | | sŋao **cooked rice; food, meal\.** | បាយ | baaj **cooked rice** | បាយ | baːj **cooked** | ឆ្អិន | chʔɤn **cooking pot, kettle, pan, casserole** | ឆ្នាំង | cnaŋ **cooking\-pot** | ឃ្លះ | khlɛ̀əh **cook** | \[ចុង\]\-ភៅ | \[coŋ\]\-phɤ̀u **cool greeting** | សិថិលាភិវាទន៍ | seʔtheʔliephiʔviet **cooperative \(organization\)** | សហករណ៍ | saʔhaʔkɑɑ **copper** | | spòən **copulation, coitus** | កំទុតគ្នា | kɑmtut knie **copy; draft, outline; \(printer's\) proofs; transcription; reproduction; making a copy of an original\.** | សំណៅ | sɑmnav **coquette, frivolous girl; prostitute** | ពិលាសិនី | piʔlieseʔnəj **coral tree \(Erythrina orientalis; it has red flowers, thorns and light, porous wood, which is used for floats; the young leaves are edible\)** | រលួស | rɔluəh **cord to which string or leaves are attached and which is strung between two trees / posts to frighten animals away** | រយាល | rɔjiel **cord which runs through the pierced nasal septum of an animal \(esp\. an ox\)** | កន្លុះ | kɑnloh **core, center, middle, inner part; heartwood \(of a tree\), pith; marrow; essence, ideal** | បណ្ដូល | bɑndool **cork, cork tree** | ត្យក្សា | tjaksaa **cork, stopper, plug** | ឆ្នុក | cnok **corn, maize \(Zea mays\)** | ពោត | pout **corner, angle; barb \(on a hook\)** | កោណ | kaon **corner, angle** | ជ្រុង | crùŋ **corner, angle** | មុំ
cruelty, brutality; wildness, savagery, barbarity; mean / cruel / evil person. កំណាច kɑmnaac
crunching or snapping sound (as when something heavy collapses) គ្រឹប krɨp
crunching sound as someone chewing a piece of hard candy ក្រុបៗ krop - krop
crunching sound made by biting something crisp គគ្រួប kɔkruəp
crunching sound made by walking on dry leaves, eating potato chips, etc. ក្រៀបៗ kriep - kriep
crunching sound produced by objects such as seashells being broken ស្រួប sruəp
crunching sound គ្រួបៗ kruəp-kruəp
crushing, grading, leveling កំណិន kɑmnən
cry of a frog កូបៗ koop - koop
cry of a new-born baby or a rabbit caught in a trap ឆ្វា cvaa
cry jum
Cuba គុយបា kujbaa
cucumber (Cucumis sativus) ត្រសក់ trɑsɑk
cucumber ត្រសក់ trəsɔk
Cucurbita pepo ល្ពៅ lpɤ̀u, rəpɤ̀u
cult, worship កំណោត kɑmnaot
cunning. កំហិល kɑmhəl
cup. ពែង pɛɛŋ
cured ciə
cured srɑlah
curiosity ញាណិច្ឆតា ɲienəcchaʔtaa
current (of wind, water or electricity), tide; system, network ចរន្ត caʔrɑn
current / stream / flow (of water) ស្រោតា sraodaa
curse (v.) cee
curse (v.) prɑməət
curse; insult; outrage; blame, words of retribution, words explaining what punishment will follow a given act បណ្ដាសា bɑndaasaa
curse; prediction, prophecy ទំនាយ tumniej
curtain, screen, shade; blind, sliding shutter រនាំង rɔneaŋ
curve, curvature កំណោង kɑmnaoŋ
curved digging instrument used to dig crabs and frogs out of their holes កង្វាវ kɑŋvaav
curved end (of something), the extremity of a curve, apex of a curve; sharp angle of the elbow or shoulder ចង្កួយ cɑŋkuəj
curved kaoŋ
cushion, mattress ពូក puuk
cushion, pad, protective device, napkin; bandage ស្នាប់ snap
custard apple (Annona reticulata) មាក់បាត mak baat, meak baat
custard apple (Annona squamosa) ទៀប tiep
customs; customs duty គយ kɔɔj
custom chap
custom tumlòəp
cut (hack) cəɲcram
cut (scissors) kat
cut (slice) cət
cut way through crɛ̀ːk pùh
cut way through crɛ̀ːk pùh
cutting board, chopping block ជ្រញ់ crʊəɲ
cycle of birth and death បុនប្បុនក្កម្ម poʔnapponnaʔkam
cyclopousse, 3-wheel pedicab, bicycle-powered rickshaw ស៊ីក្លូ siikloo
cāpī (kind of two-stringed musical instrument resembling a banjo with a long neck) ចាប៉ី caapəj
dacron ដាក្រុង daakroŋ
daily page of a diary / log-book ឱង្ការ ʔaoŋkaa
dam, dike, barrier; obstruction, blockage; person who blocks a passage or impedes the progress of a legal action ទំនប់ tumnup
damp, moist សើម saəm
dampness, humidity, state of being humid; moisture សំណើម sɑmnaəm
dance (v.) ròəm
dance, dancing; classical ballet; theatrical performance របាំ rɔbam
dancer លាសក liesɑk, liesaʔkaʔ
dancing លាសន liesaʔnaʔ
dangling រយោង rəyòːŋ
dark (sky etc.) sradaṁ srətùm
dark (sky etc.) ជញ្ជាំ?? cùəɲcɔ̀əm
dark gloomy place, made dark by overhanging branches etc. kandrup kɔntrùp
dark, almost black, in colour ក្រមៅ krəmau
dark, dim ងងឹត ŋəŋɯ̀t
dark ŋɔŋɨt
dark ងឹត ŋɯ̀t
darting here and there, in fits and starts; hastily រ៉ុយ roj
(darting in and out) in confusion (as busy traffic at an intersection), feverishly, hurriedly. ឆ្វាត់ឆ្វែង cvat - cvaeŋ
dash, hyphen អនុកលា ʔaʔnuʔkaʔlaa
dashing from side to side, playfully, friskily, in a gambolling manner អង្កែលអង្កៃ ʔɑŋkael - ʔɑŋkaj
date-palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) លម៉ើ leaʔmaə
date-palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) ល្ម៉ើ lmaə
daughter of a noble family / prince អយ្យធីតា ʔajjeaʔthiidaa
daughter koun srəj
dawn, daybreak, sunrise ព្រលឹម prɔlɨm
dawn, daybreak ពព្រឹល pɔprɨl
dawn, rising of the sun អរុណោទ័យ ʔaʔruʔnaotej
dawn reəh
dawn បំព្រាង bɔmprìːəŋ
day of the full moon បូណ៌មី boorəməj
daybreak, early morning. ភ្លឺ plɨɨ
day tŋaj
dazed ស្លាំង slaŋ [kaŋ]
dead skin that flakes off; dust, dirt, grime ក្អែល kʔael
deadfall trap អង្គប់ ʔɑŋkup
deaf person or animal; deafness. តំឡង់ tɑmlɑŋ
deaf tlɔŋ
deal, agreement; affiliation អង្គីករណ៍ ʔɑŋkiikɑɑ
dean of the diplomatic corps; rsident suprieur ឯកាធិបតី ʔaekaathɨppaʔtəj
dear, darling. ភាន phien
dear, kind រាក់ rɛ̀ək
death-rattle; sound of sighing just prior to death ង៉ឺស ŋəɨh - ŋəɨh
debt, loan បំណុល bɑmnol
debt បំណុល bɔmnol
decayed ហោច haoc
decision, order, decree; solution, agreement, resolution អនុក្រឹត្យ ʔaʔnuʔkrət
deck (of a house); balcony យ៉ jɑɑ
decomposed food in the body of a corpse; time it takes for food in the stomach of a recently dead person to become spoiled; short interval of time របើរ rɔbaə
decorated stand supporting the coffin of a high-ranking dignitary បញ្ចា bɑɲcaa
decoration on the head of an elephant ក្បែន kbaen
decoration, medal ឥស្សរិយាភរណៈ ʔəhsaʔriʔjiepheaʔreaʔnaʔ
decoration, ornament, jewelry; regalia អលង្ករណ៍ ʔaʔlaŋkɑɑ
decoy, bait; Judas goat. ធ្នាក់ tneak
decoy, lure ធ្នាក់ thnɛ̀ək
decree, order, law, statute, rule (a ក្រឹត្យ is a law based on an already existing law or ក្រម ) ក្រឹត្យ krət
deep crɨw
deep ជ្រៅ crɤ̀u
deer kdan
deer prəəh
defeated caɲ
deficiency, lack កំហាន kɑmhaan
deficit, shortage ឧនភាព ʔuʔneaʔphiep
definite agreement; dogma សិទ្ឋន្ត sətthoan
deftly and hurriedly (describing the movements of hands) រញឹក rɔɲɨk
dejectedly (of the manner of walking away) ថ្ងុង tŋoŋ
dejectedly, despondently, hopelessly ភ្លឹះៗ plɨh - plɨh
delegate, representative, envoy បដិភូ paʔdeʔphuu
delight; (sensual) desire / pleasure, passion, lust; longing, envy. តំរេក tɑmreek
deliquescence វិលីយនភាព viʔliijeaʔneaʔphiep
delirious រវើ-[រវាយ] rəvɤ̀ː-[rəvìːəj]
demineralization វិខនិជកម្ម viʔkhaʔniʔceaʔkam
demon, devil, evil spirit, ghost. របាល rɔbaal
demonstrator, protestor បាតុករ paatoʔkɑɑ
denial, abolition បដិសេធន៍ paʔdeʔsaet
dental enamel កាចាធ្មេញ kaa caa tmɨɲ
dentition ទន្តុប្បាទ toantobbaat
department of agriculture អាវបនាធិការ ʔaavaʔpaʔnaathiʔkaa
departure, leaving ចំណាក cɑmnaak
depreciation វិម្មូលវិចារណ៍ vimmuuleaʔviʔcaa
depress coc
depth, draft (of a ship); profundity. ជំរៅ cumrɨv
deputy ambassador ឧបទូត ʔuʔpaʔtuut
deputy secretary អនុលេខាធិការ ʔaʔnuʔleikhaathiʔkaa
descendant, offspring មច្ឆាញាតិ macchaaɲiet
descend coh
describes the act of (walking) with great difficulty (e.g. through thick mud) ផ្អឺបៗ pʔəɨp - pʔəɨp
describes the manner of chewing by someone who has no teeth ផ្ញោញៗ pɲaoɲ - pɲaoɲ
describes the manner of chewing with the mouth very full ផ្ញាញ pɲaaɲ
describes the manner of someone who desperately wants to show that he / she is as good or rich as someone else រអើបរជោរ rɔʔaəp - rɔcou
describes the manner of someone with very long thin legs walking or the manner of monkeys climbing using their long arms and legs រតេវរតាវ rɔteev - rɔtaav
(describes the rattling up and down movement of the lid of a pot in which something is being boiled or the repeated wrinkling up of the face of a crying child) ផ្អែបៗ pʔaep - pʔaep
describes the way of chewing as an old person without any teeth ផ្លោញៗ plaoɲ - plaoɲ
(describing the action of a spurting liquid) in a strong stream or spurt ពព្រល pɔprɔɔl
descriptive of infant learning to walk, parents say this to encourage them តាក់ទីងណយ tak tiiŋ nɑɑj
designating, ordering; sending ចំណាត់ cɑmnat
desire, intention, tendency, wish, inclination; whim ចំណង់ cɑmnɑŋ
desire, will, ambition; need; lust, passion, unbridled desire; impulse; freedom ទំនើង tumnəəŋ
desperately, urgently; in a desperate / vain struggling manner; indecisively ឡេះឡះ leh - lah
despondency, dejection, dissatisfaction. កន្ទក់អង្កាន់ kɑntʊək ʔɑŋkan
dessert, snack ខាទនីយាហារ khaateaʔniijiehaa
dessert, sweet food បង្អែម bɑŋʔaem
destroy bɑmplaaɲ
deterioration, wearing out, weathering (e.g. of rocks) របេច rɔbəc
determination, expectation មនស្ការ meaʔnoahskaa
development, growth, progress វិវឌ្ឍនាការ viʔvoattheaʔniekaa
deviation, variation លំងាក lumŋiek
device for cleaning cotton; cotton gin ផ្នោះ pnɑh
device made of bunches of grass or twigs used to catch small fish កន្សុំ kɑnsom
device on a loom consisting of a long curved piece of wood that stretches the finished cloth and prevents it from puckering ចន្ទាល់ cɑntoal
device used to card or scutch fibers after the dying process ខ្នួត knuət
devil bəj saac
devil kmaoc
devotion ភក្តិ pheaʔ
dew, damp សន្សើម, អន្សើម sɔnsaəm, ʔɔnsaəm
dewlap (hanging from the neck of a bull) បួរ buə
Dharma which keeps people from doing bad deeds នីវរណធម៌ niiveaʔreaʔnaʔthoa
Dhatarattha (King of the East; name of one of the mythical guardians of the four cardinal points) ធតរដ្ឋ theaʔtaʔroat
diacritical mark (ះ) which represents a final [h] វិសជ៌នីយ viʔsacceaʔnii, viʔsaɲceaʔnii
diagonal (line) វិជ្ឈកោណ viccheaʔkaon
diagram, chart វិជ្ឈលេខ viccheaʔleik
diagram, graph ពិន្ទុរេខីយ pintuʔreikhəj
dialogue, colloquy សំវាទ saŋviet
diameter, bore វិជ្ឈមាត្រ viccheaʔmiet
diamond; bolt of lighting; thunderbolt (weapon of Indra). វជិរៈ veaʔciʔreaʔ
diaper, loincloth; rag កន្ទប kɑntɔɔp
diaphragm, midriff ឧរុប្រាចីរ៍ ʔuʔruʔpraacəj
dictionary, pocket dictionary, lexicon, glossary សទ្ទានុក្រម sattienuʔkrɑm
didactic saying; good counsel សុភាសិតោវាទ soʔphieseʔtaoviet
die slap
difference, disagreement, dissent, opposition; objection; contradiction; veto; ban, prohibition ទំនាស់ tumnoah
difference, remainder នានត្ត nienat
different group, foreign group, enemy វិបក្ខ viʔpak
different parts of a chariot រថាង្គ reaʔthaaŋkeaʔ
different pseiŋ
different tɔtɨj
difficult pi baaʔ
diffusion សំណាយ sɑmnaaj
digestive juices ជីរណិក ciireaʔnək
digit (finger or toe) ម្រាម mriem
dig ciik
dim ផ្លឺម?? phlɯ̀m phlɯ̀m
diphtheria ខាន់ស្លាក់ khan slak
diploma; bill of sale បដិញ្ញាណ paʔdeɲɲien
dipper, ladle បោយ baoj
dipper ptəl
Dipterocarpus cordatus crispatus ខ្លុង khloŋ
directly, in a straight forward manner, without turning, unswervingly. ស្លៅ slav
dirt krɑkwaʔ
disappearance, loss ខីណភាព khəjnaʔphiep
disappearance; setting of the sun អស្តង្គមន៍ ʔɑhsdɑŋkum
disarmament និសព្វាវុធការ niʔsappievuttheaʔkaa
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **cruelty, brutality; wildness, savagery, barbarity; mean / cruel / evil person\.** | កំណាច | kɑmnaac **crunching or snapping sound \(as when something heavy collapses\)** | គ្រឹប | krɨp **crunching sound as someone chewing a piece of hard candy** | ក្រុបៗ | krop \- krop **crunching sound made by biting something crisp** | គគ្រួប | kɔkruəp **crunching sound made by walking on dry leaves, eating potato chips, etc\.** | ក្រៀបៗ | kriep \- kriep **crunching sound produced by objects such as seashells being broken** | ស្រួប | sruəp **crunching sound** | គ្រួបៗ | kruəp\-kruəp **crushing, grading, leveling** | កំណិន | kɑmnən **cry of a frog** | កូបៗ | koop \- koop **cry of a new\-born baby or a rabbit caught in a trap** | ឆ្វា | cvaa **cry** | | jum **Cuba** | គុយបា | kujbaa **cucumber \(Cucumis sativus\)** | ត្រសក់ | trɑsɑk **cucumber** | ត្រសក់ | trəsɔk **Cucurbita pepo** | ល្ពៅ | lpɤ̀u, rəpɤ̀u **cult, worship** | កំណោត | kɑmnaot **cunning\.** | កំហិល | kɑmhəl **cup\.** | ពែង | pɛɛŋ **cured** | | ciə **cured** | | srɑlah **curiosity** | ញាណិច្ឆតា | ɲienəcchaʔtaa **current \(of wind, water or electricity\), tide; system, network** | ចរន្ត | caʔrɑn **current / stream / flow \(of water\)** | ស្រោតា | sraodaa **curse \(v\.\)** | | cee **curse \(v\.\)** | | prɑməət **curse; insult; outrage; blame, words of retribution, words explaining what punishment will follow a given act** | បណ្ដាសា | bɑndaasaa **curse; prediction, prophecy** | ទំនាយ | tumniej **curtain, screen, shade; blind, sliding shutter** | រនាំង | rɔneaŋ **curve, curvature** | កំណោង | kɑmnaoŋ **curved digging instrument used to dig crabs and frogs out of their holes** | កង្វាវ | kɑŋvaav **curved end \(of something\), the extremity of a curve, apex of a curve; sharp angle of the elbow or shoulder** | ចង្កួយ | cɑŋkuəj **curved** | | kaoŋ **cushion, mattress** | ពូក | puuk **cushion, pad, protective device, napkin; bandage** | ស្នាប់ | snap **custard apple \(Annona reticulata\)** | មាក់បាត | mak baat, meak baat **custard apple \(Annona squamosa\)** | ទៀប | tiep **customs; customs duty** | គយ | kɔɔj **custom** | | chap **custom** | | tumlòəp **cut \(hack\)** | | cəɲcram **cut \(scissors\)** | | kat **cut \(slice\)** | | cət **cut way through** | | crɛ̀ːk pùh **cut way through** | | crɛ̀ːk pùh **cutting board, chopping block** | ជ្រញ់ | crʊəɲ **cycle of birth and death** | បុនប្បុនក្កម្ម | poʔnapponnaʔkam **cyclopousse, 3\-wheel pedicab, bicycle\-powered rickshaw** | ស៊ីក្លូ | siikloo **cāpī \(kind of two\-stringed musical instrument resembling a banjo with a long neck\)** | ចាប៉ី | caapəj **dacron** | ដាក្រុង | daakroŋ **daily page of a diary / log\-book** | ឱង្ការ | ʔaoŋkaa **dam, dike, barrier; obstruction, blockage; person who blocks a passage or impedes the progress of a legal action** | ទំនប់ | tumnup **damp, moist** | សើម | saəm **dampness, humidity, state of being humid; moisture** | សំណើម | sɑmnaəm **dance \(v\.\)** | | ròəm **dance, dancing; classical ballet; theatrical performance** | របាំ | rɔbam **dancer** | លាសក | liesɑk, liesaʔkaʔ **dancing** | លាសន | liesaʔnaʔ **dangling** | រយោង | rəyòːŋ **dark \(sky etc\.\)** | sradaṁ | srətùm **dark \(sky etc\.\)** | ជញ្ជាំ?? | cùəɲcɔ̀əm **dark gloomy place, made dark by overhanging branches etc\.** | kandrup | kɔntrùp **dark, almost black, in colour** | ក្រមៅ | krəmau **dark, dim** | ងងឹត | ŋəŋɯ̀t **dark** | | ŋɔŋɨt **dark** | ងឹត | ŋɯ̀t **darting here and there, in fits and starts; hastily** | រ៉ុយ | roj **\(darting in and out\) in confusion \(as busy traffic at an intersection\), feverishly, hurriedly\.** | ឆ្វាត់ឆ្វែង | cvat \- cvaeŋ **dash, hyphen** | អនុកលា | ʔaʔnuʔkaʔlaa **dashing from side to side, playfully, friskily, in a gambolling manner** | អង្កែលអង្កៃ | ʔɑŋkael \- ʔɑŋkaj **date\-palm tree \(Phoenix dactylifera\)** | លម៉ើ | leaʔmaə **date\-palm tree \(Phoenix dactylifera\)** | ល្ម៉ើ | lmaə **daughter of a noble family / prince** | អយ្យធីតា | ʔajjeaʔthiidaa **daughter** | | koun srəj **dawn, daybreak, sunrise** | ព្រលឹម | prɔlɨm **dawn, daybreak** | ពព្រឹល | pɔprɨl **dawn, rising of the sun** | អរុណោទ័យ | ʔaʔruʔnaotej **dawn** | | reəh **dawn** | បំព្រាង | bɔmprìːəŋ **day of the full moon** | បូណ៌មី | boorəməj **daybreak, early morning\.** | ភ្លឺ | plɨɨ **day** | | tŋaj **dazed** | ស្លាំង | slaŋ \[kaŋ\] **dead skin that flakes off; dust, dirt, grime** | ក្អែល | kʔael **deadfall trap** | អង្គប់ | ʔɑŋkup **deaf person or animal; deafness\.** | តំឡង់ | tɑmlɑŋ **deaf** | | tlɔŋ **deal, agreement; affiliation** | អង្គីករណ៍ | ʔɑŋkiikɑɑ **dean of the diplomatic corps; rsident suprieur** | ឯកាធិបតី | ʔaekaathɨppaʔtəj **dear, darling\.** | ភាន | phien **dear, kind** | រាក់ | rɛ̀ək **death\-rattle; sound of sighing just prior to death** | ង៉ឺស | ŋəɨh \- ŋəɨh **debt, loan** | បំណុល | bɑmnol **debt** | បំណុល | bɔmnol **decayed** | ហោច | haoc **decision, order, decree; solution, agreement, resolution** | អនុក្រឹត្យ | ʔaʔnuʔkrət **deck \(of a house\); balcony** | យ៉ | jɑɑ **decomposed food in the body of a corpse; time it takes for food in the stomach of a recently dead person to become spoiled; short interval of time** | របើរ | rɔbaə **decorated stand supporting the coffin of a high\-ranking dignitary** | បញ្ចា | bɑɲcaa **decoration on the head of an elephant** | ក្បែន | kbaen **decoration, medal** | ឥស្សរិយាភរណៈ | ʔəhsaʔriʔjiepheaʔreaʔnaʔ **decoration, ornament, jewelry; regalia** | អលង្ករណ៍ | ʔaʔlaŋkɑɑ **decoy, bait; Judas goat\.** | ធ្នាក់ | tneak **decoy, lure**
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