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Mon-Khmer Languages Database

disc, plate, platter, tray, discus; (phonograph) record ថាស thaah
discharge, release, acquittance (e.g. of a debt). និមុត្តិ niʔmut, niʔmutteʔ
disciple of the Buddha អនុពុទ្ឋ ʔaʔnuʔput
discipline / rule (of monks) សភាគាបត្តិ saʔphiekiepatteʔ
discoloured, stained, bruised, dark in colour ជាំ cɔ̀əm
discourse about the Dharma; a discourse / dissertation / essay / commentary on law; explanation of the law ធម្មាធិប្បាយ thoammiethipbaaj
discovery; windfall, godsend អលភ្យលាភ ʔaʔlaʔpjeaʔliep
disease, illness; pain (see also the more formal var. រោគ ) ជំងឺ cumŋɨɨ
disease, illness ជំងឺ cùmŋɯ̀ː
diseases of the nose នាសិករោគ nieseʔkaʔrouk
disgusted (expression) ស្ញូង?? sɲoːŋ
dish, tray ជាម cìːəm
dish-support, dish-stand ក្បាន kbaan
dishonorable person. កញ្ជ្រក់ kɑɲcrʊək
dislocation, to dislocate grec krèc
disorderly, in a tangle, in a mess; awkwardly; rudely ច្រងេងច្រងាង crɑŋeeŋ - crɑŋaaŋ
dispensary; clinic ឱសថាល័យ ʔaosoʔthaalaj
displeasure, irritation រឱស rɔʔaoh
dispute caused by words វិវាទាធិករណ៍ viʔvietiethiʔkɑɑ
dispute, disagreement; (law)suit; strife, discord, dissension; fault, crime; aggression អធិករណ៍ ʔaʔthiʔkɑɑ, ʔaʔthiʔkaʔraʔnaʔ-
disrespect, disregard, insolence; offense អគារវៈ ʔaʔkiereaʔveaʔ
dissection មតសរីរច្ឆេទនសាស្ត្រ meaʔtaʔsaʔrəj raccheeteaʔneaʔsaah
distance, separation; range. ចំងាយ cɑmŋaaj
(distant) lightning, heat lightning; flashes of lightning បន្ទោរ bɑntou
distant cŋaaj
distant ឆ្ងាយ chŋaːj
distended, bloated ស្ពីង spìːŋ
distillation; sharpening បំណិត bɑmnət
distinctness / sharpness (of writing or printing); a distinct / sharp impression ដំណិត dɑmnət
distinguished lady, wife of an important dignitary or high official; sometimes used in the titles of female spirits, e.g. ជំទាវម៉ៅ់ ជំទាវ cumtiev
distributed evenly រាច rìːəc
ditch, hole, cave អណ្ដៅ ʔɔndau
ditch, hole, pit, foxhole; pool; gulf, abyss; deep spot / hole in the bed of a body of water. អន្លង់ ʔɑnlʊəŋ
ditch, trench, long pond (esp. one beside a canal) រំលិច rumlɨc
dividing wall, partition, septum ខ្នាន់ knan
divine beings by birth (e.g. those born in heaven) ឧបបាតិទេព ʔuʔpaʔpaateʔteip
divine beings by religious attainment (e.g. Buddhas, saints) វិសុទ្ឋិទេព viʔsotthiʔteip
diviner neək tiəj
division បំណែង bɑmnaeŋ
divorce caol
divorce lɛɛŋ
Djarkarta ហ្សាការតា zaakaataa
do not ... កុំ kom
do, make twəə
document for circulation, memorandum, circular, official paper សារាចរ saaraacɑɑ
document, notice, certificate, letter (esp. one written by a monk); ticket. លិខិត liʔkhət
dog (when someone is compared to a dog it means that he / she is considered to be crude) ឆ្កែ ckae
dog, as year name cɔː
dog ckəe
dog ឆ្កែ chkae
dog សុនខ soʔnɑk
doll, any toy shaped like a human តុក្កតា tokkaʔtaa
doll; scarecrow តាដុង taa doŋ
dolphin, porpoise ផ្សោត psaot
domestic bovine animals (e.g. cattle, water buffalo) កោណសត្វ kaonaʔsat
(domestic) animal. បសុ paʔsoʔ
Don't bother, Forget it, That's it, Then, Well then, That's enough ណ្ហើយ nəhaəj
don't kom
done (cooked) cʔən
door twiə
dots, dotted line (...) មច្ឆណ្ឌសញ្ញា macchandeaʔsaɲɲaa
doubt, suspicion កង្ខា kɑŋkhaa
dove lɔlɔɔk
downfall, failure; misfortune, reverse; bad luck; bankruptcy អលាភ ʔaʔliep
downpour (quantifier) មេ mèː
dragonfly; helicopter កន្ទំរុយ kɑntum ruj
drag ʔouh
drain (pipe), gutter, rainspout tɔɔ
drain, drainpipe, drainage tube; duct; blood vessel (specif. an artery) ប្រណាលី prɑnaalii
drained, dry sras' srɔh
draining off ជំនាត់ cumnoat
drama វិនាដកម្ម viʔniedaʔkam
Dravidian ដ្រាវិឌ draavɨt
draw-plate, device through which flour paste is drawn into noodles ប៉ែន paen
drawee, one who receives a check from the drawer and cashes it បហារិត paʔhaaret
drawer (of a bill of exchange), person by whom a check or bill of exchange is drawn បហារ័ក paʔhaarak
drawing instruments ឃ្នូស knuuh
drawing, carving, design, pattern; embellishment ក្បាច់ kbac
drawn up, huddled up, in a cowering manner ក្រញោន krɑɲaon
dream សប្តិ sɑp
dressed cotton សម្លី sɔmlɤj
dried rice ក្តាក ktaak
dried shrimp ហៃប៊ី haj pii
dried up sɔh-kəkrɔh
dried up ស្ងួត sŋuːət
drill (bit), gimlet, auger កណ្ដារ kɑndaa
drill, auger. ខួង khuəŋ
drinkable water, beverage. បានីយៈ paanəjjeaʔ
drinking together សហបាន saʔhaʔbaan
drink phək
drizzling sound, sound produced by rain drops falling on a surface; sound produced by walking on crisp objects ស្រិបៗ srəp - srəp
drop (e.g. of sweat), tear; bubble; pustule, blister, skin rash ដំណួច dɑmnuəc
drop (of a liquid); dot, period តំណក់ tɑmnɑk, dɑmnɑk
drop by drop តំណក់ៗ tɑmnɑk - tɑmnɑk
drop, dot bɔntɔk
drop, falling drop tɔmnɔk
drop ដំណួច dɔmnuːəc
drowsiness; sloth and torpor; apathy ថីនមិទ្ឋ thəjnaʔmɨt
drowsy រលីវ rəlìːv
drum skɔɔ
drum ស្គរ skɔɔ
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **disc, plate, platter, tray, discus; \(phonograph\) record** | ថាស | thaah **discharge, release, acquittance \(e\.g\. of a debt\)\.** | និមុត្តិ | niʔmut, niʔmutteʔ **disciple of the Buddha** | អនុពុទ្ឋ | ʔaʔnuʔput **discipline / rule \(of monks\)** | សភាគាបត្តិ | saʔphiekiepatteʔ **discoloured, stained, bruised, dark in colour** | ជាំ | cɔ̀əm **discourse about the Dharma; a discourse / dissertation / essay / commentary on law; explanation of the law** | ធម្មាធិប្បាយ | thoammiethipbaaj **discovery; windfall, godsend** | អលភ្យលាភ | ʔaʔlaʔpjeaʔliep **disease, illness; pain \(see also the more formal var\. រោគ \)** | ជំងឺ | cumŋɨɨ **disease, illness** | ជំងឺ | cùmŋɯ̀ː **diseases of the nose** | នាសិករោគ | nieseʔkaʔrouk **disgusted \(expression\)** | ស្ញូង?? | sɲoːŋ **dish, tray** | ជាម | cìːəm **dish\-support, dish\-stand** | ក្បាន | kbaan **dishonorable person\.** | កញ្ជ្រក់ | kɑɲcrʊək **dislocation, to dislocate** | grec | krèc **disorderly, in a tangle, in a mess; awkwardly; rudely** | ច្រងេងច្រងាង | crɑŋeeŋ \- crɑŋaaŋ **dispensary; clinic** | ឱសថាល័យ | ʔaosoʔthaalaj **displeasure, irritation** | រឱស | rɔʔaoh **dispute caused by words** | វិវាទាធិករណ៍ | viʔvietiethiʔkɑɑ **dispute, disagreement; \(law\)suit; strife, discord, dissension; fault, crime; aggression** | អធិករណ៍ | ʔaʔthiʔkɑɑ, ʔaʔthiʔkaʔraʔnaʔ\- **disrespect, disregard, insolence; offense** | អគារវៈ | ʔaʔkiereaʔveaʔ **dissection** | មតសរីរច្ឆេទនសាស្ត្រ | meaʔtaʔsaʔrəj raccheeteaʔneaʔsaah **distance, separation; range\.** | ចំងាយ | cɑmŋaaj **\(distant\) lightning, heat lightning; flashes of lightning** | បន្ទោរ | bɑntou **distant** | | cŋaaj **distant** | ឆ្ងាយ | chŋaːj **distended, bloated** | ស្ពីង | spìːŋ **distillation; sharpening** | បំណិត | bɑmnət **distinctness / sharpness \(of writing or printing\); a distinct / sharp impression** | ដំណិត | dɑmnət **distinguished lady, wife of an important dignitary or high official; sometimes used in the titles of female spirits, e\.g\. ជំទាវម៉ៅ់ ** | ជំទាវ | cumtiev **distributed evenly** | រាច | rìːəc **ditch, hole, cave** | អណ្ដៅ | ʔɔndau **ditch, hole, pit, foxhole; pool; gulf, abyss; deep spot / hole in the bed of a body of water\.** | អន្លង់ | ʔɑnlʊəŋ **ditch, trench, long pond \(esp\. one beside a canal\)** | រំលិច | rumlɨc **dividing wall, partition, septum** | ខ្នាន់ | knan **divine beings by birth \(e\.g\. those born in heaven\)** | ឧបបាតិទេព | ʔuʔpaʔpaateʔteip **divine beings by religious attainment \(e\.g\. Buddhas, saints\)** | វិសុទ្ឋិទេព | viʔsotthiʔteip **diviner** | | neək tiəj **division** | បំណែង | bɑmnaeŋ **divorce** | | caol **divorce** | | lɛɛŋ **Djarkarta** | ហ្សាការតា | zaakaataa **do not \.\.\.** | កុំ | kom **do, make** | | twəə **document for circulation, memorandum, circular, official paper** | សារាចរ | saaraacɑɑ **document, notice, certificate, letter \(esp\. one written by a monk\); ticket\.** | លិខិត | liʔkhət **dog \(when someone is compared to a dog it means that he / she is considered to be crude\)** | ឆ្កែ | ckae **dog, as year name** | ច | cɔː **dog** | | ckəe **dog** | ឆ្កែ | chkae **dog** | សុនខ | soʔnɑk **doll, any toy shaped like a human** | តុក្កតា | tokkaʔtaa **doll; scarecrow** | តាដុង | taa doŋ **dolphin, porpoise** | ផ្សោត | psaot **domestic bovine animals \(e\.g\. cattle, water buffalo\)** | កោណសត្វ | kaonaʔsat **\(domestic\) animal\.** | បសុ | paʔsoʔ **Don't bother, Forget it, That's it, Then, Well then, That's enough** | ណ្ហើយ | nəhaəj **don't** | | kom **done \(cooked\)** | | cʔən **door** | | twiə **dots, dotted line \(\.\.\.\)** | មច្ឆណ្ឌសញ្ញា | macchandeaʔsaɲɲaa **doubt, suspicion** | កង្ខា | kɑŋkhaa **dove** | | lɔlɔɔk **downfall, failure; misfortune, reverse; bad luck; bankruptcy** | អលាភ | ʔaʔliep **downpour \(quantifier\)** | មេ | mèː **dragonfly; helicopter** | កន្ទំរុយ | kɑntum ruj **drag** | | ʔouh **drain \(pipe\), gutter, rainspout** | ទ | tɔɔ **drain, drainpipe, drainage tube; duct; blood vessel \(specif\. an artery\)** | ប្រណាលី | prɑnaalii **drained, dry** | sras' | srɔh **draining off** | ជំនាត់ | cumnoat **drama** | វិនាដកម្ម | viʔniedaʔkam **Dravidian** | ដ្រាវិឌ | draavɨt **draw\-plate, device through which flour paste is drawn into noodles** | ប៉ែន | paen **drawee, one who receives a check from the drawer and cashes it** | បហារិត | paʔhaaret **drawer \(of a bill of exchange\), person by whom a check or bill of exchange is drawn** | បហារ័ក | paʔhaarak **drawing instruments** | ឃ្នូស | knuuh **drawing, carving, design, pattern; embellishment** | ក្បាច់ | kbac **drawn up, huddled up, in a cowering manner** | ក្រញោន | krɑɲaon **dream** | សប្តិ | sɑp **dressed cotton** | សម្លី | sɔmlɤj **dried rice** | ក្តាក | ktaak **dried shrimp** | ហៃប៊ី | haj pii **dried up** | | sɔh\-kəkrɔh **dried up** | ស្ងួត | sŋuːət **drill \(bit\), gimlet, auger** | កណ្ដារ | kɑndaa **drill, auger\.** | ខួង | khuəŋ **drinkable water, beverage\.** | បានីយៈ | paanəjjeaʔ **drinking together** | សហបាន | saʔhaʔbaan **drink** | | phək **drizzling sound, sound produced by rain drops falling on a surface; sound produced by walking on crisp objects** | ស្រិបៗ | srəp \- srəp **drop \(e\.g\. of sweat\), tear; bubble; pustule, blister, skin rash** | ដំណួច | dɑmnuəc **drop \(of a liquid\); dot, period** | តំណក់ | tɑmnɑk, dɑmnɑk **drop by drop** | តំណក់ៗ | tɑmnɑk \- tɑmnɑk **drop, dot** | | bɔntɔk **drop, falling drop** | | tɔmnɔk **drop** | ដំណួច | dɔmnuːəc **drowsiness; sloth and torpor; apathy** | ថីនមិទ្ឋ | thəjnaʔmɨt **drowsy** | រលីវ | rəlìːv **drum** | | skɔɔ **drum** | ស្គរ | skɔɔ
edited Oct 26 '23 lúc 4:27 pm
drum ស្គរ skɔ̀ː
drunk ស្រវឹង srəvɤŋ
dry (season) praŋ
dry season ប្រាំង praŋ
dry up reəŋ
dry, dried up khaḥ khah
drying; dryness, drought សំងួត sɑmŋuət
dry riiŋ
dry sŋuət
duck tiə
duck tìːə
duck ទា tie
dull (edge) rɨl
dully (of aching) ឆៀវ chiəv
dully (of pains); appearing gradually eg. ឈឺពោះឆេវ to begin to get a stomach ache ឆេវ cheev
dumbbell (weight) អាល់តែរ ʔal tae
dumbfounded ស្រលាំង srəlaŋ
duration, long period of time. អំលុង ʔɑmloŋ
dusk, sunset, twilight ប្រទោសកាស prɑtʊəhskaal
dusk, twilight (The divisions of ព្រលប់ are: ព្រលប់ធំ early in the night, sometime after dusk, ក្បាលព្រលប់ at dusk, in the early evening, and ពន់ព្រលប់ at night) ព្រលប់ prɔlup
dusk សន្ឋាៈ(កាល) sɑntjie(kaal)
dust, powder ល្អង lʔɑɑŋ
dust thuu lii
duty / function of a dean of the diplomatic corps / rsident suprieur ឯកាធិបតេយ្យ ʔaekaathɨppaʔtaj
duty, assessment, tax; court costs; fine ខ្វាត់ kvat
dwarf, midget. តឿ tɨə
dwarfish, stunted, shrivelled កុញ kuñ
dwarf tɨə
dwelling place of the pure in heart សុទ្ឋាវាស sotthievieh
(e.g. woodpecker) to make hole in (tree) coḥ cɔh
each / every / all (in sequence) រាល់ roal
each, each one, every one, various, all នីមួយៗ niimuəj - niimuəj
each, every រាល់ rɔ̀əl
eagle; Indrī (name of a fabulous mythological eagle) ឥន្ទ្រី ʔəntrii
ear (of corn), pod កួរ kuə
ear, pod guə(r) kùːə
ear; generic term for many kinds of (esp. paired) projections such as hinges (e.g. of a door) or handles (of clay pots) ត្រចៀក trɑciek
early morning sunlight អរុណោភាស ʔaʔruʔnaophieh
early morning, dawn, sunrise ព្រហាម prɔhiem
earth, ground, land, soil, territory; specif. large administrative areas into which Cambodian was formerly organized (by 1875, there were six ដី, but earlier there had been 12); each ដី consisted of between six and ten provinces and was governed by a ស្តេចត្រាញ់ ដី dəj
earth, land ភុម្ម phummeaʔ
earth, world; the surface of the earth; ground, territory ផែនដី phaen dəj
earthen furnace for melting gold ឆ្គ័រ ckoa
earthenware jug កំប៉ុក kɑmpok
earthworm ជន្លេន cʊənlein
earthworm ṛs rɯ̀h [dɤj]
earth dəj
earth ដី dɤj
earth អចលា ʔaʔcaʔlaa
ear trɑciəʔ
ear ត្រចៀក trəciək
easily, freely (of swallowing) ភ្លន plɔɔn
easily, freely, fluently, without effort / strain រ៉ិល rəl
east kəət
easy sruəl
easy ŋiəj
eating from one's own bowl (one of the 13 dhutangas) បត្តបិណ្ឌិកង្គៈ pattaʔpəndiʔkaŋkeaʔ
eating together សហភោជ saʔhaʔphouc
eat sii
eat ɲam
eaves, roof that extends beyond the outside wall of a building ញ៉ាប ɲaap
ebb tide, low tide. នាច niec
ebbing, falling (e.g. of the tide) លំនាច lumniec
ebony tree (Dalbergia sp.) គ្រញូង krɔɲuuŋ
echo លន្លង់ lùənlùəŋ
ecosystem, environment បរិស្ថាន bɑɑreʔsthaan
ecthyma, impetigo, skin disease of the scalp (characterized by the presence of blisters filled with pus) ទែលម៉ូវ tɛɛl məv
edge of the lips / mouth, rim ប្របេរ prɑbee
edge, fringe, hem, border; outskirts ជាយ ciej
edge, rim, lip, border, hem គែម kɛɛm
edge, rim រឹម rɯ̀m
edge; bank, shore, beach; the other side, the far shore, opposite bank; place of sanctuary, Nirvana ត្រើយ traəj
edge; opening side (of a container), added side or edge to increase the capacity (of something), boards / planks for increasing the capacity of a boat by raising the sides សណ្ដ sɑndɑɑ
edible spider [ho]pìːŋ
editor, compiler គន្ថរចនាចារ្យ koanthaʔraʔcaʔnaacaa
education, knowledge; know - how; ability, learning, experience ចំណេះ cɑmneh
eel ទន្ទង់?? tùəntùəŋ
eel ទន្ទុង?? tùəntùŋ
eel អន្ទង់ ʔɑntʊəŋ
eel អន្ទង់ ʔɔntùəŋ
effectiveness, exactness, precision, accuracy; punctuality ចំហុត cɑmhot
effectiveness; blessing (this form sometimes confused with the verb form ប្រសិទ្ឋ ) ប្រសិទ្ឋិ prɑsət, prɑsetthiʔ
effort, difficulties អដ្ត ʔatdaʔ
effort, struggle, hard work, determination បំរឹង bɑmrəŋ
effort; striving, concentration of mind, exertion ប្រធានានុយោគ prɑthienienuʔjouk
egg; testicles, scrotum អណ្ឌៈ ʔɑndeaʔ
eggfruit (kind of vine with edible yellow fruit shaped like persimmons Cissus repens) សេដា seedaa
eggshell កណាណូ kaʔnaanoo
egg pɔɔŋ
eight groups of monks អស្តារ្យសង្ឃ ʔahsdaajaʔsɑŋ
eighteenth letter of the Cambodian alphabet tɔɔ
eighth letter of the Cambodian alphabet cɔɔ
eight prambaj
either ... or ..., whether ... or ... ... ក្តី ... ក្តី ... kdəj ... kdəj
elbow កែង[ដៃ] kaeŋ [daj]
elder brother. ហ៊ា hie
elder sibling of one's parent. អ៊ំ ʔum, ʔom
elder sibling. បង bɑɑŋ
elder sibling រៀម riem
elder sister ជេដ្ឋភគិនី ceitthaʔpheaʔkiʔnii
electrical substation កាប៊ីនភ្លើង kaabiin pləəŋ
electron អសន្យាណូ ʔaʔsɑnjaanou
elephant hobbles ទន្លីង tùənlìːŋ
elephant's trunk ប្រមោយ prɑmaoj
elephant; often used adjectively to indicate a very large species of some animal ដំរី dɑmrəj
(elephants) to stand in shade ស្រប់ srɔp
elephant dəmrəj
elephant ករី kɑrii, kaʔrii
embargo, quarantine, blockade និន្និវារណ៍ ninniʔvie
ember, live coal រងើក rɔŋəək
embossment; relief (as on a map), relievo, elevations / inequalities on a land surface; prominence ឱនិន្នភាព ʔaoninnaʔphiep
embrace; embracing អាលិង្គន ʔaalɨŋkʊən, ʔaaliŋkeaʔneaʔ
emergence ឧទាបទ ʔuʔtiebat
emigrant និរប្រវេសន្ត niʔreaʔprɑveihsɑn
emigration, migration និរប្រវេស niʔreaʔprɑveih
emperor សំរាជ sɑmraac
emphatic final particle be sure to ..., make sure you ..., won't you ... អ្ហឺ ʔhəə
emptiness, lack ទំហេង tumheiŋ
empty / vacant house; quiet house សុញ្ញាគារ soɲɲaakie
empty, void, hollow, immense, deep ធេង thèːŋ
empty, void ធោង?? dhoṅ
empty tɔtee
empty suḥ soh
en masse, in a crowd សស្រេកសស្រោក sɑsreek - sɑsraok
enamel glaze កាចា kaa caa
enclosure, palace, to enclose វាំង vɛ̀əŋ
end (peak) kampuul
end (point) coŋ
end of a meal ភត្តាវសាន phoattaaveaʔsaan
end, tip; extremity, farthest point, top, peak, apex; limit ចុង coŋ
end, tip ចុង coŋ
end; to cease, to end, exceed, come up to ផុត phot
endlessly, over and over, repeatedly ចែៗ cae - cae
endurance (in bearing hardship), patience, perseverance; calm resignation. អំណត់ ʔɑmnɑt
enemy; vengeful or hostile person ពៃរី pejrii
energy, power, force ឋាមពល thaameaʔpʊəl
engineering វិស្វកម្ម viʔsvaʔkam
engraved design, decorative bas-relief design លំហួត lumhuət
enjoying (something) together, sharing happiness together សហហាសនៈ saʔhaʔhaasaʔnaʔ
enlightenment សម្មាសម្ពោធិញ្ញាណ sammaasampouthiʔɲien
enough lmɔɔm
enterprise; business, firm, undertaking សហគ្រាស saʔhaʔkrieh
entertainment, amusement ហសាភិប្រាយ haʔsaaphiʔpraaj
enter coul
enthusiasm ឥដ្ឋានុមោទនា ʔətthaanuʔmouteaʔnie
entirely, all together ភ្មាស pmieh
entrance / opening to a fish trap (composed of a funnel-shaped arrangement of bamboo strips directed inwards so that fish which enter cannot leave); valve ប្រឹស prəh
entry, (act of) entering, going in, penetration; landing ចំណូល cɑmnool
epidermis អធិត្វច្ច ʔaʔthiʔtvac
episode ឧបកថា ʔuʔpaʔkaʔthaa
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **drum** | ស្គរ | skɔ̀ː **drunk** | ស្រវឹង | srəvɤŋ **dry \(season\)** | | praŋ **dry season** | ប្រាំង | praŋ **dry up** | | reəŋ **dry, dried up** | khaḥ | khah **drying; dryness, drought** | សំងួត | sɑmŋuət **dry** | | riiŋ **dry** | | sŋuət **duck** | | tiə **duck** | dā | tìːə **duck** | ទា | tie **dull \(edge\)** | | rɨl **dully \(of aching\)** | ឆៀវ | chiəv **dully \(of pains\); appearing gradually eg\. ឈឺពោះឆេវ to begin to get a stomach ache** | ឆេវ | cheev **dumbbell \(weight\)** | អាល់តែរ | ʔal tae **dumbfounded** | ស្រលាំង | srəlaŋ **duration, long period of time\.** | អំលុង | ʔɑmloŋ **dusk, sunset, twilight** | ប្រទោសកាស | prɑtʊəhskaal **dusk, twilight \(The divisions of ព្រលប់ are: ព្រលប់ធំ early in the night, sometime after dusk, ក្បាលព្រលប់ at dusk, in the early evening, and ពន់ព្រលប់ at night\)** | ព្រលប់ | prɔlup **dusk** | សន្ឋាៈ\(កាល\) | sɑntjie\(kaal\) **dust, powder** | ល្អង | lʔɑɑŋ **dust** | | thuu lii **duty / function of a dean of the diplomatic corps / rsident suprieur** | ឯកាធិបតេយ្យ | ʔaekaathɨppaʔtaj **duty, assessment, tax; court costs; fine** | ខ្វាត់ | kvat **dwarf, midget\.** | តឿ | tɨə **dwarfish, stunted, shrivelled** | កុញ | kuñ **dwarf** | | tɨə **dwelling place of the pure in heart** | សុទ្ឋាវាស | sotthievieh **\(e\.g\. woodpecker\) to make hole in \(tree\)** | coḥ | cɔh **each / every / all \(in sequence\)** | រាល់ | roal **each, each one, every one, various, all** | នីមួយៗ | niimuəj \- niimuəj **each, every** | រាល់ | rɔ̀əl **eagle; Indrī \(name of a fabulous mythological eagle\)** | ឥន្ទ្រី | ʔəntrii **ear \(of corn\), pod** | កួរ | kuə **ear, pod** | guə\(r\) | kùːə **ear; generic term for many kinds of \(esp\. paired\) projections such as hinges \(e\.g\. of a door\) or handles \(of clay pots\)** | ត្រចៀក | trɑciek **early morning sunlight** | អរុណោភាស | ʔaʔruʔnaophieh **early morning, dawn, sunrise** | ព្រហាម | prɔhiem **earth, ground, land, soil, territory; specif\. large administrative areas into which Cambodian was formerly organized \(by 1875, there were six ដី, but earlier there had been 12\); each ដី consisted of between six and ten provinces and was governed by a ស្តេចត្រាញ់** | ដី | dəj **earth, land** | ភុម្ម | phummeaʔ **earth, world; the surface of the earth; ground, territory** | ផែនដី | phaen dəj **earthen furnace for melting gold** | ឆ្គ័រ | ckoa **earthenware jug** | កំប៉ុក | kɑmpok **earthworm** | ជន្លេន | cʊənlein **earthworm** | ṛs | rɯ̀h \[dɤj\] **earth** | | dəj **earth** | ដី | dɤj **earth** | អចលា | ʔaʔcaʔlaa **ear** | | trɑciəʔ **ear** | ត្រចៀក | trəciək **easily, freely \(of swallowing\)** | ភ្លន | plɔɔn **easily, freely, fluently, without effort / strain** | រ៉ិល | rəl **east** | | kəət **easy** | | sruəl **easy** | | ŋiəj **eating from one's own bowl \(one of the 13 dhutangas\)** | បត្តបិណ្ឌិកង្គៈ | pattaʔpəndiʔkaŋkeaʔ **eating together** | សហភោជ | saʔhaʔphouc **eat** | | sii **eat** | | ɲam **eaves, roof that extends beyond the outside wall of a building** | ញ៉ាប | ɲaap **ebb tide, low tide\.** | នាច | niec **ebbing, falling \(e\.g\. of the tide\)** | លំនាច | lumniec **ebony tree \(Dalbergia sp\.\)** | គ្រញូង | krɔɲuuŋ **echo** | លន្លង់ | lùənlùəŋ **ecosystem, environment** | បរិស្ថាន | bɑɑreʔsthaan **ecthyma, impetigo, skin disease of the scalp \(characterized by the presence of blisters filled with pus\)** | ទែលម៉ូវ | tɛɛl məv **edge of the lips / mouth, rim** | ប្របេរ | prɑbee **edge, fringe, hem, border; outskirts** | ជាយ | ciej **edge, rim, lip, border, hem** | គែម | kɛɛm **edge, rim** | រឹម | rɯ̀m **edge; bank, shore, beach; the other side, the far shore, opposite bank; place of sanctuary, Nirvana** | ត្រើយ | traəj **edge; opening side \(of a container\), added side or edge to increase the capacity \(of something\), boards / planks for increasing the capacity of a boat by raising the sides** | សណ្ដ | sɑndɑɑ **edible spider** | | \[ho\]pìːŋ **editor, compiler** | គន្ថរចនាចារ្យ | koanthaʔraʔcaʔnaacaa **education, knowledge; know \- how; ability, learning, experience** | ចំណេះ | cɑmneh **eel** | ទន្ទង់?? | tùəntùəŋ **eel** | ទន្ទុង?? | tùəntùŋ **eel** | អន្ទង់ | ʔɑntʊəŋ **eel** | អន្ទង់ | ʔɔntùəŋ **effectiveness, exactness, precision, accuracy; punctuality** | ចំហុត | cɑmhot **effectiveness; blessing \(this form sometimes confused with the verb form ប្រសិទ្ឋ \)** | ប្រសិទ្ឋិ | prɑsət, prɑsetthiʔ **effort, difficulties** | អដ្ត | ʔatdaʔ **effort, struggle, hard work, determination** | បំរឹង | bɑmrəŋ **effort; striving, concentration of mind, exertion** | ប្រធានានុយោគ | prɑthienienuʔjouk **egg; testicles, scrotum** | អណ្ឌៈ | ʔɑndeaʔ **eggfruit \(kind of vine with edible yellow fruit shaped like persimmons Cissus repens\)** | សេដា | seedaa **eggshell** | កណាណូ | kaʔnaanoo **egg** | | pɔɔŋ **eight groups of monks** | អស្តារ្យសង្ឃ | ʔahsdaajaʔsɑŋ **eighteenth letter of the Cambodian alphabet** | ទ | tɔɔ **eighth letter of the Cambodian alphabet** | ជ | cɔɔ **eight** | | prambaj **either \.\.\. or \.\.\., whether \.\.\. or \.\.\.** | \.\.\. ក្តី \.\.\. ក្តី | \.\.\. kdəj \.\.\. kdəj **elbow** | កែង\[ដៃ\] | kaeŋ \[daj\] **elder brother\.** | ហ៊ា | hie **elder sibling of one's parent\.** | អ៊ំ | ʔum, ʔom **elder sibling\.** | បង | bɑɑŋ **elder sibling** | រៀម | riem **elder sister** | ជេដ្ឋភគិនី | ceitthaʔpheaʔkiʔnii **electrical substation** | កាប៊ីនភ្លើង | kaabiin pləəŋ **electron** | អសន្យាណូ | ʔaʔsɑnjaanou **elephant hobbles**
epithet of Indra កោសិយ kaosəj
equal power; people who have equal power សមានានុភាព saʔmaanaanuʔphiep
equal to, up to the same point as ត្រឹម trɤm
equal ស្មើ smaə
equation សមិការ saʔməjkaa
Equidae អស្សសត្វ ʔahsaʔsat
equipment used on ships (e.g. sails, anchor), tackle នាវូបករណ៍ nievuupaʔkɑɑ
equipment, provisions; objects specially prepared for use in rituals / ceremonies / parties / etc.; present / gift (esp. small gifts for monks who have conducted a ceremony) រណ្ដាប់ rʊəndap
equipment, tool, implement; mechanism, device, apparatus; component, accessory; thing; ingredient, supplies / parts (for building something, e.g. a house); spice, seasoning គ្រឿង krɨəŋ
equivocating; specif. false doctrine which advocates evasive speech អមរាវិក្ខេប ʔaʔmaʔraavikkheep
Era of the Five Buddhas ភទ្ទកប្ប phoatteaʔkap
era, age, generation, time, period; level ជំនាន់ cumnoan
erectly, (standing) straight up, bolt upright; with the feet up, with the roots sticking up ច្រោង craoŋ
error, bad deed អាកុលកម្ម ʔaakoʔlaʔkam
error, fault, mistake, negligence; guilt, wrong កំហុស kɑmhoh
eruption ឧទ្ឋគមន៍ ʔuttheaʔkum
(esp. of a baby) to be fussy ញញេញ ɲɔɲəɲ
(esp. of a wound or boil) to be swollen (from infection) ដរ dɑɑ
(esp. of animals) to gallop, run at full speed, dart away, scamper បោល baol
(esp. of animals, such as water buffalo, cats, and monkeys) to be vigorous, strong, powerful; in prime condition ត្រោស traoh
(esp. of elephants) to butt, strike with the head / tusks, gore, trample; to attack ព្រេច prɨc
(esp. of grain) to be fruitless, empty, hollow; to be empty of contents, be unproductive; to be stunted, underdeveloped, dried out; to be sterile, barren ស្កក skɑɑk
(esp. of peddlers) to aggressively try to sell something, shout (in order to attract attention and sell one's wares) ពពាយនាយ pɔpiej - niej
(esp. of the face) to be swollen, soft and puffy, flabby with fat ស្ពុល spul
(esp. of the top of the head) to be bare, smooth, hairless; devoid of vegetation; topless (as a tree) ត្រងិល trɑŋəl
(esp. of very small animals) in short jerky / bobbing movements, in a darting manner; in a dainty / mincing fashion ឆ្មេរ cmee
(esp. of women) to sulk. ងរ ŋɔɔ
essence (of a matter), hidden motive, underlying reason, the rights and wrongs of a situation. សេចគ្រេច sac - krɨc
estimate, specification, bill of quantities អាគណនា ʔaakeaʔnaʔnie
etc. (et cetera), and so forth, and so on ។ល។ laʔ
eunuch, neuter នបុំសកៈ neaʔpoŋsaʔkaʔ
Europe. អឺរ៉ុប ʔəɨrop
evacuation. ជំលៀស cumlieh
evasion, twisting / embellishing the truth អញ្ញវាទកម្ម ʔaɲɲaʔvieteaʔkam
even (if), even though, though it were ទោះ tʊəh
even if, even though, no matter that នាបី niebəj
even, even if, in spite of, including; although សូម្បី soombəj
even, smooth (road) រហិល rəhɤl
evening, late afternoon (usually around 5:00 - 6:00, but occasionally later) ល្ងាច lŋiec
evening jup
evening lŋiəc
event / happening / phenomenon (usually bad), manifestation បាតុភាព paatoʔphiep
event, incident; story, narration of a past occurrence ដំណាន dɑmnaan
every សព្វ *sɔp
everybody; each person, each one, every one of them. ម្នាក់ៗ mneak - mneak
everyday, day by day, day after day ប្រតិទិន prɑteʔtin
everywhere; back and forth, to and fro; in an intertwining / crisscross manner; here and there រង្គាត់ rʊəŋkoat
every krup
every ròəl
evidence, proof, testimony, verification, support; witness ភស្តុតាង phoahtaaŋ
evidence, testimony, proof សំអាង sɑmʔaaŋ
evil / destructive knowledge ទុព្វិជា tuppɨccie
evil / mean person; witch កាឡកិណី kaalkeʔnəj
evil person កាឡកណ្ណី kaalkannəj
evil spirit, demon (female) អសុរី ʔaʔsoʔrəj
evil spirit, demon (male) អសុរា ʔaʔsoʔraa
evil spirit កំរោល kɑmraol
exact(ly), directly ចំ cɔm
(exactly) the same / as before ថ្វាត់ tvat
exactly, right on the spot, right on top ចំប៉ាច់ exactly! correct! ប៉ាច់ pac
exactly, right on the spot, right on top ញ៉ាច់ ɲac
exact cɑm
example, model, pattern; method; sample, specimen គំរូ kumruu
example, model; proof, evidence; commentary. ឧទាហរណ៍ ʔuʔtiehɑɑ
example, sample, model, pattern; manner of behavior, habits តំរាប់ tɑmrap
example ឧបមានុបមេយ្យ ʔuʔpaʔmaanuʔpaʔmej
excavating, burrowing; things found by excavation (e.g. fossils, archaeological artifacts) កំណាយ kɑmnaaj
excess population ល្បើស lbaəh
exchange (e.g. of gifts), bartering ដំណូរ dɑmnoo
excitement, ardor, desire, passion; tumult កោតុហល kaotoʔhɑl
exclamation expressing amazement or stupefaction look, look there (2) nah, nəh ហ្ន nɑɑ
exclamation expressing anger, surprise, or shock អះ ʔah
exclamation expressing happiness, sarcasm or irony ហឺ həɨ
exclamation indicating doubt or suspicion អ្ហាះ ʔhaah
exclamation indicating satisfaction or surprise aha! អ៎ ʔɑɑ
exclamation of anger / surprise / teasing យ៉ើ jaə
exclamation of anger or surprise, hey ពះ peah
exclamation of complaining or hardship, ouch! អ៊ីះ ʔiih
exclamation of disagreement, opposition, or admiration អូះ ʔooh
exclamation of joy / happiness at achieving something អឺត ʔəɨt
exclamation of mild pain, ouch យុយ juj
exclamation of pain or despair អីយ៉ូយ ʔəj jooj
exclamation of pain, ouch អូយ ʔooj
exclamation of pain; sound of groaning and moaning ហ៊ឺ hɨɨ
exclamation of pleasant surprise យ័រ joa
exclamation of surprise as when one finds something that one has searched for a long time ចុំ com
exclamation of surprise or admiration វោ vou
exclamation of surprise or disagreement រ៉ាក raak
exclamation of surprise, anger, regret, joy, mockery or scorn អុញ ʔoɲ
exclamation of surprise បេយ្យក៍ pajjaʔkaʔ
exclamation of surprise យេ jei
exclamation of surprise ហាហា haa - haa
exclamation of surprise អៃ ʔaj
exclamation of wonderment អ្ហ៊ៈ ʔheaʔ
exclamation roughly equivalent to `sic em!' used to provoke a dog to bite, also used to provoke a fight or to mock someone អៅ ʔav
exclamation used at the beginning or ending of religious or magical formulae meaning `It is right, it is correct' ស្វាហៈ svaahaʔ
exclamation used in healing rituals, `May it be cured, may it be gone' ស្វាហាយ svaahaaj
exclamation used to attract someone's attention អ្ហ ʔhɑɑ
exclamation used to chase an animal away យ៉ស jɑɑh
exclamation used to chase animals វ៉ស vɑɑh
exclamation used to chase cattle and water buffalo ហ៊ុយ huj
exclamation used to shoo people or animals away វ៉ូស vooh
exclamation uttered when lifting something អឺះ ʔɨh
excrement, faeces អាចម៍ ʔac
excuse, apology; forgiveness ខមាទោស khɑɑmietouh
executioner, hangman; butcher ពេជ្ឈឃាដ pɨccheaʔkhiet
executor (one who carries out an assignment) សាធក saathʊək, saatheaʔkaʔ
exercise, drill លំហាត់ lumhat
exercise, problem, question; accusation, indictment, statement of charges ចំណោទ cɑmnaot
exhaustedly (of breathing), in a panting manner ត្រហេបត្រហប trɑheep - trɑhɑɑp
exhibition, show, display, exhibit ពិព័រណ៍ piʔpoa
exhortative exclamation used to coordinate groups of workers heave ho ហេៈហ៏ heʔ hɑɑ
exhortative particle well, let's go, come on, let's .... (តស់ is derived from the verb ទៅ `to go') តស់ tɑh
existence; being; presence អត្តិភាព ʔatteʔphiep
exit cəɲ
exoneration វិពិរុទ្ឋកម្ម viʔpiʔruttheaʔkam
expanse, (wide open) space, immensity ប្រវាល prɑvaal
expensive tlaj
expiration, exhalation អានៈ ʔaanaʔ
explanation, clarification, demonstration ព្យាក្រឹតិ pjiekrət
explanatory talk, discussion, conversation, argument. សាកច្ឆា saakacchaa
explosion, (volcanic) eruption បន្ទុះ bɑntuh
exponent, interpreter, representative និទស្សន្ត niʔtʊəhsɑn
expression of dissatisfaction / anger / suffering; sound produced by moderate laughing ហ៊ិះ hih
expression of scorn or contempt; imitates the sound of spitting ថ្វឺយ1 tvəɨj
expression used by the coxswain who sits at the front end of a racing boat telling the rowers to speed up (during the race) វ៉ក vɑɑk
expression used to order people to do something together and simultaneously, heave ho ហ៊ឹប hɨp
expropriation អស្សាមីករណ៍ ʔahsaamiikɑɑ
extent, length; period, stretch សង្វែង sɑŋvaeŋ
extent; amplitude (e.g. of a current) ទោលនា touleaʔnie
extent ត្រវល?? trəvɔl
extinguished lüət
extinguish rumlüət
extract, excerpt, any product (such as an essence or concentrate) prepared by extraction និស្សារណា nihsaareaʔnaa
extradition បត្យាប័ន patjaaban
extremely, abundantly, exceedingly, very, to the highest degree ក្រៃ kraj
(eye)witness; (piece of) evidence, proof; testimony; alibi បន្ទាល់ bɑntoal
eye; bud (of a tree). ភ្នែក pnɛɛk
eyebrow ចិញ្ចើម cəɲcaəm
eye pnɛɛk
face down (with the bottom sticking up) គ្រហីត krɔhiit
face down in rows (as people sleeping on the floor). រតេត rɔteet
face muk
failure, failing; relapse កំហក kɑmhɑk
failure, misfortune. រិត្ត rittaʔ
fainting spell, petit mal (epileptic) seizure ប្រឆ្ងិត prɑcŋət
fall / length (of clothing) សំរុង sɑmroŋ
fall over duəl
(falling) brusquely, abruptly, suddenly; topsy-turvy ត្មោល tmaol
**GLOSS** | **ORTH** | **IPA** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------- **epithet of Indra** | កោសិយ | kaosəj **equal power; people who have equal power** | សមានានុភាព | saʔmaanaanuʔphiep **equal to, up to the same point as** | ត្រឹម | trɤm **equal** | ស្មើ | smaə **equation** | សមិការ | saʔməjkaa **Equidae** | អស្សសត្វ | ʔahsaʔsat **equipment used on ships \(e\.g\. sails, anchor\), tackle** | នាវូបករណ៍ | nievuupaʔkɑɑ **equipment, provisions; objects specially prepared for use in rituals / ceremonies / parties / etc\.; present / gift \(esp\. small gifts for monks who have conducted a ceremony\)** | រណ្ដាប់ | rʊəndap **equipment, tool, implement; mechanism, device, apparatus; component, accessory; thing; ingredient, supplies / parts \(for building something, e\.g\. a house\); spice, seasoning** | គ្រឿង | krɨəŋ **equivocating; specif\. false doctrine which advocates evasive speech** | អមរាវិក្ខេប | ʔaʔmaʔraavikkheep **Era of the Five Buddhas** | ភទ្ទកប្ប | phoatteaʔkap **era, age, generation, time, period; level** | ជំនាន់ | cumnoan **erectly, \(standing\) straight up, bolt upright; with the feet up, with the roots sticking up** | ច្រោង | craoŋ **error, bad deed** | អាកុលកម្ម | ʔaakoʔlaʔkam **error, fault, mistake, negligence; guilt, wrong** | កំហុស | kɑmhoh **eruption** | ឧទ្ឋគមន៍ | ʔuttheaʔkum **\(esp\. of a baby\) to be fussy** | ញញេញ | ɲɔɲəɲ **\(esp\. of a wound or boil\) to be swollen \(from infection\)** | ដរ | dɑɑ **\(esp\. of animals\) to gallop, run at full speed, dart away, scamper** | បោល | baol **\(esp\. of animals, such as water buffalo, cats, and monkeys\) to be vigorous, strong, powerful; in prime condition** | ត្រោស | traoh **\(esp\. of elephants\) to butt, strike with the head / tusks, gore, trample; to attack** | ព្រេច | prɨc **\(esp\. of grain\) to be fruitless, empty, hollow; to be empty of contents, be unproductive; to be stunted, underdeveloped, dried out; to be sterile, barren** | ស្កក | skɑɑk **\(esp\. of peddlers\) to aggressively try to sell something, shout \(in order to attract attention and sell one's wares\)** | ពពាយនាយ | pɔpiej \- niej **\(esp\. of the face\) to be swollen, soft and puffy, flabby with fat** | ស្ពុល | spul **\(esp\. of the top of the head\) to be bare, smooth, hairless; devoid of vegetation; topless \(as a tree\)** | ត្រងិល | trɑŋəl **\(esp\. of very small animals\) in short jerky / bobbing movements, in a darting manner; in a dainty / mincing fashion** | ឆ្មេរ | cmee **\(esp\. of women\) to sulk\.** | ងរ | ŋɔɔ **essence \(of a matter\), hidden motive, underlying reason, the rights and wrongs of a situation\.** | សេចគ្រេច | sac \- krɨc **estimate, specification, bill of quantities** | អាគណនា | ʔaakeaʔnaʔnie **etc\. \(et cetera\), and so forth, and so on** | ។ល។ | laʔ **eunuch, neuter** | នបុំសកៈ | neaʔpoŋsaʔkaʔ **Europe\.** | អឺរ៉ុប | ʔəɨrop **evacuation\.** | ជំលៀស | cumlieh **evasion, twisting / embellishing the truth** | អញ្ញវាទកម្ម | ʔaɲɲaʔvieteaʔkam **even \(if\), even though, though it were** | ទោះ | tʊəh **even if, even though, no matter that** | នាបី | niebəj **even, even if, in spite of, including; although** | សូម្បី | soombəj **even, smooth \(road\)** | រហិល | rəhɤl **evening, late afternoon \(usually around 5:00 \- 6:00, but occasionally later\)** | ល្ងាច | lŋiec **evening** | | jup **evening** | | lŋiəc **event / happening / phenomenon \(usually bad\), manifestation** | បាតុភាព | paatoʔphiep **event, incident; story, narration of a past occurrence** | ដំណាន | dɑmnaan **every ** | សព្វ | \*sɔp **everybody; each person, each one, every one of them\.** | ម្នាក់ៗ | mneak \- mneak **everyday, day by day, day after day** | ប្រតិទិន | prɑteʔtin **everywhere; back and forth, to and fro; in an intertwining / crisscross manner; here and there** | រង្គាត់ | rʊəŋkoat **every** | | krup **every** | | ròəl **evidence, proof, testimony, verification, support; witness** | ភស្តុតាង | phoahtaaŋ **evidence, testimony, proof** | សំអាង | sɑmʔaaŋ **evil / destructive knowledge** | ទុព្វិជា | tuppɨccie **evil / mean person; witch** | កាឡកិណី | kaalkeʔnəj **evil person** | កាឡកណ្ណី | kaalkannəj **evil spirit, demon \(female\)** | អសុរី | ʔaʔsoʔrəj **evil spirit, demon \(male\)** | អសុរា | ʔaʔsoʔraa **evil spirit** | កំរោល | kɑmraol **exact\(ly\), directly** | ចំ | cɔm **\(exactly\) the same / as before** | ថ្វាត់ | tvat **exactly, right on the spot, right on top ចំប៉ាច់ exactly\! correct\!** | ប៉ាច់ | pac **exactly, right on the spot, right on top** | ញ៉ាច់ | ɲac **exact** | | cɑm **example, model, pattern; method; sample, specimen** | គំរូ | kumruu **example, model; proof, evidence; commentary\.** | ឧទាហរណ៍ | ʔuʔtiehɑɑ **example, sample, model, pattern; manner of behavior, habits** | តំរាប់ | tɑmrap **example** | ឧបមានុបមេយ្យ | ʔuʔpaʔmaanuʔpaʔmej **excavating, burrowing; things found by excavation \(e\.g\. fossils, archaeological artifacts\)** | កំណាយ | kɑmnaaj **excess population** | ល្បើស | lbaəh **exchange \(e\.g\. of gifts\), bartering** | ដំណូរ | dɑmnoo **excitement, ardor, desire, passion; tumult** | កោតុហល | kaotoʔhɑl **exclamation expressing amazement or stupefaction look, look there \(2\) nah, nəh** | ហ្ន | nɑɑ **exclamation expressing anger, surprise, or shock** | អះ | ʔah **exclamation expressing happiness, sarcasm or irony** | ហឺ | həɨ **exclamation indicating doubt or suspicion** | អ្ហាះ | ʔhaah **exclamation indicating satisfaction or surprise aha\!** | អ៎ | ʔɑɑ **exclamation of anger / surprise / teasing** | យ៉ើ | jaə **exclamation of anger or surprise, hey** | ពះ | peah **exclamation of complaining or hardship, ouch\!** | អ៊ីះ | ʔiih **exclamation of disagreement, opposition, or admiration** | អូះ | ʔooh **exclamation of joy / happiness at achieving something** | អឺត | ʔəɨt **exclamation of mild pain, ouch** | យុយ | juj **exclamation of pain or despair** | អីយ៉ូយ | ʔəj jooj **exclamation of pain, ouch** | អូយ | ʔooj **exclamation of pain; sound of groaning and moaning** | ហ៊ឺ | hɨɨ **exclamation of pleasant surprise** | យ័រ | joa **exclamation of surprise as when one finds something that one has searched for a long time** | ចុំ | com **exclamation of surprise or admiration** | វោ | vou **exclamation of surprise or disagreement** | រ៉ាក | raak **exclamation of surprise, anger, regret, joy, mockery or scorn** | អុញ | ʔoɲ **exclamation of surprise** | បេយ្យក៍ | pajjaʔkaʔ **exclamation of surprise** | យេ | jei **exclamation of surprise** | ហាហា | haa \- haa **exclamation of surprise** | អៃ | ʔaj **exclamation of wonderment** | អ្ហ៊ៈ | ʔheaʔ **exclamation roughly equivalent to \`sic em\!' used to provoke a dog to bite, also used to provoke a fight or to mock someone** | អៅ | ʔav **exclamation used at the beginning or ending of religious or magical formulae meaning \`It is right, it is correct'** | ស្វាហៈ | svaahaʔ **exclamation used in healing rituals, \`May it be cured, may it be gone'** | ស្វាហាយ | svaahaaj **exclamation used to attract someone's attention** | អ្ហ | ʔhɑɑ **exclamation used to chase an animal away** | យ៉ស | jɑɑh **exclamation used to chase animals** | វ៉ស | vɑɑh **exclamation used to chase cattle and water buffalo** | ហ៊ុយ | huj **exclamation used to shoo people or animals away** | វ៉ូស | vooh **exclamation uttered when lifting something**

(falling) head first, head down សង់ទ្រយុង sɑŋ trɔjuŋ
fall tlëəp
familial ties, bonds of kinship (by blood or marriage); កុលសម័្ពន្ឋ kolsɑmpoan, koʔlaʔsɑmpoan
familiar or impolite term of address to women មេ mèː
familiar or impolite term of address to women មេ mèː
familiar vocative particle used after names of persons, titles, kinship terms and certain other words to indicate affection, pity, depression, or despair. In some cases, with inanimate words, it may serve to personify them. It may also be used in calling someone or trying to attract someone's attention អើយ ʔaəj, ʔəəj
family crisis កុលវិបត្តិ koʔlaʔviʔbat
family of King Manu (according to Indian beliefs, Manu was the progenitor of mankind) ឱកាក ʔaokaakaʔ
family wealth កុលសម្បត្តិ koʔlaʔsɑmbat
family, extended family, lineage; marriage; the month and year relationship between a man and a woman which determines the success of their marriage (as determined by fortune tellers based on the month and year of their births) សម្ពង្ស sɑmpʊəŋ
family, house, home. គ្រួ kruə
family, lineage ប្រយូរ prɑjuu
family, race ត្រកូល trəkoːl
family, relatives, kindred, clan; kinship, race, consanguinity ផៅ phav
family; spouse គ្រួសារ kruəsaa
fan, pinwheel, wind wheel, propeller (of an airplane); vane (of a windmill) កង្ហារ kɑŋhaa
fang(s), canine tooth, eyetooth ចង្កូម cɑŋkoom
fangs អាសិរ ʔaaseeraʔ
fan ភ្នក់?? bhnak'
farewell, parting, leaving; goodbye អាបុច្ឆនៈ ʔaapocchaʔnaʔ
farm (where vegetables or fruit crops are grown), truck-farm, market-garden, plantation, orchard; clearing, cleared field ចំការ cɑmkaa
farm guard ក្សេត្រារក្ស kseetraareak
farm rice (v.) twəə srae
farmer, peasant កសិករ kaʔseʔkɑɑ
farming equipment កសិភណ្ឌ kaʔseʔphoan
farm កសិដ្ឋាន kaʔsetthaan
fast (quickly) chap
fast (quickly) rəhah
fast and purposefully (of a gait) ប៉ាត់ញ៉ាត់ pat - ɲat
fastening by clamping / bending បំណត់បង្ខាំ bɑmnɑt bɑŋkham
fasting, giving up តំណម tɑmnɑɑm
fat (grease) klaɲ
fat (grease) preiŋ
fat, grease, lard; oil ខ្លាញ់ klaɲ
fat, grease ខ្លាញ់ khlaɲ
fatback (of hogs), thick meat on the shoulder of a hog ផ្នង់ pnɑŋ
fate, destiny ជោគវាសនា coukviehsnaa
father (obsolete) ជីពុក cii puk
father (used as a term of address by Chinese and Sino-Cambodians) ទៀ tie
father especially of animals; onomastic prefix for junior generation បា baː
father, dad (affectionate form of ឪពុក​) ឳ ʔəv
father-in-law ʔəupuk kmeik
father paa
father ʔəwpuk
father ជីនក cii nʊək
father បិតរ beʔdɑɑ
father ប៉ា paa
father ប៉ៃ paj
father ឳពុក ʔəv puk
fat thöət
fauna; wild animals ម្រឹគីម្រឹគា mrɨkii - mrɨkie
fear (v.) klaac
fear (v.) phɨj
fear, dread, fright; timidity. កំលាច kɑmlaac
fearlessness និព្ភយភាព nippheaʔjeaʔphiep
feather slaap
feces, excrement ឧច្ចារ ʔuccaar, ʔuccaaraʔ
feces ʔaac
fee, rent; salary, pay; tip; monetary compensation ឈ្នួល cnuəl
feebly, helplessly, timidly, wretchedly, miserably ជ្រហម crɔhɔɔm
feeding up អធ្យាហារូបត្ថម ʔaʔtjiehaaruupattham
feeling of dislike / disgust អនិដ្ឋារម្មណ៍ ʔaʔnitthaarɑm
feeling, sensation ញាណារម្មណ៍ ɲienaarɑm
feeling, sensation បសាទ paʔsaat, paʔsaateaʔ
Felidae, cat family វិឡារសាទិស viʔlaasaatɨh
fellow citizen, fellow townsman, fellow countryman សហពលរដ្ឋ saʔhaʔpʊəlleaʔroat
fellow member, colleague សហភាតា saʔhaʔphietaa
fellow worker, colleague, associate; collaborator សហការី saʔhaʔkaarəj
fellow-student សមានាចារ្យ saʔmaanaacaa
fellow-worker, collaborator សហករណិក saʔhaʔkaʔraʔnək
fem. of នាយក​ នាយិកា niejiʔkaa
fem. of មនុស្ស មនុស្សី NOIPA
female (animal) ɲii
female (animal) ញី ɲìː
female animal (that has given birth); mother; woman; term of address to a younger woman or to a woman of lower status មេ mei
female bird សកុណី saʔkoʔnəj
female demon ឌាកិនី diekeʔnii
female servants in the Royal Palace កងចៅ kɑɑŋ cav
female sex organs cdəɲ
(female) collaborator, assistant, employee, official ការិនី kaareʔnəj
fence, boundary; marker, stake ចំណារ cɑmnaa
fence, hedge; edge; belt, perimeter (as a defense perimeter around a strategic point) របង rɔbɑɑŋ
fence, palisade រនៀត rɔniet
fenced enclosure bɑntiəj
fence rɔbɑɑŋ
fence dāp'
fender (of a boat) កុងទូក koŋ tuuk
feral smell, stink of urine etc. ចំអេះ cɔmʔeh
feral smell, stink of urine caṁʼɛs cɔmʔaeh
ferment, fermenting agent, yeast, leavening ដំបែ dɑmbae
fermented sticky rice ត្រប៉ែ trɑpae
ferrous metal, iron, steel; generic term for various metal tools. ដែក daek
fetlock កកែប kɑkaep
fever. គ្រុន krun
fever krun
fever ឧណ្ហាពាធ ʔunhaapiet
few, little təc
fez, woman's cap កន្តឹប​ [ស្រី] kɔntɤp [srɤy]
fibrocement (mixture of cement and asbestos used in construction) ហ្វីបប្រូស៊ីម៉ង់ត៍ fiibroosiimɑŋ
fibrous / stringy material. សំណាញ sɑmnaaɲ
Ficus bengalensis ជ្រៃ crèj
Ficus septica bhlūv phlùː
field where seeds are started (esp. for rice), nursery, seed bed; mound for a row of plants ថ្នាល tnaal
fifteenth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ណ nɑɑ
fifth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ង ŋɔɔ
fig tree ល្វា lvìːə
fight / combat (between animals) ជំនល់ cumnʊəl
fighting, battle, war, warfare ចំបាំង cɑmbaŋ
figurative expression; proverb; metaphor; saying, aphorism, maxim ទំនឹម tumnɨm
figure, shape; image, portrait; structure (esp. in the sense of a pleasing shape, a beautiful figure) ឆោម chaom
file, rasp អង្រូស ʔɑŋruuh
filter, filtering device, strainer; container តំរង tɑmrɑɑŋ
filtering, decantation; erosion ចំរោះ cɑmrɑh
final colloquial interrogative particle equivalent to ឬ អ្ហ៊ៃ ʔhej
final emphatic clause marker. អ៊ីថា ʔii thaa
final emphatic or hortatory particle in informal, friendly speech; it indicates that the speaker is requesting agreement or compliance and is similar to English `OK? do you hear? don't you agree? don't you know? isn't that right? come on! indeed (it's so)! that's right!' Sometimes it is best left untranslated especially when it seems to merely make the statement less abrupt. ណា៎ naa
final hortative particle (intimate; used with children, close friends, or subordinates; it may indicate a warning, e. g., in the case of children, not to do something again) វ៉ី vəj
final interrogative marker (usually used by singers in the musical conversations called អា​យ៉ៃ ) រ៉ី rəj
final interrogative marker, or not? ទេហៈ teihaʔ
final interrogative particle (spoken form of ឬអី) ហ្អី həj
final interrogative particle, `like this?' ហ្អេះ heh
final interrogative particle, `may I?' រ៉េះ reh
final interrogative particle, huh? what was that? និយាយយ៉ាងម៉េច ហ៎ះ ? Huh, what was that you said? ហ៎ះ hah, ʔəh
final interrogative particle ហនូ haʔnuu
final particle indicating emphasis or surprise អ៊ីតើ ʔii taə, ʔəj taə
financier ហិរញ្ញាធិការី heʔraɲɲaathiʔkaarəj
fine (rain), to sprinkle lightly pris prɤh
fine and close together ស្មេ smeː
fine powder, dust ខ្ញម kɲɑɑm
(finger or toe) nail, claw, talon ក្រចក krɑcɑɑk
finger, toe អនុជង្គ ʔaʔnuʔcʊəŋ
finger mriəm dəj
finish, end; finishing; exhaustion អំណស់ ʔɑmnɑh
finished (complete) cɑp
finished, already ហើយ haəj
finished ruac
fire (and, by extension, any substance which has a burning taste or effect); flame; light, flare; electricity ភ្លើង pləəŋ
fire piston (device made of wood or ivory used for making fire) អែមផ្លែម ʔaem - plaem
fire, conflagration អគ្យន្តរាយ ʔakjʊəntaʔraaj
fire; light អគ្គី ʔakkii
firearm, gun កាំភ្លើង kampləəŋ
firewood ʔoh
firewood us ʔoh
firewood ឧស ʔoh
firework; missile, rocket កាំជ្រួច kamcruəc
fire pləəŋ
first customer of the day កៅឆាយ kav chaaj
First in the World (epithet of the Buddha or Brahma) លោកេស loukeeh
first letter of the Cambodian alphabet ក kɑɑ
first princess of blood ទាវ?? tìːəv
first secretary (at an embassy), deputy ambassador អនុទូត ʔaʔnuʔtuut
fish (n.) trəj
fish (with line) stuuc
fish paste (very salty paste made by fermenting salted fish in earthenware jugs) ប្រហុក prɑhok
fish spear, harpoon; javelin ស្ន snɑɑ
fish tail palm (Caryota mitis or C. urens) ទន្សែ tʊənsae, ʔɑnsae
fish-paste pra'ak
fish-spear ច្បូក cboːk
fish-spear ទួន tùːən
fish-trap ʔɑŋrut
fish-weir or fish-crawl of branches ធ្នស់ thnùəh
fisherman's float បន្លង?? panḷaṅ
fisherman មច្ឆព័ន្ឋ macchaʔpoan
fishing basket, kind of cylindrical fish trap made of woven vine ជុច cuc
fishing equipment (rod, line and hook); fishing (with a rod or pole) សន្ទូច sɑntuuc
fishing net, cast net សំណាញ់ sɑmnaɲ
(fishing) float កំសួល kɑmsuəl
fitting គាប់ kɔ̀əp
five ( 5 ) ប្រាំ pram
five pram
five ប្រាំ pram
fixedly, in a concentrated or single-minded manner មមៃ mɔmej
flag, banner កេតុ kaet
flame; heat of a flame រស៊ោល rɔsoul
flammability; action of burning ដំណុត dɑmnot
flat nose កន្ទ្រឹប kɑntrɨp
flat surface ṭaṁpār dɔmbaː
flatulence, nausea; to overeat chʔɔl
flat riəp
flea, tick ដង្កែ dɑŋkae
flesh, meat; muscle សាច់ sac
flesh, meat មំសី meaŋsəj
flesh, meat សាច់ sac
flesh sac
flexible tongs of wood, metal or bamboo used to hold meat for grilling តំបុត tɑmbot
float (along) ʔɑndaet
float (stationary) tɔeh
floating (hair) សម្យូល?? sɔmyòːl
floating mass of debris that resembles solid ground ពើក pəək
floating mat of vegetation ត្រឹប trɤp
flood-basin រំលោង rùmlòːŋ
flooded forest, marsh land; thick mass of floating aquatic plants ត្រឹប trəp
flooded plain, waterlogged land, swamp លំហាច lumhaac
flooded plain រំហាច rumhaac
floor / level / story (above the ground floor) ឧបរិភូមិ ʔuʔpaʔreʔphuum
floor joist, stringer រនូត rɔnuut
floor-beam រត rɔ̀ːt
floor-beam រត rɔ̀ːt
floral pattern, lace jar cɔ̀ː
(flower) to close; to stop up, cover with hand ក្ដោប kdaop
flower. ផ្កា pkaa
flowering shoot of the banana tree, banana flower, banana flower pod ត្រយូង trɑjooŋ
flower pkaa
flower បុស្ប boh
flower ផ្កា phkaː
flowing slowly over a shallow area រិញៗ rɨɲ - rɨɲ
flow hou
fluently (of a baby which has just learned to talk or someone who is learning a foreign language); easily (of laughing) កក្អិល kɑkʔəl
fluently ត្រិល trəl
fly (insect). រុយ ruj
fly (n.) ruj
fly (v.) haə
flying ant ខ្មើរ kmaə
flying high into the distance ច្រៀវ-ច្រៃ criəv-craj
flying squirrel chmaː baː
fly រុយ rùj
foam, bubble(s), lather ពពុះ pɔpuh
foam, scum ពពុះ pəpùh
fog, mist, haze អ័ព្ទ ʔap
fog ʔap
fold (esp. of the female genitalia), base (esp. of the male genital organ) គិល kɨl
fold, crease, pleat, tuck, wrinkle, line; attitude, habit, way ផ្នត់ pnɑt
fold, crease; scale-like plates (esp. of reptiles) ផ្នន់ pnɑn
fold, pleat (hanging from the knot in a Cambodian skirt); sack / pocket made from a square piece of cloth with the opposite corners tied together; curve, bend ថ្នក់ tnɑk
following (advice), obeying (a command) ដំណោយ dɑmnaoj
follow taam
food (for Buddhist monks) ចង្ហាន់ cɑŋhan
food consisting of a skinned frog or rabbit that has been stuffed with seasonings and barbecued or grilled. បោប baop
food, meal (esp. referring to food of people with high status) ក្រយា krɑjaa
food, meal ម្ហូប mhoop
food mhoup
food ចំណី cɔmnɤy
food អាឡារ ʔaalaa
(foot or trunk of) tree, beginning ដើម daəm
foot, leg ជើង cɤ̀ːŋ
footnote, reference នយលក្ខណៈ neaʔjeaʔleakkhaʔnaʔ
foot cəəŋ
for groups of forty (used in counting fruit and vegetables) eg. ស្វាយមួយផ្លូន . forty mangoes ផ្លូន ploon
for groups of four (esp. pieces of fruit or vegetables) eg. ផ្លែស្វាយបីដំប . a dozen mangoes ដំប dɑmbɑɑ
for hands of bananas ស្និត snət
for loads carried on a shoulder-pole. ម្រែក mrɛɛk
for moments, instants ភ្លែត plɛɛt
for ordinary people នាក់ neak
for pieces of cloth about four yards long ភឺន phɨɨn
for piles (esp. of paper) ចំភ្លុះ cɑmpluh
for piles of paddy rice ឆ្នឹម cnəm
for the amount of food that can be cooked in a skillet, skilletful មែញ mɛɛɲ
forced labor, fatigue duty ភារិយការ phieriijeaʔkaa
forehead, skull ralā rəlìːə
forehead; Mount of Venus, pubis ថ្ងាស tŋah
forehead tŋaah
forehead thṅās thŋaːh
foreleg kmɔɔŋ cəəŋ
forelock, top-knot; long tuft of hair that a child wears until age 7 ជុក cuk
forest residence វនាវាស veaʔnievieh
forest, scrub ព្រៃ prèj
forest prɨj
forget plɨc
fork, confluence, junction ប្របែក prəbaek
fork, confluence, junction ប្របែក prəbaek
fork, crotch (of a tree), forked stick; any tweezer-like device ចំពាម cɑmpiem
fork ?? tragāp
fork ប្រគាប prəkìːəp
form, shape, image, figure; specif. objects such as dummies or fortifications made of wickerwork and used as targets for training war elephants រាង rieŋ
formal language, literary language បោរីភាសា paorəjphiesaa
formation, creation កំណ kɑmnɑɑ
former spelling of សម្តេច q.v. សម្តេជ NOIPA
former title of the governors of Siem Reap province ភូរាំង phuureaŋ
former title of the three assistants to the មេឃុំ (chief of a district) ជំទប់ cumtup
fort, enclosure; precinct គព្ពវតី koappeaʔveaʔtəj
fortress wall, rampart; fence, stone wall; fortress, fortification(s); precinct, enclosure កំពែង kɑmpɛɛŋ
fortune / luck accumulated by giving one's property away ទានូបនិស្ស័យ tienuupaʔnihsaj
fortune / luck accumulated by observing the precepts or through moral conduct សីលូបនិស្ស័យ səjluupaʔnihsaj
fortuneteller, astrologer ជោតិកាចារ្យ couteʔkaacaa
(fossilized vocative plural of the Pali bhikkhu 'monk'smile all you monks (used by the Buddha to address his followers) ភិក្ខវោ phikkhaʔvou
fourteenth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ឍ thɔɔ
fourth great-grandparents, relative in one's great-great-great-great-grandparents' generation ជីប៉ា cii paa
fourth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ឃ khɔɔ
four buan
four បួន buən
four បួន buːən
fowl, chicken មាន់ moan
fragility សំរួយ sɑmruəj
fragment / broken piece / shard (esp. a piece of pottery or glass that can still be used esp. as a tray for grilling or roasting), splinter អំបែង ʔɑmbaeŋ
fragrance, sweet smell. សុគន្ឋ soʔkʊən, soʔkʊənthɔɔ
fragrant krɑʔoup
frame, crucible tongs, cramp-iron កាប kaːp
frame; crucible tongue, cramp-iron កាប kaap
free of, avoid phot
freezer (for making ice), icebox, refrigerator សីតូបករណ៍ səjtoopaʔkɑɑ
freezing, coagulating, solidifying, setting; coagulation, solidification; something which has solidified (e.g. as cement) កំណក kɑmnɑɑk
Freon (refrigerant) ហ្វ្រេអុង freeʔoŋ
frequent clear, resonant sounds រញ៉ែ rɔɲae
frequent sound of a kind of noisemaker which is attached to a kite (var. អន្តឺត (2)) អន្តឺរ៉ឺរ៉ឺត ʔɑntəɨ - rəɨ - rəɨt
frequently, often, continuously, constantly រឿយៗ rɨəj - rɨəj
fresh water shrimp កំពឹស kɑmpɨh
fresh, green sras' srɔh
freshwater shrimp kaṁbɨs kɔmpɯ̀h
friendly / kind words, words of welcome សម្មោទនីយកថា sammaoteaʔniijeaʔkaʔthaa
friendly rɛ̀ək-tɛ̀ək
friends, mates; crowd, gang, group កន kɑɑn
friends, pal(s) ភុំភឿន phum phɨən
friendship between people after they have become reconciled សាពិភ័ក្តិ saapiʔpheak
frog (including members of the genera Rana and Megalophrys); term for a Chinese Type 72 anti-personnel mine; (so called because of the chirping noise it makes just before it explodes) កង្កែប kɑŋkaep
from now until ទម្រាំ tùmrɔ̀əm
from place to place, aimlessly តត្រុក tɑtrok
from place to place, darting here and there, darting about អន្ត្រោក ʔɑntraok
from side to side ក្រងក់?? krəŋɔk
from, out of; of, about, concerning; for, on behalf of; since; at / in (some past time) ពី pii
from pii
front of the lower leg (from the knee to the ankle), shin ស្មង smɑɑŋ
frowning, displeased ក្រញូវ krəɲoːv
frowning, glowering, scowling សង្កោចន saŋkaocaʔnaʔ
frozen ocean សីទន្តរ səjtoandɑɑ
frozen, congeal kɑɑʔ
fruit stem, peduncle សណ្ដង់ sɑndɑŋ
fruit. ផ្លែ plae
fruits ផលា phɑllaa, phaʔlaa-
fruits ផលាផល phaʔlaaphɑl
fruit plae
fruit ផ្លែ phlae
frustratingly; furiously; very, extremely ណឺង nəɨŋ
full (sated) cʔaet
fully rounded កំពុង?? kɔmpùŋ
full pɨɲ
full beñ pèɲ
Funan ហ្វូណន fuunɑɑn
function, profession; role, title; work, business, duty ងារ ŋie
funeral music (at a burial) ទាំមីង toam miiŋ
funeral music ឆ្នាក cnaak
fungus ផ្សិត phsɤt
funnel ជីវឡាវ ciiv laav
funnel ជីឡាវ cii laav
furrow (in a plowed field); gutter; area of land between ditches ចង្អួរ cɑŋʔuə
furrow, fissure; track, trace; trail, way; path, trajectory; orbit; procedure, rule, law; measure; tradition; specif. trail habitually used by animals គន្លង kʊənlɔɔŋ
furrow; line. ចង្ហូត cɑŋhoot
furrow cùːə
further tiət
gadānuraksa (former title of the governors of Battambang Province) គទានុរក្ស keaʔtienuʔreak
gaff, fish spear (esp. for spearing eels) ចង្រប់ cɑŋrɑp
gain, profit, benefit, advantage, good result; use; compensation, earning; remission; discount, reduction កំរៃ kɑmraj
galactic nebula; Milky Way នីហារិកាតារាវលី niihaariʔkaadaaraaveaʔlii
galanga (Alpinia galanga; kind of plant with a tuberous aromatic white root; it is used as a seasoning and to make medicines) រំដេង rumdeeŋ
galanga រំដេង rùmdeːŋ
gallbladder ប្រមាត់ prɑmat
gall ប្រមាត់ prəmat
galvanized iron, tinplate ស៊ីវិឡាត siiviʔlaat
game, pastime, amusement, playing; gambling ល្បែង lbaeŋ
game lbaeŋ
Gandhabbādhipa (king of the gandharvas and guardian of the east) គន្ឋព្វាធិប kʊənthoappiethɨp
Ganesha (son of Shiva) ឍុណ្ឍិ thunthiʔ
gap, interval ច្រឡោះ crɑlɑh
garbage, trash, litter, rubbish, debris, waste, sewage; midden សំរាម sɑmraam
garden, park ឱទ្យាន ʔaotjien
garden, plantation caṁkār cɔmkaː
garland / bouquet / bunch / bracelet / necklace (of flowers), lei ភួង phuəŋ
garland of flowers មាល miel
garland, wreath ក្រេដ kreet
Garuda (king of the birds) វិហគាធិប viʔhaʔkiethɨp
gas, steam, vapor; heat ឧស្ម័ន ʔusman
gasp, sound of labored breathing ពភឺត pɔphɨɨt
gasping for breath, breathlessly, breathing heavily ម្ហេបម្ហប mheep - mhɑɑp
gathered together ក្ដុំ kdom
gathering / rounding up (e.g. of animals) កំណៀង kɑmnieŋ
gathering up / together; anything that has been gathered up កំនៀរ kɑmnie
gathering, assembling; collection, pile / block of something; unification. បណ្ដុំ bɑndom
gathering, conference, meeting; discussion; crowd. ជំនុំ cumnum
gaur, kind of wild bovine (Bos gaurus) ទន្សោង tʊənsaoŋ
genealogy (as a field of study) ពង្សាវិទ្យា pʊəŋsaavitjie
genealogy, family history lineage, family line ពង្សាវលី pʊəŋsaaveaʔlii
(General) Lon Nol (leader of the 1970 coup d'tat against Prince Sihanouk) លន់នល់ lʊən nʊəl
generally untranslatable exclamation used esp. in poetry and songs to finish out a line អឺយ ʔəɨj
generation; offspring, descendants ព័ន្ឋុ poanthuʔ
generator ជនិតា ceaʔniʔtaa
generic name for any coupling or fastening device (e.g. hook, clasp, buckle); bolt, peg; latch; coupling pin; handle; firing pin, striker. គន្លឹះ kʊənlɨh
generic name for certain kinds of flat, shallow baskets [plate 9] កញ្ច្រែង kɑɲcraeŋ
generic name for certain large water animals such as whales, dolphins, etc. ពិន្ទង pɨntɔɔŋ
generic name for certain skin diseases (herpes, scabies, mange or psoriasis) ត្រអក trɑʔɑɑk
generic name for certain skin diseases or diseases of the mucous membrane including pituita, pip, thrush, candidiasis, as well as a kind of skin disease which occurs on the palms and soles តាន taan
generic name for certain, usually hard-shelled, turtles (including members of the genera Testudo, Emys, Geoemyda, Cyclemis, and Pyxidia and poss. the soft-shelled genus Trionyx) អណ្ដើក ʔɑndaək
generic name for fish used to make ព្រហក់ (fishermen's slang) គ្រលាក់ krɔleak
generic name for melon-like fruit, e.g. squash, pumpkins, watermelons ខ្លូត kloot
generic name for several wading birds including the plumed egret (Egretta intermedia) កុក kok
generic name for snakes ពស់ pʊəh
generic name for the eggplant (Solanum Melongena) and related plants ត្រប់ trɑp
generic name for various, usually large, members of the cat family, tiger ខ្លា klaa
generic term for bamboo, esp. species of the genus Bambusa; it occurs in many place names ឫស្សី rɨhsəj
generic term for cabbage and cabbage-like vegetables esp. of the genus Brassica ស្ពៃ spej
generic term for certain sweet salad-like foods មៀង mieŋ
generic term for potatoes and other similar tuberous plants ដំឡូង dɑmlooŋ
generic term for several internal, usually worm-like, parasites ព្រូន pruun
generic term for several kinds of large, rectangular gill nets varying in length from about 22 or 26 feet to nearly two miles and in height from 7 - 60 feet; (spider) web មង mɔɔŋ
generic term for several kinds of vulture including the white-backed vulture (Pseudogyps bengalensis) and poss. the long-billed vulture (Gyps indicus); police ត្មាត tmaat
generic term for various birds of prey, e.g. hawk, kite, eagle ខ្លែង klaeŋ
generic term for various kinds of luffa gourds ននោង nɔnouŋ
Geneva ហ្សឺណែវ zəɨnaev
gentle slout
germ, microbe, virus, any disease-causing agent; chicken louse ក្រមី krɑməj
germination, growth, development ដំណុះ dɑmnoh
get, able baan
get, able kaət
ghost, spirit, devil (esp. used in insults or curses) រំលេះ rumleh
ghost, spirit, devil, phantom (sometimes used as a familiar term of address); contagion, infection; epidemic រំបល់ rumbɑl
ghost kmaoc
ghost ខ្មោច khmaoc
ghost ស្រមោល ?? srəmaol khmaoc
giants, monsters យក្សា jeaksaa
gibbon tuuc
gift given to Buddhist monks (esp. a gift given as a memorial to a deceased relative) បន្លុង bɑnloŋ
gift or prize awarded to a teacher or doctor in recognition of some service ខាន់ខៅ khan khav
gift, present, donation, contribution; giving អំណោយ ʔɑmnaoj
gifts (of merit or good deeds) offered to the spirits of one's ancestors or patrons ដារ daa
gift ʔɑmnaoj
giggling or laughing sound រកឹក rɔkək
gill (of fish) ស្រកី skəj, srɑkəj
gills តើក taək
ginger (Zingiber officinale) ខ្ញី kɲəj
girder / beam which passes through or is fastened to the columns of a house and supports the floor joists រត rɔɔt
girdle / sash / belt (around the waist to hold up the skirt) បង្គត់ bɑŋkʊət
girl's friend of same sex, man's friend's wife ម្រក់ mrɛ̀ek
give birth kaət koun
give ʔaoj
giving advice frequently ឱវាទានុសាសន៍ ʔaovaatienuʔsaah
giving up, capitulation, relinquishing ធុរនិក្ខេប thuʔreaʔnikkhaep
giving; gift, donation; alms, charity; favor (2) tien polite or respectful particle often occurs in sentence final position. ទាន (១) tieneaʔ
gladness, happiness, satisfaction, joy, merriment, gaiety ប្រមោទ prɑmaot
gladness, happiness; satisfaction, contentment, indulgence; acquittal. សន្តោស sɑndaoh
gland; air bubble in water. ក្រពេញ krɑpɨɲ
gland; bunch, cluster កន្សោម kɑnsaom
glass (the substance and the container), crystal, jewelry; lens. កែវ kaev
globe, the earth ភូគោល phuukool
glory, magnificence; glorious sign រោចនាការ roucaʔnaakaa
glossy, velvety, soft phūr
gnat, midge (tiny flying insects that are abundant during the rainy season) សុច soc
gnat, midge មមង់ mɔmʊəŋ
gnat មមង់ məmùəŋ, məmùŋ
gnaw kəkei
goad (of an elephant driver), ankus; hook (in general) កង្វេរ kɑŋvee
goal, plan, wish, desire ភ្នាន pnien
goal, purpose, aim គោល koul
goat pɔpɛɛ
goat ពពែ pɔpɛɛ
goat ពពែ pəpɛ̀ː
god, deity ទេវ teiveaʔ
god, sacred being or thing ពហរះ prɛ̀əh
gold / silver chain (used as jewelry) សូ soo
gold; gold bracelet កម្ពុ kampuʔ
golden chain worn over the shoulder ចាមង្គ caamɑŋ
golden color ហៃមពណ៌ hajmaʔpoa, hajmeaʔpoa
gold miəh
gold មាស mìːəh
gonorrhea ប្រមេហរោគ prɑmeehaʔrouk
good / close friend, buddy; love, mutual friendship. សំឡាញ់ sɑmlaɲ
good / correct advice សុន្ទរោវាទ sonteaʔrouviet
good and bad luck, fortune and misfortune លាភាលាភ liephieliep
good deeds performed by (or appropriate to) a father បិតុគុណ peʔtoʔkun
good deeds that are done continuously និពទ្ឋកុសល niʔpʊəttheaʔkoʔsɑl
good grooming, elegant appearance សំងួន sɑmŋuən
good health អរោគ្យ ʔaʔrouk
good horse; fast horse ហយោត្តម haʔjoutdɑm
good luck, good fortune, happiness អនុគាមិកនិធិ ʔaʔnuʔkiemiʔkaʔniʔthiʔ
good manners, courtesy, politeness គំនួរ kumnuə
good shape, beautiful figure. សុភង្គ soʔpheaŋ
good spirits, happiness សាតារម្មណ៍ saataarɑm
good taste, deliciousness ចំងាញ់ cɑmŋaɲ
good time / opportunity / chance វរោកាស veaʔroukaah
good, pretty ល្អ lʔɔː
goods, merchandise, thing bought ទំនិញ tumnɨɲ
good lʔɑɑ
goose, swan ក្ងាន kŋaan
goose kŋaan
goose ក្ងាន khŋaːn
gorge, passage, path, corridor; (material used for) stuffing / packing / filling; plug; action of stuffing / filling; ramrod. ចំរក cɑmrɑɑk
gourd klook
(government) clerk, file clerk, records officer, recorder; third-in-command in a ស្រុក with special responsibility for documents យោក្ប័ត joukbat
governmental official ស្រែន្យ sraen
go tɨw
gracefully, lithely ទន្ទេ tʊəntei
grain (of cereal) ធញ្ញ thoaɲɲeaʔ
grain, pit, seed; pill, tablet; bullet, projectile, bomb គ្រាប់ kroap
grain, seed, nut គ្រាប់ krɔ̀əp
granary យុង juŋ
granary cüəŋruk
grandchild ចៅ
grandeur, greatness; size, dimension មហ័ត្វ meaʔhat
grandfather, ancestor (often used in the names of spirits). តា taa
grandfather taa
grandfather ជីតា cii taa
grandfather តា taː
grandly, with an air of importance, arrogantly, ostentatiously ស្តា staa
grandly, with an air of importance, with a dapper / debonair manner ភី phii
grandmother ləj
grandmother ជីដូន cii doon
grandmother អយ្យកា ʔajjeaʔkaa
granite កិណសិលា keʔnaʔseʔlaa
grantee, grant holder, scholarship holder អាហារូបករណិក ʔaahaaruupaʔkɑɑreaʔnək
grantor, assignor អនុប្បទាយី ʔaʔnuppaʔtiejii
grass plot, lawn; glade, clearing ត្រាញ់ traɲ
grass, generic term for grasses and grass-like plants ស្មៅ smav
grasshopper kɑndoup
grasshopper កណ្ដូប kɑndoop
grasshopper កណ្ដូប kɔndoːp
grass smaw
grating / creaking / screeching sound ង៉ឺត ŋəət
gratitude for a monk's good deeds សង្ឃានុស្សតិ sɑŋkhienuhsaʔteʔ
gratitude toward the Buddha ពុទ្ឋានុស្សតិ putthienuhsaʔteʔ
gratitude. កតញ្ញុតា kaʔtaɲɲuʔtaa
gratitude កតញ្ញូគុណ kaʔtaɲɲuukun
gratuity, bonus, extra pay, reward ធនានុគ្រោះ theaʔnienuʔkrʊəh
gravel kruəs kruːəh
grave tnou
great diligence / perseverance មហុស្សាហៈ meaʔhohsaahaʔ
great disaster, horrible calamity ព្យតោបាត pjeaʔtaobaat
great king, king of kings, emperor មហិស្សរាធិបតី meaʔhehsaʔriethɨppaʔdəj
great wise man, venerable scholar; epithet of the Buddha ភគវន្តមុនី pheaʔkeaʔvoantaʔmuʔnii
great-grandfather បយ្យកៈ pajjaʔkaʔ
green pigeon, Treron nipalensis vernax ពពូល pəpùːl
green woodpecker (Picus vittatus, P. xanthopygaeus, P. erythropygius) ត្រសេះ trɑseh
green, fresh, new, young (plants, animals) ខ្ចី khcɤj
green baj tɔɔŋ
green khiəw
greeting ស្វស្តិ svahsdeʔ
grey fish-paste ប្រហក?? prahak
grey-haired ស្កូវ skoːv
grilling, toasting, warming អំណាំង ʔɑmnaŋ
groan(ing), moan(ing), lament, supplication; murmuring; humble prayer. តំអូញ tɑmʔooɲ
groan, moan. ងង៉េស ŋɔŋeeh
groin ក្រលៀន krɑlien
groove, slot; hole, excavation, hollow, cavity. ក្រហូង krɑhooŋ
grooving plane ល្បក lbɑɑk
gropingly, blindly, without definite direction ពពើកពពើម pɔpəək - pɔpəəm
group (esp. an informal, ad hoc group), detachment, herd, gathering, association; (with place name) native / resident of ....; squad (of 3 to 5 men); often merely conveys the idea of plurality ពួក puək
group (of people united by kinship or common dwelling), nuclear family, household ក្រាន kraan
group / team sport សហកីឡា saʔhaʔkəjlaa
group of consonants វគ្គក្ខរៈ veakkeakkhaʔraʔ
group, flock, herd ហ្មូ moo
group, lump, wad, block ដុំ dom
group, team, council, unit, platoon; service; body (of people); administrative service (subdivision of a ក្រសួង ); corps (a ក្រុម is generally a more formal and better organized group than a ពួក​ ) ក្រុម krom, krommaʔ-
group krom
group puəʔ
growth, increase, progress កំណើន kɑmnaən
grub, larva, caterpillar; maggot, worm ដង្កូវ dɑŋkəv
grudge, revenge; rancor, spite, vindictiveness, malice គំនុំ kumnum
grunting and groaning sound អ្ហ៊ឹះ ʔhɨh
guard, guardian, watchman ឆ្មាំ cmam
guard; guarding / caring for property ធនានុរក្ស theaʔnienuʔreak
guardian angel(s) ទេព្រក្ស teipreak
guardian spirit of a house ជនាងផ្ទះ cənieŋ pteah
guardian; deputy ឧបាទេសិក ʔuʔpaateisək
guard cam
guava (Psidium Guajava) (Originally this word designated the tree Lagerstroemia floribunda, but after the introduction of the guava it has come to mean that tree) ត្របែក trɑbaek
guest, visitor; client (esp. of a prostitute) ភ្ញៀវ pɲiev
guidance, leadership; transportation, conveyance, cartage ដំណឹក dɑmnək
guiding oneself toward the right / truth ទិដ្ឋុជុកម្ម titthoʔcuʔkam
guitar គីតា kiitaa
gulping sound ឃុប khup
gum(s), gingiva អញ្ចាញ ʔɑɲcaaɲ
gum, (poisonous) sap ជ័រ cɔ̀ə
gunpowder រំសេវ rumseev
gun kampləəŋ
gun អគ្នន្យ័ស្ត្រ ʔaknoanjoah
gurgling / rumbling / growling sound; sound of snoring គ្រកៗ krɔɔk - krɔɔk
gymnosperms អច្ឆន្នបុប្ផាណ្ឌជាតិ ʔacchannaʔbopphaandeaʔciet
hail, long live, hurrah, viva ជយោ ceaʔjou
hail ??? prɯ̀ːl
hail ព្រឹក prɯ̀l
hail ព្រឹល prɨl
Hainan (Island). ហៃណាំ haj nam
hair (of the head) សក់ sɑk
hairpin decorated with precious stones សិរោមណី seeroumeaʔnəj
hairpin ពិន pɨn
hair sɑʔ
hair sɔk
hair កេស kaeh, keeh
Hakka (Chinese) ខិក khək
half a. កន្លះ kɑnlah
half kɑnlah
hall, pavilion, large building, shed រោង ròːŋ
hall rooŋ
halo, circular arrangement of light or illumination emanating from the body of the Buddha (this halo had a diameter of one ព្យាម​) ព្យាម​ប្បភា pjiemappaʔphie
halt, stop ថុច thoc
halt, wait អ្ហ៊ែៈ ʔhɛʔ
halting-place, encampment ដំណាក់ dɔmnak, tɔmnak
halting-place សំណាក់ sɔmnak
hammer, mallet ញញួរ ɲɔɲuə
hammock litter, cradle សលៀង saliəŋ Khmer [royal]
hammock litter, cradle អង្រឹង ʔɔŋrɯ̀ŋ
hammock; cradle អង្រឹង ʔɑŋrɨŋ
hand of bananas (cl.) snət
hand span (measurement of length from the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb when hand is flat and fingers are spread, usually from seven to nine inches) ចំអាម cɑmʔaam
hand span (measurement of length from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the extended index finger) (compare ចំអាម ) ទោម toum
hand span ចង្អាម cɑŋʔaam
hand tool; set of hand tools ហត្ថូបករណ៍ hatthuupaʔkɑɑ
(hand) fan ផ្លិត plət
hand, arm ដៃ daj
handful (of something); the hands placed together with the palms facing each other (e.g. as a salutation) កំបង់ kɑmbɑŋ
handle of a paddle or oar ភ្នាំ pnoam
handle dɑɑŋ
handle ដង dɔːŋ
hand dəj
hanging down unevenly from something (as a garland) រតោង rɔtaoŋ
hanging down, drooping yār jìːə
hanging on to; any object that one can hang on to; support តំណោង tɑmnaoŋ
(hanging) unevenly / sloppily (as the uneven hem of a skirt) ស្តោ stao
hang pcuə
hang pjuə
Hanoi (capital of Vietnam) ហាណូយ haanooj
haphazardly ច្រងេវច្រងូវ crɑŋeev - crɑŋəv
happening; creation, birth; spontaneous generation. ឧប្បត្តិក ʔuppatdək
happiness from giving a gift បត្តិទានមយៈ patteʔtieneaʔmeaʔjeaʔ
happiness from receiving a gift បត្តានុមោទនាមយៈ pattaanuʔmouteaʔniemeaʔjeaʔ
happiness, gladness, joy, rejoicing, triumph អំណរ ʔɑmnɑɑ
happy life ផាសុវិហារ phaasoʔviʔhie
hard, hard, firm, severe រឹង rɯ̀ŋ
hardly breathing (from tension or fear) ផ្អឹះៗ pʔəh - pʔəh
hardship; oppression; severity; calamity ទុរកម្ម tuʔreaʔkam
hard rɨŋ
hare, rabbit (prob. Lepus peguensis) ទន្សាយ tʊənsaaj
hare tuənsaaj
harness; harnessing អស្សាភរណ៍ ʔahsaateaʔnəj
harpoon, fish spear តាវាំង taa vaŋ
harrow, rake រនាស់ rɔnoah
harshly, loudly ខ្ជាំងៗ kceaŋ - kceaŋ
harvest (v.) crout
harvest, crops; produce ផលានុផល phaʔlaanuʔphɑl
harvester លាវក lievʊək, lieveaʔkaʔ
hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry / panic ឆ្លេឆ្លា clee-claa
hat worn by Muslims, turban, fez; garrison cap កន្តឹប kɑntəp
hate sʔap
hat muəʔ
hat មួក mùːək
have, exist miən
having a bad smell (referring to body odor) ក្តឹះ kdəh
having a burned or scorched smell, to smell burnt / as if on fire ឈ្ងៀម cŋiem
having a dry throat, limp soḥ sɔh
having a small opening / orifice / slot; to be small, round and tube-shaped (as the pursed lips) ក្រហួច krɑhuəc
having developed ahead of time; to be larger than normal, overgrown ដំឡោក dɑmlaok
having no grain (e.g. as an ear of corn); to be rough / crude (of speech) ស្គោតស្គៀត skout - skiet
hawk, falcon, kite, any of various hawk-like birds of the family Accipitridae រអាត rɔʔaat
hazily, unclearly, indistinctly ស្ទុង stuŋ
haziness, nebulosity; obscurity អព្ភបរិមាណ ʔappheaʔpaʔreʔmaan
he / him / his, she / her; they / them / their (formal / polite 3rd person pronoun); you / your (intimate) គាត់ koat
head / peg box (of the sayedovor ចាប៉ី guitar-like stringed instruments) which has the shape of a naga បង្គាន bɑŋkien
head ; crest; summit, top, end; comb (of a rooster) សិរ see
head kbaal
head ត្បូង tbooŋ
head ត្បូង tboːŋ
health center, infirmary, clinic គិលានុបដ្ឋាន kilienuʔpatthaan
health, well-being សុខា soʔkhaa
heap, mound ពំនូក bɔmnoːk
hearing distance សវនូបចារ saʔvaʔnoopaʔcaa
heart (of a fish) តើក taək
heart ; soul បេះដូង beh dooŋ
heart, mind, feelings, will ទ័យ tej
heart, mind cət
heart; chest ហទយ haʔtej, haʔteaʔjeaʔ-
hearth, base for a fireplace ទំពាន់ tumpoan
hearth cəəŋ kraan
heartwood ក្រាក់ krak
hear lɨɨ
heat and cold សីតុណ្ហ səjtonhaʔ
heat kɑmdaw
heaven សួគ៌ាល័យ suəkielaj
heavily (of falling); speedily; with all one's strength (of jumping) សង់គោល sɑŋ koul
heavy tŋùən
heddle (on a loom) [plate 1] តង្ករ tɑŋkɑɑ
heel (of the foot) ចង្កោយ cɑŋkaoj
height, elevation, altitude; stature; loftiness (e.g. of feelings); level កំពស់ kɑmpʊəh
helicopter (formal; more common terms are អេលីកូ, កន្ទុំរុយ ) ឧទ្ឋម្ភាគចក្រ ʔutthoamphiekeaʔcak
hello there, here I am (usually shouted out to someone from a distance) កូ៎ក kook
help, assistance អនុគ្គហធម៌ ʔaʔnukkeaʔhaʔthoa
help cuəj
helter-skelter, impetuously, in a mad rush តក់ក្រហល់ tɑk krɑhɑl
helter-skelter, in disorder / confusion, in a straggling or uncoordinated manner. រប៉ាត់រប៉ាយ rɔpat - rɔpaaj
helter-sketter, in all directions, scattered and mixed up, in scattered outbreaks (describing a crowd where scattered fights break out) ប្រសេចប្រសាច prɑsəc - prɑsaac
hem of the sampot (Cambodian skirt) rolled together and passed back between the legs where it is tucked in. ក្បិន kbən
herbivore តិណាហារសត្វ teʔnaahaaraʔsat
herdsman, guardian, guard, keeper គង្វាល kʊəŋviel
herdsman គង្វាល kùəŋvìːəl
here and there, all over the place ងងើក ŋɔŋəək
here and there; now here now there, haphazardly, in a disorganized / disorderly manner រហេតរហូត rɔheet - rɔhoot
here, over here, on this side. អាយ ʔaaj
heresy អញ្ញទិដ្ឋិ ʔaɲɲatittheʔ
here ʔae
here ណេះ neh
heritage, inheritance, legacy, heirloom; estate; personal secret កេរ kee
hermaphrodite ខ្ទើយ khtɤ̀ːj
heron (Ardea sp.) ក្រសារ krɑsaa
heron, egret កុក kok
herpes, shingles រើម rəəm
hesitantly, in a stammering or halting manner ទាក់ៗ teak - teak
hesitantly, slowly, stealthily វើមៗ vəəm - vəəm
hesitantly, uncertainly. ទីមទាម tiim - tiem
hesitantly, with difficulty, in a stammering manner; unevenly រតិបរតុប rɔtəp - rɔtop
hesitantly; in a tongue-tied / stammering manner តតាក់តតុប tɑtak - tɑtop
hesitation សំទាក់សំទើរ sɑmteak - sɑmtəə
heterodoxy អញ្ញប្បដិបត្តិ ʔaɲɲappaʔdeʔpat
heterotrophe. បរជីប paʔraʔciip
hey (exclamation used by older people or people of higher status to warn or attract the attention of younger people or people of lower status) នែអ្ហឺ nɛɛ ʔəɨ
hey (exclamation used to attract someone's attention or to express surprise, wonder or amazement) ណែ៎ nae
hey (interjection used to attract someone's attention; it is rather abrupt and is used only with people of lower status or children) ហឺយ həəj
hey you ហៃ haj
hey! come (on!), let's ... (informal; ម៏ is a spoken variant of មក់ if used when speaking to a person of a higher status it would be very rude and abrupt) ម៏ mɔɔ
hey, hello, testing (exclamation used to attract someone's attention; also used when testing a loudspeaker system) អំភោ ʔɑmphou
hey, listen, see there (exclamation used among friends or to people younger than the speaker to warn or attract attention); um, uh (exclamation used when one is searching for the correct word) នែ nɛɛ, nɛʔ, nae
hey, really, so, it's like that ហ៊ឺៈ hɨʔ
hey, watch out (as a warning of close danger or signal of alarm) យូយ juuj
hey, watch out, don't do that, keep away, exclamation of warning or to attract someone's attention អ្ហា៎ ʔhaa
hey; particle used to attract attention (intimate) វ៉ឺយ vəɨj
he kòət
he wiə
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cpā cbaː
hidden wealth, buried treasure, something buried, cache កំណប់ kɑmnɑp
hide (intr.) puən
hide (tr.) lèəʔ
hiding place, shelter, cover; nook, tight corner; the space behind an open door; the area of a fold or joint on the human body កន្លៀត kɑnliet
high / raised bed; specif. the avoidance of sleeping on a raised bed (one of the Eight or Ten Precepts for Buddhist monks and nuns) ឧច្ចាសយនៈ ʔuccaasaʔjaʔnaʔ
high ladder made of a single pole with crosspieces attached for climbing tall trees, scaffolding បង្អោង bɑŋʔaoŋ
high water; flood, inundation ជំនន់ cumnʊən
highly decorated pack saddle of a royal war elephant គជាធារ kʊəcciethie
high kpùəh
hill / high ground in the midst of low ground that is subject to flooding រលាំង rɔleaŋ
hill on flat plain ក្រាំង kraŋ
hill, high ground ទ្រនួល trɔnuəl
hill, knoll, small mound turned up by earthworms ត្រោក traok
hill, mound, knoll ទួល tùːəl
hillock, mound, anthill ដំបូក dɔmboːk
hill ភ្នំ phnùm
Hindu, Indian ឥណ្ឌូ ʔənduu
hip(s), haunch, side of the body below hip bone ត្រគាក trɑkiek
hip; waist; narrow part of something; middle ចង្កេះ cɑŋkeh
hip សុសោណី soʔsaonəj
history, chronicle, record of events ពង្សាវតារ pʊəŋsaaveaʔdaa
hit (with fists) dɑl, dəl
hit (with stick) waj
hit waj
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) ហ៊ីវ hiiv
hoarse sound, whisper ខ្សាវ ksaav
hoarsely, in whispers / murmurs ខ្សាវៗ ksaav - ksaav
hoarsely ខ្សាប ksaap
hog butcher សូករិក sookaʔrək, sookaʔreʔkaʔ
holder, stand, support ក្នាន់ knan
hold kən
hole (cavity) run
hole (cavity) ruuŋ
hole (esp. in a body of water where fish congregate) ម្លុង mluŋ
hole (in the ground), cavity, depression, ditch; excavation; cave; groove. រណ្ដៅ rʊəndav
hole (perforation) prɑhaoŋ
hole in stream-bed អន្លង់ ʔɔnlùəŋ
hole which has been dug in the ground. ចំណូក cɑmnook
hole, cave, burrow, tunnel. រូង ruuŋ
hole, opening, orifice; interval, hollow. ប្រហោង prɑhaoŋ
hole, opening, slot, mortise; recess ដំណាប់ dɑmnap
hole, pit; pot-hole; cave; bottom of a gully or depression. ជង្ហុក cʊəŋhuk
hole; cave; well អវាដ ʔaʔvaat
hole ព្រង់ prùəŋ
Holland. ហុឡង់ដ៍ hoolɑŋ
hollow sound of two empty containers striking one another ភូស phuuh
hollow, cave, den; to hollow out រូង rùːŋ
hollow, depression, puddle ប្រឡង់ prɑlɑŋ
hollow bruṅ
homeland, native land; hometown, birthplace ស្វទេស svaʔteeh
homonym កល្បសព្ទ kɑlpaʔsap
honey tɨk kmum
Hong Kong ហុងកុង hoŋ koŋ
honorific initiating verb used when the subject of the verb is a member of the royalty or has a very high status; honorific particle used preceding names of royalty or pronouns referring to royalty ទ្រង់ trʊəŋ
honorific title used by a lay person to address a monk who is a close friend or relative ជីតុន cii ton
honorific words added to the end of an official title in formal letters គោរមងារ kourumŋia
hood (of a snake, esp. a cobra) ពពារ pɔpie
hoodlum, bad person, gangster យូកូង juu kooŋ
hook (e.g. latch hook, fishhook); ring in which to hook or tie something ស្រយូវ srɑjəv
hook (v.) tpuəʔ
hook made of antler or horn (it is attached to the end of the lariat used in capturing wild elephants) ក្រងាវ krɑŋaav
hook, crook, hooked stick for picking fruit ទំពក់ tùmpùək, tɔmpùək
hook, gaff; curette; any instrument for picking / probing / digging; specif. wire bent into a hook at one end, used to catch frogs in their holes កង្វារ kɑŋvaa
hook, gaff; punting pole ថ្នោល tnaol
hook, pole with a hook at one end (used esp. for picking fruit); proboscis (of insects) ដង្កាវ dɑŋkaav
hooked, hook-shaped ក្ងក់ khŋɔk
hook ទំពក់ tumpʊək
hooligan; person who is an expert with swords (may have a bad connotation, i.e. a bandit who is an expert swordsman) ហួម៉ៃ huə maj
hoop-net, bird trap លប់ lup
horizontal wooden framework around the wheels of a Cambodian oxcart [plate 3] ប្រែក praek, prɛɛk
horn (animal) snaeŋ
hornbill (prob. Rhyticeros undulatus) កេងកង keeŋ kɑɑŋ
hornet, wasp ញាំង ɲeaŋ
hornet, wasp តាហ៊រ taa hɔɔ
(horns etc.) branching wide lās lìːəh
horse (the 7th year of the 12 year cycle) មមី mɔmii
horse rider; cavalryman ហយិន haʔjin
horseback rider; horseback riding អស្វារោហៈ ʔahsvaarouhaʔ
horsefly របោម rɔbaom
horsefly ល្បោម lbaom
horse seh
horse សេះ seh
horse អស្វ​ ʔahsvaʔ
horse អស្សតរ ʔahsaʔdɑɑ
horse អស្សពាហ៍ ʔahsaʔpie
hospitality សណ្ឋារកិច្ច sɑnthaaraʔkəc
hot (spicy) hər
hot season in the solar calendar (lasting from March 21 to June 21); spring និទាឃៈ niʔtiekheaʔ
hot water ឧណ្ហោទក ʔunhaoteaʔkaʔ
hot, peppery hör haə
hot kdaw
hour, time of day; clock ម៉ោង maoŋ
house (classifier) knɑɑŋ
house / building in the forest អរញ្ញាវាស ʔaʔraɲɲaavaah
house of refuge, charitable institution សមាវសថាគារ saʔmaaveaʔsaʔthaakie
(house) painter; dyer (of cloth) រជក reaʔcʊək, reaʔceaʔkaʔ
house, residence; building; shop, store; establishment. ផ្ទះ pteah
housemaid, female servant; concubine; សាវជៃ saav cej
house pteah
how many/much pon maan
how much, how many ប្លា blaa
how much, how many. ប៉ុន្មាន ponmaan
how, why məc
howdah (roofed seat carried on the back of an elephant) កូប koop
however, to whatever extent, how(ever) many, how(ever) much ប៉ុណ្ណា ponnaa
how jaaŋ məc
Hue (ancient city in Central Vietnam; imperial capital of Annam) ហ្វេ vee
human being (represents the colloquial pronunciation of មនុស្ស ) ម្នឹស mnɨh
human being, person នរូ nɔruu
human body កាយិន្ទ្រិយ kaajɨntrii
human faults and frailties, human defects បុរិសទោស boʔrihsaʔtouh
humanitarian ជនូបត្ថម្ភក ceaʔnuupatthamphʊək, ceaʔnuupat-thammeaʔpheaʔkaʔ
human mɔnuh
humility, submissiveness; honesty, artlessness; simplicity; gentleness, tenderness, docility; righteousness សំឡូត sɑmloot
humility នតិភាព neaʔteʔphiep
humorous dialogue consisting of a series of questions and answers usually sung by a man and a woman; kind of theatrical piece somewhat similar to an operetta អាយ៉ៃ ʔaajaj
hump, protuberance ពោង pòːŋ
hump; lump, knob, bump; goiter; lobe (of the brain). កំពក kɑmpɔɔk
hump ដំបូក ?? dɔmboːk kòː
hunchback, humpback គំនម kumnɔɔm
hunchbacked kɔɔm
hundred rɔɔj
hundred រយ rɔɔj
hunger, starvation; violent desire (for something) គំលាន kumlien
hungry kliən
hunt for rɔɔk
hunter ប្រមាញ់ prɑmaɲ
hunt bɑɑ baɲ
hurriedly, hastily, in a fast-talking manner, over and over quickly. ឡប់ៗ lɑp - lɑp
hurriedly. តះ tah
husband pdəj
husked rice ʼaṅkar ʔɔŋkɔː
hut, cottage; kiosk, stand, stall; pavilion; small shrine; តូប toop
hut, shelter ខ្ទម khtɔ̀ːm (and khtùm)
hut ktɔɔm
hut toup
hydroelectricity ជលាគ្គិសនី ceaʔliekkihsnii
hygiene, sanitation; health អនាមយ ʔaʔnaamaj

(falling) head first, head down សង់ទ្រយុង sɑŋ trɔjuŋ fall tlëəp familial ties, bonds of kinship (by blood or marriage); កុលសម័្ពន្ឋ kolsɑmpoan, koʔlaʔsɑmpoan familiar or impolite term of address to women មេ mèː familiar or impolite term of address to women មេ mèː familiar vocative particle used after names of persons, titles, kinship terms and certain other words to indicate affection, pity, depression, or despair. In some cases, with inanimate words, it may serve to personify them. It may also be used in calling someone or trying to attract someone's attention អើយ ʔaəj, ʔəəj family crisis កុលវិបត្តិ koʔlaʔviʔbat family of King Manu (according to Indian beliefs, Manu was the progenitor of mankind) ឱកាក ʔaokaakaʔ family wealth កុលសម្បត្តិ koʔlaʔsɑmbat family, extended family, lineage; marriage; the month and year relationship between a man and a woman which determines the success of their marriage (as determined by fortune tellers based on the month and year of their births) សម្ពង្ស sɑmpʊəŋ family, house, home. គ្រួ kruə family, lineage ប្រយូរ prɑjuu family, race ត្រកូល trəkoːl family, relatives, kindred, clan; kinship, race, consanguinity ផៅ phav family; spouse គ្រួសារ kruəsaa fan, pinwheel, wind wheel, propeller (of an airplane); vane (of a windmill) កង្ហារ kɑŋhaa fang(s), canine tooth, eyetooth ចង្កូម cɑŋkoom fangs អាសិរ ʔaaseeraʔ fan ភ្នក់?? bhnak' farewell, parting, leaving; goodbye អាបុច្ឆនៈ ʔaapocchaʔnaʔ farm (where vegetables or fruit crops are grown), truck-farm, market-garden, plantation, orchard; clearing, cleared field ចំការ cɑmkaa farm guard ក្សេត្រារក្ស kseetraareak farm rice (v.) twəə srae farmer, peasant កសិករ kaʔseʔkɑɑ farming equipment កសិភណ្ឌ kaʔseʔphoan farm កសិដ្ឋាន kaʔsetthaan fast (quickly) chap fast (quickly) rəhah fast and purposefully (of a gait) ប៉ាត់ញ៉ាត់ pat - ɲat fastening by clamping / bending បំណត់បង្ខាំ bɑmnɑt bɑŋkham fasting, giving up តំណម tɑmnɑɑm fat (grease) klaɲ fat (grease) preiŋ fat, grease, lard; oil ខ្លាញ់ klaɲ fat, grease ខ្លាញ់ khlaɲ fatback (of hogs), thick meat on the shoulder of a hog ផ្នង់ pnɑŋ fate, destiny ជោគវាសនា coukviehsnaa father (obsolete) ជីពុក cii puk father (used as a term of address by Chinese and Sino-Cambodians) ទៀ tie father especially of animals; onomastic prefix for junior generation បា baː father, dad (affectionate form of ឪពុក​) ឳ ʔəv father-in-law ʔəupuk kmeik father paa father ʔəwpuk father ជីនក cii nʊək father បិតរ beʔdɑɑ father ប៉ា paa father ប៉ៃ paj father ឳពុក ʔəv puk fat thöət fauna; wild animals ម្រឹគីម្រឹគា mrɨkii - mrɨkie fear (v.) klaac fear (v.) phɨj fear, dread, fright; timidity. កំលាច kɑmlaac fearlessness និព្ភយភាព nippheaʔjeaʔphiep feather slaap feces, excrement ឧច្ចារ ʔuccaar, ʔuccaaraʔ feces ʔaac fee, rent; salary, pay; tip; monetary compensation ឈ្នួល cnuəl feebly, helplessly, timidly, wretchedly, miserably ជ្រហម crɔhɔɔm feeding up អធ្យាហារូបត្ថម ʔaʔtjiehaaruupattham feeling of dislike / disgust អនិដ្ឋារម្មណ៍ ʔaʔnitthaarɑm feeling, sensation ញាណារម្មណ៍ ɲienaarɑm feeling, sensation បសាទ paʔsaat, paʔsaateaʔ Felidae, cat family វិឡារសាទិស viʔlaasaatɨh fellow citizen, fellow townsman, fellow countryman សហពលរដ្ឋ saʔhaʔpʊəlleaʔroat fellow member, colleague សហភាតា saʔhaʔphietaa fellow worker, colleague, associate; collaborator សហការី saʔhaʔkaarəj fellow-student សមានាចារ្យ saʔmaanaacaa fellow-worker, collaborator សហករណិក saʔhaʔkaʔraʔnək fem. of នាយក​ នាយិកា niejiʔkaa fem. of មនុស្ស មនុស្សី NOIPA female (animal) ɲii female (animal) ញី ɲìː female animal (that has given birth); mother; woman; term of address to a younger woman or to a woman of lower status មេ mei female bird សកុណី saʔkoʔnəj female demon ឌាកិនី diekeʔnii female servants in the Royal Palace កងចៅ kɑɑŋ cav female sex organs cdəɲ (female) collaborator, assistant, employee, official ការិនី kaareʔnəj fence, boundary; marker, stake ចំណារ cɑmnaa fence, hedge; edge; belt, perimeter (as a defense perimeter around a strategic point) របង rɔbɑɑŋ fence, palisade រនៀត rɔniet fenced enclosure bɑntiəj fence rɔbɑɑŋ fence dāp' fender (of a boat) កុងទូក koŋ tuuk feral smell, stink of urine etc. ចំអេះ cɔmʔeh feral smell, stink of urine caṁʼɛs cɔmʔaeh ferment, fermenting agent, yeast, leavening ដំបែ dɑmbae fermented sticky rice ត្រប៉ែ trɑpae ferrous metal, iron, steel; generic term for various metal tools. ដែក daek fetlock កកែប kɑkaep fever. គ្រុន krun fever krun fever ឧណ្ហាពាធ ʔunhaapiet few, little təc fez, woman's cap កន្តឹប​ [ស្រី] kɔntɤp [srɤy] fibrocement (mixture of cement and asbestos used in construction) ហ្វីបប្រូស៊ីម៉ង់ត៍ fiibroosiimɑŋ fibrous / stringy material. សំណាញ sɑmnaaɲ Ficus bengalensis ជ្រៃ crèj Ficus septica bhlūv phlùː field where seeds are started (esp. for rice), nursery, seed bed; mound for a row of plants ថ្នាល tnaal fifteenth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ណ nɑɑ fifth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ង ŋɔɔ fig tree ល្វា lvìːə fight / combat (between animals) ជំនល់ cumnʊəl fighting, battle, war, warfare ចំបាំង cɑmbaŋ figurative expression; proverb; metaphor; saying, aphorism, maxim ទំនឹម tumnɨm figure, shape; image, portrait; structure (esp. in the sense of a pleasing shape, a beautiful figure) ឆោម chaom file, rasp អង្រូស ʔɑŋruuh filter, filtering device, strainer; container តំរង tɑmrɑɑŋ filtering, decantation; erosion ចំរោះ cɑmrɑh final colloquial interrogative particle equivalent to ឬ អ្ហ៊ៃ ʔhej final emphatic clause marker. អ៊ីថា ʔii thaa final emphatic or hortatory particle in informal, friendly speech; it indicates that the speaker is requesting agreement or compliance and is similar to English \`OK? do you hear? don't you agree? don't you know? isn't that right? come on! indeed (it's so)! that's right!' Sometimes it is best left untranslated especially when it seems to merely make the statement less abrupt. ណា៎ naa final hortative particle (intimate; used with children, close friends, or subordinates; it may indicate a warning, e. g., in the case of children, not to do something again) វ៉ី vəj final interrogative marker (usually used by singers in the musical conversations called អា​យ៉ៃ ) រ៉ី rəj final interrogative marker, or not? ទេហៈ teihaʔ final interrogative particle (spoken form of ឬអី) ហ្អី həj final interrogative particle, \`like this?' ហ្អេះ heh final interrogative particle, \`may I?' រ៉េះ reh final interrogative particle, huh? what was that? និយាយយ៉ាងម៉េច ហ៎ះ ? Huh, what was that you said? ហ៎ះ hah, ʔəh final interrogative particle ហនូ haʔnuu final particle indicating emphasis or surprise អ៊ីតើ ʔii taə, ʔəj taə financier ហិរញ្ញាធិការី heʔraɲɲaathiʔkaarəj fine (rain), to sprinkle lightly pris prɤh fine and close together ស្មេ smeː fine powder, dust ខ្ញម kɲɑɑm (finger or toe) nail, claw, talon ក្រចក krɑcɑɑk finger, toe អនុជង្គ ʔaʔnuʔcʊəŋ finger mriəm dəj finish, end; finishing; exhaustion អំណស់ ʔɑmnɑh finished (complete) cɑp finished, already ហើយ haəj finished ruac fire (and, by extension, any substance which has a burning taste or effect); flame; light, flare; electricity ភ្លើង pləəŋ fire piston (device made of wood or ivory used for making fire) អែមផ្លែម ʔaem - plaem fire, conflagration អគ្យន្តរាយ ʔakjʊəntaʔraaj fire; light អគ្គី ʔakkii firearm, gun កាំភ្លើង kampləəŋ firewood ʔoh firewood us ʔoh firewood ឧស ʔoh firework; missile, rocket កាំជ្រួច kamcruəc fire pləəŋ first customer of the day កៅឆាយ kav chaaj First in the World (epithet of the Buddha or Brahma) លោកេស loukeeh first letter of the Cambodian alphabet ក kɑɑ first princess of blood ទាវ?? tìːəv first secretary (at an embassy), deputy ambassador អនុទូត ʔaʔnuʔtuut fish (n.) trəj fish (with line) stuuc fish paste (very salty paste made by fermenting salted fish in earthenware jugs) ប្រហុក prɑhok fish spear, harpoon; javelin ស្ន snɑɑ fish tail palm (Caryota mitis or C. urens) ទន្សែ tʊənsae, ʔɑnsae fish-paste pra'ak fish-spear ច្បូក cboːk fish-spear ទួន tùːən fish-trap ʔɑŋrut fish-weir or fish-crawl of branches ធ្នស់ thnùəh fisherman's float បន្លង?? panḷaṅ fisherman មច្ឆព័ន្ឋ macchaʔpoan fishing basket, kind of cylindrical fish trap made of woven vine ជុច cuc fishing equipment (rod, line and hook); fishing (with a rod or pole) សន្ទូច sɑntuuc fishing net, cast net សំណាញ់ sɑmnaɲ (fishing) float កំសួល kɑmsuəl fitting គាប់ kɔ̀əp five ( 5 ) ប្រាំ pram five pram five ប្រាំ pram fixedly, in a concentrated or single-minded manner មមៃ mɔmej flag, banner កេតុ kaet flame; heat of a flame រស៊ោល rɔsoul flammability; action of burning ដំណុត dɑmnot flat nose កន្ទ្រឹប kɑntrɨp flat surface ṭaṁpār dɔmbaː flatulence, nausea; to overeat chʔɔl flat riəp flea, tick ដង្កែ dɑŋkae flesh, meat; muscle សាច់ sac flesh, meat មំសី meaŋsəj flesh, meat សាច់ sac flesh sac flexible tongs of wood, metal or bamboo used to hold meat for grilling តំបុត tɑmbot float (along) ʔɑndaet float (stationary) tɔeh floating (hair) សម្យូល?? sɔmyòːl floating mass of debris that resembles solid ground ពើក pəək floating mat of vegetation ត្រឹប trɤp flood-basin រំលោង rùmlòːŋ flooded forest, marsh land; thick mass of floating aquatic plants ត្រឹប trəp flooded plain, waterlogged land, swamp លំហាច lumhaac flooded plain រំហាច rumhaac floor / level / story (above the ground floor) ឧបរិភូមិ ʔuʔpaʔreʔphuum floor joist, stringer រនូត rɔnuut floor-beam រត rɔ̀ːt floor-beam រត rɔ̀ːt floral pattern, lace jar cɔ̀ː (flower) to close; to stop up, cover with hand ក្ដោប kdaop flower. ផ្កា pkaa flowering shoot of the banana tree, banana flower, banana flower pod ត្រយូង trɑjooŋ flower pkaa flower បុស្ប boh flower ផ្កា phkaː flowing slowly over a shallow area រិញៗ rɨɲ - rɨɲ flow hou fluently (of a baby which has just learned to talk or someone who is learning a foreign language); easily (of laughing) កក្អិល kɑkʔəl fluently ត្រិល trəl fly (insect). រុយ ruj fly (n.) ruj fly (v.) haə flying ant ខ្មើរ kmaə flying high into the distance ច្រៀវ-ច្រៃ criəv-craj flying squirrel chmaː baː fly រុយ rùj foam, bubble(s), lather ពពុះ pɔpuh foam, scum ពពុះ pəpùh fog, mist, haze អ័ព្ទ ʔap fog ʔap fold (esp. of the female genitalia), base (esp. of the male genital organ) គិល kɨl fold, crease, pleat, tuck, wrinkle, line; attitude, habit, way ផ្នត់ pnɑt fold, crease; scale-like plates (esp. of reptiles) ផ្នន់ pnɑn fold, pleat (hanging from the knot in a Cambodian skirt); sack / pocket made from a square piece of cloth with the opposite corners tied together; curve, bend ថ្នក់ tnɑk following (advice), obeying (a command) ដំណោយ dɑmnaoj follow taam food (for Buddhist monks) ចង្ហាន់ cɑŋhan food consisting of a skinned frog or rabbit that has been stuffed with seasonings and barbecued or grilled. បោប baop food, meal (esp. referring to food of people with high status) ក្រយា krɑjaa food, meal ម្ហូប mhoop food mhoup food ចំណី cɔmnɤy food អាឡារ ʔaalaa (foot or trunk of) tree, beginning ដើម daəm foot, leg ជើង cɤ̀ːŋ footnote, reference នយលក្ខណៈ neaʔjeaʔleakkhaʔnaʔ foot cəəŋ for groups of forty (used in counting fruit and vegetables) eg. ស្វាយមួយផ្លូន . forty mangoes ផ្លូន ploon for groups of four (esp. pieces of fruit or vegetables) eg. ផ្លែស្វាយបីដំប . a dozen mangoes ដំប dɑmbɑɑ for hands of bananas ស្និត snət for loads carried on a shoulder-pole. ម្រែក mrɛɛk for moments, instants ភ្លែត plɛɛt for ordinary people នាក់ neak for pieces of cloth about four yards long ភឺន phɨɨn for piles (esp. of paper) ចំភ្លុះ cɑmpluh for piles of paddy rice ឆ្នឹម cnəm for the amount of food that can be cooked in a skillet, skilletful មែញ mɛɛɲ forced labor, fatigue duty ភារិយការ phieriijeaʔkaa forehead, skull ralā rəlìːə forehead; Mount of Venus, pubis ថ្ងាស tŋah forehead tŋaah forehead thṅās thŋaːh foreleg kmɔɔŋ cəəŋ forelock, top-knot; long tuft of hair that a child wears until age 7 ជុក cuk forest residence វនាវាស veaʔnievieh forest, scrub ព្រៃ prèj forest prɨj forget plɨc fork, confluence, junction ប្របែក prəbaek fork, confluence, junction ប្របែក prəbaek fork, crotch (of a tree), forked stick; any tweezer-like device ចំពាម cɑmpiem fork ?? tragāp fork ប្រគាប prəkìːəp form, shape, image, figure; specif. objects such as dummies or fortifications made of wickerwork and used as targets for training war elephants រាង rieŋ formal language, literary language បោរីភាសា paorəjphiesaa formation, creation កំណ kɑmnɑɑ former spelling of សម្តេច q.v. សម្តេជ NOIPA former title of the governors of Siem Reap province ភូរាំង phuureaŋ former title of the three assistants to the មេឃុំ (chief of a district) ជំទប់ cumtup fort, enclosure; precinct គព្ពវតី koappeaʔveaʔtəj fortress wall, rampart; fence, stone wall; fortress, fortification(s); precinct, enclosure កំពែង kɑmpɛɛŋ fortune / luck accumulated by giving one's property away ទានូបនិស្ស័យ tienuupaʔnihsaj fortune / luck accumulated by observing the precepts or through moral conduct សីលូបនិស្ស័យ səjluupaʔnihsaj fortuneteller, astrologer ជោតិកាចារ្យ couteʔkaacaa (fossilized vocative plural of the Pali bhikkhu 'monk') all you monks (used by the Buddha to address his followers) ភិក្ខវោ phikkhaʔvou fourteenth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ឍ thɔɔ fourth great-grandparents, relative in one's great-great-great-great-grandparents' generation ជីប៉ា cii paa fourth letter of the Cambodian alphabet ឃ khɔɔ four buan four បួន buən four បួន buːən fowl, chicken មាន់ moan fragility សំរួយ sɑmruəj fragment / broken piece / shard (esp. a piece of pottery or glass that can still be used esp. as a tray for grilling or roasting), splinter អំបែង ʔɑmbaeŋ fragrance, sweet smell. សុគន្ឋ soʔkʊən, soʔkʊənthɔɔ fragrant krɑʔoup frame, crucible tongs, cramp-iron កាប kaːp frame; crucible tongue, cramp-iron កាប kaap free of, avoid phot freezer (for making ice), icebox, refrigerator សីតូបករណ៍ səjtoopaʔkɑɑ freezing, coagulating, solidifying, setting; coagulation, solidification; something which has solidified (e.g. as cement) កំណក kɑmnɑɑk Freon (refrigerant) ហ្វ្រេអុង freeʔoŋ frequent clear, resonant sounds រញ៉ែ rɔɲae frequent sound of a kind of noisemaker which is attached to a kite (var. អន្តឺត (2)) អន្តឺរ៉ឺរ៉ឺត ʔɑntəɨ - rəɨ - rəɨt frequently, often, continuously, constantly រឿយៗ rɨəj - rɨəj fresh water shrimp កំពឹស kɑmpɨh fresh, green sras' srɔh freshwater shrimp kaṁbɨs kɔmpɯ̀h friendly / kind words, words of welcome សម្មោទនីយកថា sammaoteaʔniijeaʔkaʔthaa friendly rɛ̀ək-tɛ̀ək friends, mates; crowd, gang, group កន kɑɑn friends, pal(s) ភុំភឿន phum phɨən friendship between people after they have become reconciled សាពិភ័ក្តិ saapiʔpheak frog (including members of the genera Rana and Megalophrys); term for a Chinese Type 72 anti-personnel mine; (so called because of the chirping noise it makes just before it explodes) កង្កែប kɑŋkaep from now until ទម្រាំ tùmrɔ̀əm from place to place, aimlessly តត្រុក tɑtrok from place to place, darting here and there, darting about អន្ត្រោក ʔɑntraok from side to side ក្រងក់?? krəŋɔk from, out of; of, about, concerning; for, on behalf of; since; at / in (some past time) ពី pii from pii front of the lower leg (from the knee to the ankle), shin ស្មង smɑɑŋ frowning, displeased ក្រញូវ krəɲoːv frowning, glowering, scowling សង្កោចន saŋkaocaʔnaʔ frozen ocean សីទន្តរ səjtoandɑɑ frozen, congeal kɑɑʔ fruit stem, peduncle សណ្ដង់ sɑndɑŋ fruit. ផ្លែ plae fruits ផលា phɑllaa, phaʔlaa- fruits ផលាផល phaʔlaaphɑl fruit plae fruit ផ្លែ phlae frustratingly; furiously; very, extremely ណឺង nəɨŋ full (sated) cʔaet fully rounded កំពុង?? kɔmpùŋ full pɨɲ full beñ pèɲ Funan ហ្វូណន fuunɑɑn function, profession; role, title; work, business, duty ងារ ŋie funeral music (at a burial) ទាំមីង toam miiŋ funeral music ឆ្នាក cnaak fungus ផ្សិត phsɤt funnel ជីវឡាវ ciiv laav funnel ជីឡាវ cii laav furrow (in a plowed field); gutter; area of land between ditches ចង្អួរ cɑŋʔuə furrow, fissure; track, trace; trail, way; path, trajectory; orbit; procedure, rule, law; measure; tradition; specif. trail habitually used by animals គន្លង kʊənlɔɔŋ furrow; line. ចង្ហូត cɑŋhoot furrow cùːə further tiət gadānuraksa (former title of the governors of Battambang Province) គទានុរក្ស keaʔtienuʔreak gaff, fish spear (esp. for spearing eels) ចង្រប់ cɑŋrɑp gain, profit, benefit, advantage, good result; use; compensation, earning; remission; discount, reduction កំរៃ kɑmraj galactic nebula; Milky Way នីហារិកាតារាវលី niihaariʔkaadaaraaveaʔlii galanga (Alpinia galanga; kind of plant with a tuberous aromatic white root; it is used as a seasoning and to make medicines) រំដេង rumdeeŋ galanga រំដេង rùmdeːŋ gallbladder ប្រមាត់ prɑmat gall ប្រមាត់ prəmat galvanized iron, tinplate ស៊ីវិឡាត siiviʔlaat game, pastime, amusement, playing; gambling ល្បែង lbaeŋ game lbaeŋ Gandhabbādhipa (king of the gandharvas and guardian of the east) គន្ឋព្វាធិប kʊənthoappiethɨp Ganesha (son of Shiva) ឍុណ្ឍិ thunthiʔ gap, interval ច្រឡោះ crɑlɑh garbage, trash, litter, rubbish, debris, waste, sewage; midden សំរាម sɑmraam garden, park ឱទ្យាន ʔaotjien garden, plantation caṁkār cɔmkaː garland / bouquet / bunch / bracelet / necklace (of flowers), lei ភួង phuəŋ garland of flowers មាល miel garland, wreath ក្រេដ kreet Garuda (king of the birds) វិហគាធិប viʔhaʔkiethɨp gas, steam, vapor; heat ឧស្ម័ន ʔusman gasp, sound of labored breathing ពភឺត pɔphɨɨt gasping for breath, breathlessly, breathing heavily ម្ហេបម្ហប mheep - mhɑɑp gathered together ក្ដុំ kdom gathering / rounding up (e.g. of animals) កំណៀង kɑmnieŋ gathering up / together; anything that has been gathered up កំនៀរ kɑmnie gathering, assembling; collection, pile / block of something; unification. បណ្ដុំ bɑndom gathering, conference, meeting; discussion; crowd. ជំនុំ cumnum gaur, kind of wild bovine (Bos gaurus) ទន្សោង tʊənsaoŋ genealogy (as a field of study) ពង្សាវិទ្យា pʊəŋsaavitjie genealogy, family history lineage, family line ពង្សាវលី pʊəŋsaaveaʔlii (General) Lon Nol (leader of the 1970 coup d'tat against Prince Sihanouk) លន់នល់ lʊən nʊəl generally untranslatable exclamation used esp. in poetry and songs to finish out a line អឺយ ʔəɨj generation; offspring, descendants ព័ន្ឋុ poanthuʔ generator ជនិតា ceaʔniʔtaa generic name for any coupling or fastening device (e.g. hook, clasp, buckle); bolt, peg; latch; coupling pin; handle; firing pin, striker. គន្លឹះ kʊənlɨh generic name for certain kinds of flat, shallow baskets [plate 9] កញ្ច្រែង kɑɲcraeŋ generic name for certain large water animals such as whales, dolphins, etc. ពិន្ទង pɨntɔɔŋ generic name for certain skin diseases (herpes, scabies, mange or psoriasis) ត្រអក trɑʔɑɑk generic name for certain skin diseases or diseases of the mucous membrane including pituita, pip, thrush, candidiasis, as well as a kind of skin disease which occurs on the palms and soles តាន taan generic name for certain, usually hard-shelled, turtles (including members of the genera Testudo, Emys, Geoemyda, Cyclemis, and Pyxidia and poss. the soft-shelled genus Trionyx) អណ្ដើក ʔɑndaək generic name for fish used to make ព្រហក់ (fishermen's slang) គ្រលាក់ krɔleak generic name for melon-like fruit, e.g. squash, pumpkins, watermelons ខ្លូត kloot generic name for several wading birds including the plumed egret (Egretta intermedia) កុក kok generic name for snakes ពស់ pʊəh generic name for the eggplant (Solanum Melongena) and related plants ត្រប់ trɑp generic name for various, usually large, members of the cat family, tiger ខ្លា klaa generic term for bamboo, esp. species of the genus Bambusa; it occurs in many place names ឫស្សី rɨhsəj generic term for cabbage and cabbage-like vegetables esp. of the genus Brassica ស្ពៃ spej generic term for certain sweet salad-like foods មៀង mieŋ generic term for potatoes and other similar tuberous plants ដំឡូង dɑmlooŋ generic term for several internal, usually worm-like, parasites ព្រូន pruun generic term for several kinds of large, rectangular gill nets varying in length from about 22 or 26 feet to nearly two miles and in height from 7 - 60 feet; (spider) web មង mɔɔŋ generic term for several kinds of vulture including the white-backed vulture (Pseudogyps bengalensis) and poss. the long-billed vulture (Gyps indicus); police ត្មាត tmaat generic term for various birds of prey, e.g. hawk, kite, eagle ខ្លែង klaeŋ generic term for various kinds of luffa gourds ននោង nɔnouŋ Geneva ហ្សឺណែវ zəɨnaev gentle slout germ, microbe, virus, any disease-causing agent; chicken louse ក្រមី krɑməj germination, growth, development ដំណុះ dɑmnoh get, able baan get, able kaət ghost, spirit, devil (esp. used in insults or curses) រំលេះ rumleh ghost, spirit, devil, phantom (sometimes used as a familiar term of address); contagion, infection; epidemic រំបល់ rumbɑl ghost kmaoc ghost ខ្មោច khmaoc ghost ស្រមោល ?? srəmaol khmaoc giants, monsters យក្សា jeaksaa gibbon tuuc gift given to Buddhist monks (esp. a gift given as a memorial to a deceased relative) បន្លុង bɑnloŋ gift or prize awarded to a teacher or doctor in recognition of some service ខាន់ខៅ khan khav gift, present, donation, contribution; giving អំណោយ ʔɑmnaoj gifts (of merit or good deeds) offered to the spirits of one's ancestors or patrons ដារ daa gift ʔɑmnaoj giggling or laughing sound រកឹក rɔkək gill (of fish) ស្រកី skəj, srɑkəj gills តើក taək ginger (Zingiber officinale) ខ្ញី kɲəj girder / beam which passes through or is fastened to the columns of a house and supports the floor joists រត rɔɔt girdle / sash / belt (around the waist to hold up the skirt) បង្គត់ bɑŋkʊət girl's friend of same sex, man's friend's wife ម្រក់ mrɛ̀ek give birth kaət koun give ʔaoj giving advice frequently ឱវាទានុសាសន៍ ʔaovaatienuʔsaah giving up, capitulation, relinquishing ធុរនិក្ខេប thuʔreaʔnikkhaep giving; gift, donation; alms, charity; favor (2) tien polite or respectful particle often occurs in sentence final position. ទាន (១) tieneaʔ gladness, happiness, satisfaction, joy, merriment, gaiety ប្រមោទ prɑmaot gladness, happiness; satisfaction, contentment, indulgence; acquittal. សន្តោស sɑndaoh gland; air bubble in water. ក្រពេញ krɑpɨɲ gland; bunch, cluster កន្សោម kɑnsaom glass (the substance and the container), crystal, jewelry; lens. កែវ kaev globe, the earth ភូគោល phuukool glory, magnificence; glorious sign រោចនាការ roucaʔnaakaa glossy, velvety, soft phūr gnat, midge (tiny flying insects that are abundant during the rainy season) សុច soc gnat, midge មមង់ mɔmʊəŋ gnat មមង់ məmùəŋ, məmùŋ gnaw kəkei goad (of an elephant driver), ankus; hook (in general) កង្វេរ kɑŋvee goal, plan, wish, desire ភ្នាន pnien goal, purpose, aim គោល koul goat pɔpɛɛ goat ពពែ pɔpɛɛ goat ពពែ pəpɛ̀ː god, deity ទេវ teiveaʔ god, sacred being or thing ពហរះ prɛ̀əh gold / silver chain (used as jewelry) សូ soo gold; gold bracelet កម្ពុ kampuʔ golden chain worn over the shoulder ចាមង្គ caamɑŋ golden color ហៃមពណ៌ hajmaʔpoa, hajmeaʔpoa gold miəh gold មាស mìːəh gonorrhea ប្រមេហរោគ prɑmeehaʔrouk good / close friend, buddy; love, mutual friendship. សំឡាញ់ sɑmlaɲ good / correct advice សុន្ទរោវាទ sonteaʔrouviet good and bad luck, fortune and misfortune លាភាលាភ liephieliep good deeds performed by (or appropriate to) a father បិតុគុណ peʔtoʔkun good deeds that are done continuously និពទ្ឋកុសល niʔpʊəttheaʔkoʔsɑl good grooming, elegant appearance សំងួន sɑmŋuən good health អរោគ្យ ʔaʔrouk good horse; fast horse ហយោត្តម haʔjoutdɑm good luck, good fortune, happiness អនុគាមិកនិធិ ʔaʔnuʔkiemiʔkaʔniʔthiʔ good manners, courtesy, politeness គំនួរ kumnuə good shape, beautiful figure. សុភង្គ soʔpheaŋ good spirits, happiness សាតារម្មណ៍ saataarɑm good taste, deliciousness ចំងាញ់ cɑmŋaɲ good time / opportunity / chance វរោកាស veaʔroukaah good, pretty ល្អ lʔɔː goods, merchandise, thing bought ទំនិញ tumnɨɲ good lʔɑɑ goose, swan ក្ងាន kŋaan goose kŋaan goose ក្ងាន khŋaːn gorge, passage, path, corridor; (material used for) stuffing / packing / filling; plug; action of stuffing / filling; ramrod. ចំរក cɑmrɑɑk gourd klook (government) clerk, file clerk, records officer, recorder; third-in-command in a ស្រុក with special responsibility for documents យោក្ប័ត joukbat governmental official ស្រែន្យ sraen go tɨw gracefully, lithely ទន្ទេ tʊəntei grain (of cereal) ធញ្ញ thoaɲɲeaʔ grain, pit, seed; pill, tablet; bullet, projectile, bomb គ្រាប់ kroap grain, seed, nut គ្រាប់ krɔ̀əp granary យុង juŋ granary cüəŋruk grandchild ចៅ grandeur, greatness; size, dimension មហ័ត្វ meaʔhat grandfather, ancestor (often used in the names of spirits). តា taa grandfather taa grandfather ជីតា cii taa grandfather តា taː grandly, with an air of importance, arrogantly, ostentatiously ស្តា staa grandly, with an air of importance, with a dapper / debonair manner ភី phii grandmother ləj grandmother ជីដូន cii doon grandmother អយ្យកា ʔajjeaʔkaa granite កិណសិលា keʔnaʔseʔlaa grantee, grant holder, scholarship holder អាហារូបករណិក ʔaahaaruupaʔkɑɑreaʔnək grantor, assignor អនុប្បទាយី ʔaʔnuppaʔtiejii grass plot, lawn; glade, clearing ត្រាញ់ traɲ grass, generic term for grasses and grass-like plants ស្មៅ smav grasshopper kɑndoup grasshopper កណ្ដូប kɑndoop grasshopper កណ្ដូប kɔndoːp grass smaw grating / creaking / screeching sound ង៉ឺត ŋəət gratitude for a monk's good deeds សង្ឃានុស្សតិ sɑŋkhienuhsaʔteʔ gratitude toward the Buddha ពុទ្ឋានុស្សតិ putthienuhsaʔteʔ gratitude. កតញ្ញុតា kaʔtaɲɲuʔtaa gratitude កតញ្ញូគុណ kaʔtaɲɲuukun gratuity, bonus, extra pay, reward ធនានុគ្រោះ theaʔnienuʔkrʊəh gravel kruəs kruːəh grave tnou great diligence / perseverance មហុស្សាហៈ meaʔhohsaahaʔ great disaster, horrible calamity ព្យតោបាត pjeaʔtaobaat great king, king of kings, emperor មហិស្សរាធិបតី meaʔhehsaʔriethɨppaʔdəj great wise man, venerable scholar; epithet of the Buddha ភគវន្តមុនី pheaʔkeaʔvoantaʔmuʔnii great-grandfather បយ្យកៈ pajjaʔkaʔ green pigeon, Treron nipalensis vernax ពពូល pəpùːl green woodpecker (Picus vittatus, P. xanthopygaeus, P. erythropygius) ត្រសេះ trɑseh green, fresh, new, young (plants, animals) ខ្ចី khcɤj green baj tɔɔŋ green khiəw greeting ស្វស្តិ svahsdeʔ grey fish-paste ប្រហក?? prahak grey-haired ស្កូវ skoːv grilling, toasting, warming អំណាំង ʔɑmnaŋ groan(ing), moan(ing), lament, supplication; murmuring; humble prayer. តំអូញ tɑmʔooɲ groan, moan. ងង៉េស ŋɔŋeeh groin ក្រលៀន krɑlien groove, slot; hole, excavation, hollow, cavity. ក្រហូង krɑhooŋ grooving plane ល្បក lbɑɑk gropingly, blindly, without definite direction ពពើកពពើម pɔpəək - pɔpəəm group (esp. an informal, ad hoc group), detachment, herd, gathering, association; (with place name) native / resident of ....; squad (of 3 to 5 men); often merely conveys the idea of plurality ពួក puək group (of people united by kinship or common dwelling), nuclear family, household ក្រាន kraan group / team sport សហកីឡា saʔhaʔkəjlaa group of consonants វគ្គក្ខរៈ veakkeakkhaʔraʔ group, flock, herd ហ្មូ moo group, lump, wad, block ដុំ dom group, team, council, unit, platoon; service; body (of people); administrative service (subdivision of a ក្រសួង ); corps (a ក្រុម is generally a more formal and better organized group than a ពួក​ ) ក្រុម krom, krommaʔ- group krom group puəʔ growth, increase, progress កំណើន kɑmnaən grub, larva, caterpillar; maggot, worm ដង្កូវ dɑŋkəv grudge, revenge; rancor, spite, vindictiveness, malice គំនុំ kumnum grunting and groaning sound អ្ហ៊ឹះ ʔhɨh guard, guardian, watchman ឆ្មាំ cmam guard; guarding / caring for property ធនានុរក្ស theaʔnienuʔreak guardian angel(s) ទេព្រក្ស teipreak guardian spirit of a house ជនាងផ្ទះ cənieŋ pteah guardian; deputy ឧបាទេសិក ʔuʔpaateisək guard cam guava (Psidium Guajava) (Originally this word designated the tree Lagerstroemia floribunda, but after the introduction of the guava it has come to mean that tree) ត្របែក trɑbaek guest, visitor; client (esp. of a prostitute) ភ្ញៀវ pɲiev guidance, leadership; transportation, conveyance, cartage ដំណឹក dɑmnək guiding oneself toward the right / truth ទិដ្ឋុជុកម្ម titthoʔcuʔkam guitar គីតា kiitaa gulping sound ឃុប khup gum(s), gingiva អញ្ចាញ ʔɑɲcaaɲ gum, (poisonous) sap ជ័រ cɔ̀ə gunpowder រំសេវ rumseev gun kampləəŋ gun អគ្នន្យ័ស្ត្រ ʔaknoanjoah gurgling / rumbling / growling sound; sound of snoring គ្រកៗ krɔɔk - krɔɔk gymnosperms អច្ឆន្នបុប្ផាណ្ឌជាតិ ʔacchannaʔbopphaandeaʔciet hail, long live, hurrah, viva ជយោ ceaʔjou hail ??? prɯ̀ːl hail ព្រឹក prɯ̀l hail ព្រឹល prɨl Hainan (Island). ហៃណាំ haj nam hair (of the head) សក់ sɑk hairpin decorated with precious stones សិរោមណី seeroumeaʔnəj hairpin ពិន pɨn hair sɑʔ hair sɔk hair កេស kaeh, keeh Hakka (Chinese) ខិក khək half a. កន្លះ kɑnlah half kɑnlah hall, pavilion, large building, shed រោង ròːŋ hall rooŋ halo, circular arrangement of light or illumination emanating from the body of the Buddha (this halo had a diameter of one ព្យាម​) ព្យាម​ប្បភា pjiemappaʔphie halt, stop ថុច thoc halt, wait អ្ហ៊ែៈ ʔhɛʔ halting-place, encampment ដំណាក់ dɔmnak, tɔmnak halting-place សំណាក់ sɔmnak hammer, mallet ញញួរ ɲɔɲuə hammock litter, cradle សលៀង saliəŋ Khmer [royal] hammock litter, cradle អង្រឹង ʔɔŋrɯ̀ŋ hammock; cradle អង្រឹង ʔɑŋrɨŋ hand of bananas (cl.) snət hand span (measurement of length from the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb when hand is flat and fingers are spread, usually from seven to nine inches) ចំអាម cɑmʔaam hand span (measurement of length from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the extended index finger) (compare ចំអាម ) ទោម toum hand span ចង្អាម cɑŋʔaam hand tool; set of hand tools ហត្ថូបករណ៍ hatthuupaʔkɑɑ (hand) fan ផ្លិត plət hand, arm ដៃ daj handful (of something); the hands placed together with the palms facing each other (e.g. as a salutation) កំបង់ kɑmbɑŋ handle of a paddle or oar ភ្នាំ pnoam handle dɑɑŋ handle ដង dɔːŋ hand dəj hanging down unevenly from something (as a garland) រតោង rɔtaoŋ hanging down, drooping yār jìːə hanging on to; any object that one can hang on to; support តំណោង tɑmnaoŋ (hanging) unevenly / sloppily (as the uneven hem of a skirt) ស្តោ stao hang pcuə hang pjuə Hanoi (capital of Vietnam) ហាណូយ haanooj haphazardly ច្រងេវច្រងូវ crɑŋeev - crɑŋəv happening; creation, birth; spontaneous generation. ឧប្បត្តិក ʔuppatdək happiness from giving a gift បត្តិទានមយៈ patteʔtieneaʔmeaʔjeaʔ happiness from receiving a gift បត្តានុមោទនាមយៈ pattaanuʔmouteaʔniemeaʔjeaʔ happiness, gladness, joy, rejoicing, triumph អំណរ ʔɑmnɑɑ happy life ផាសុវិហារ phaasoʔviʔhie hard, hard, firm, severe រឹង rɯ̀ŋ hardly breathing (from tension or fear) ផ្អឹះៗ pʔəh - pʔəh hardship; oppression; severity; calamity ទុរកម្ម tuʔreaʔkam hard rɨŋ hare, rabbit (prob. Lepus peguensis) ទន្សាយ tʊənsaaj hare tuənsaaj harness; harnessing អស្សាភរណ៍ ʔahsaateaʔnəj harpoon, fish spear តាវាំង taa vaŋ harrow, rake រនាស់ rɔnoah harshly, loudly ខ្ជាំងៗ kceaŋ - kceaŋ harvest (v.) crout harvest, crops; produce ផលានុផល phaʔlaanuʔphɑl harvester លាវក lievʊək, lieveaʔkaʔ hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry / panic ឆ្លេឆ្លា clee-claa hat worn by Muslims, turban, fez; garrison cap កន្តឹប kɑntəp hate sʔap hat muəʔ hat មួក mùːək have, exist miən having a bad smell (referring to body odor) ក្តឹះ kdəh having a burned or scorched smell, to smell burnt / as if on fire ឈ្ងៀម cŋiem having a dry throat, limp soḥ sɔh having a small opening / orifice / slot; to be small, round and tube-shaped (as the pursed lips) ក្រហួច krɑhuəc having developed ahead of time; to be larger than normal, overgrown ដំឡោក dɑmlaok having no grain (e.g. as an ear of corn); to be rough / crude (of speech) ស្គោតស្គៀត skout - skiet hawk, falcon, kite, any of various hawk-like birds of the family Accipitridae រអាត rɔʔaat hazily, unclearly, indistinctly ស្ទុង stuŋ haziness, nebulosity; obscurity អព្ភបរិមាណ ʔappheaʔpaʔreʔmaan he / him / his, she / her; they / them / their (formal / polite 3rd person pronoun); you / your (intimate) គាត់ koat head / peg box (of the sayedovor ចាប៉ី guitar-like stringed instruments) which has the shape of a naga បង្គាន bɑŋkien head ; crest; summit, top, end; comb (of a rooster) សិរ see head kbaal head ត្បូង tbooŋ head ត្បូង tboːŋ health center, infirmary, clinic គិលានុបដ្ឋាន kilienuʔpatthaan health, well-being សុខា soʔkhaa heap, mound ពំនូក bɔmnoːk hearing distance សវនូបចារ saʔvaʔnoopaʔcaa heart (of a fish) តើក taək heart ; soul បេះដូង beh dooŋ heart, mind, feelings, will ទ័យ tej heart, mind cət heart; chest ហទយ haʔtej, haʔteaʔjeaʔ- hearth, base for a fireplace ទំពាន់ tumpoan hearth cəəŋ kraan heartwood ក្រាក់ krak hear lɨɨ heat and cold សីតុណ្ហ səjtonhaʔ heat kɑmdaw heaven សួគ៌ាល័យ suəkielaj heavily (of falling); speedily; with all one's strength (of jumping) សង់គោល sɑŋ koul heavy tŋùən heddle (on a loom) [plate 1] តង្ករ tɑŋkɑɑ heel (of the foot) ចង្កោយ cɑŋkaoj height, elevation, altitude; stature; loftiness (e.g. of feelings); level កំពស់ kɑmpʊəh helicopter (formal; more common terms are អេលីកូ, កន្ទុំរុយ ) ឧទ្ឋម្ភាគចក្រ ʔutthoamphiekeaʔcak hello there, here I am (usually shouted out to someone from a distance) កូ៎ក kook help, assistance អនុគ្គហធម៌ ʔaʔnukkeaʔhaʔthoa help cuəj helter-skelter, impetuously, in a mad rush តក់ក្រហល់ tɑk krɑhɑl helter-skelter, in disorder / confusion, in a straggling or uncoordinated manner. រប៉ាត់រប៉ាយ rɔpat - rɔpaaj helter-sketter, in all directions, scattered and mixed up, in scattered outbreaks (describing a crowd where scattered fights break out) ប្រសេចប្រសាច prɑsəc - prɑsaac hem of the sampot (Cambodian skirt) rolled together and passed back between the legs where it is tucked in. ក្បិន kbən herbivore តិណាហារសត្វ teʔnaahaaraʔsat herdsman, guardian, guard, keeper គង្វាល kʊəŋviel herdsman គង្វាល kùəŋvìːəl here and there, all over the place ងងើក ŋɔŋəək here and there; now here now there, haphazardly, in a disorganized / disorderly manner រហេតរហូត rɔheet - rɔhoot here, over here, on this side. អាយ ʔaaj heresy អញ្ញទិដ្ឋិ ʔaɲɲatittheʔ here ʔae here ណេះ neh heritage, inheritance, legacy, heirloom; estate; personal secret កេរ kee hermaphrodite ខ្ទើយ khtɤ̀ːj heron (Ardea sp.) ក្រសារ krɑsaa heron, egret កុក kok herpes, shingles រើម rəəm hesitantly, in a stammering or halting manner ទាក់ៗ teak - teak hesitantly, slowly, stealthily វើមៗ vəəm - vəəm hesitantly, uncertainly. ទីមទាម tiim - tiem hesitantly, with difficulty, in a stammering manner; unevenly រតិបរតុប rɔtəp - rɔtop hesitantly; in a tongue-tied / stammering manner តតាក់តតុប tɑtak - tɑtop hesitation សំទាក់សំទើរ sɑmteak - sɑmtəə heterodoxy អញ្ញប្បដិបត្តិ ʔaɲɲappaʔdeʔpat heterotrophe. បរជីប paʔraʔciip hey (exclamation used by older people or people of higher status to warn or attract the attention of younger people or people of lower status) នែអ្ហឺ nɛɛ ʔəɨ hey (exclamation used to attract someone's attention or to express surprise, wonder or amazement) ណែ៎ nae hey (interjection used to attract someone's attention; it is rather abrupt and is used only with people of lower status or children) ហឺយ həəj hey you ហៃ haj hey! come (on!), let's ... (informal; ម៏ is a spoken variant of មក់ if used when speaking to a person of a higher status it would be very rude and abrupt) ម៏ mɔɔ hey, hello, testing (exclamation used to attract someone's attention; also used when testing a loudspeaker system) អំភោ ʔɑmphou hey, listen, see there (exclamation used among friends or to people younger than the speaker to warn or attract attention); um, uh (exclamation used when one is searching for the correct word) នែ nɛɛ, nɛʔ, nae hey, really, so, it's like that ហ៊ឺៈ hɨʔ hey, watch out (as a warning of close danger or signal of alarm) យូយ juuj hey, watch out, don't do that, keep away, exclamation of warning or to attract someone's attention អ្ហា៎ ʔhaa hey; particle used to attract attention (intimate) វ៉ឺយ vəɨj he kòət he wiə Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cpā cbaː hidden wealth, buried treasure, something buried, cache កំណប់ kɑmnɑp hide (intr.) puən hide (tr.) lèəʔ hiding place, shelter, cover; nook, tight corner; the space behind an open door; the area of a fold or joint on the human body កន្លៀត kɑnliet high / raised bed; specif. the avoidance of sleeping on a raised bed (one of the Eight or Ten Precepts for Buddhist monks and nuns) ឧច្ចាសយនៈ ʔuccaasaʔjaʔnaʔ high ladder made of a single pole with crosspieces attached for climbing tall trees, scaffolding បង្អោង bɑŋʔaoŋ high water; flood, inundation ជំនន់ cumnʊən highly decorated pack saddle of a royal war elephant គជាធារ kʊəcciethie high kpùəh hill / high ground in the midst of low ground that is subject to flooding រលាំង rɔleaŋ hill on flat plain ក្រាំង kraŋ hill, high ground ទ្រនួល trɔnuəl hill, knoll, small mound turned up by earthworms ត្រោក traok hill, mound, knoll ទួល tùːəl hillock, mound, anthill ដំបូក dɔmboːk hill ភ្នំ phnùm Hindu, Indian ឥណ្ឌូ ʔənduu hip(s), haunch, side of the body below hip bone ត្រគាក trɑkiek hip; waist; narrow part of something; middle ចង្កេះ cɑŋkeh hip សុសោណី soʔsaonəj history, chronicle, record of events ពង្សាវតារ pʊəŋsaaveaʔdaa hit (with fists) dɑl, dəl hit (with stick) waj hit waj HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) ហ៊ីវ hiiv hoarse sound, whisper ខ្សាវ ksaav hoarsely, in whispers / murmurs ខ្សាវៗ ksaav - ksaav hoarsely ខ្សាប ksaap hog butcher សូករិក sookaʔrək, sookaʔreʔkaʔ holder, stand, support ក្នាន់ knan hold kən hole (cavity) run hole (cavity) ruuŋ hole (esp. in a body of water where fish congregate) ម្លុង mluŋ hole (in the ground), cavity, depression, ditch; excavation; cave; groove. រណ្ដៅ rʊəndav hole (perforation) prɑhaoŋ hole in stream-bed អន្លង់ ʔɔnlùəŋ hole which has been dug in the ground. ចំណូក cɑmnook hole, cave, burrow, tunnel. រូង ruuŋ hole, opening, orifice; interval, hollow. ប្រហោង prɑhaoŋ hole, opening, slot, mortise; recess ដំណាប់ dɑmnap hole, pit; pot-hole; cave; bottom of a gully or depression. ជង្ហុក cʊəŋhuk hole; cave; well អវាដ ʔaʔvaat hole ព្រង់ prùəŋ Holland. ហុឡង់ដ៍ hoolɑŋ hollow sound of two empty containers striking one another ភូស phuuh hollow, cave, den; to hollow out រូង rùːŋ hollow, depression, puddle ប្រឡង់ prɑlɑŋ hollow bruṅ homeland, native land; hometown, birthplace ស្វទេស svaʔteeh homonym កល្បសព្ទ kɑlpaʔsap honey tɨk kmum Hong Kong ហុងកុង hoŋ koŋ honorific initiating verb used when the subject of the verb is a member of the royalty or has a very high status; honorific particle used preceding names of royalty or pronouns referring to royalty ទ្រង់ trʊəŋ honorific title used by a lay person to address a monk who is a close friend or relative ជីតុន cii ton honorific words added to the end of an official title in formal letters គោរមងារ kourumŋia hood (of a snake, esp. a cobra) ពពារ pɔpie hoodlum, bad person, gangster យូកូង juu kooŋ hook (e.g. latch hook, fishhook); ring in which to hook or tie something ស្រយូវ srɑjəv hook (v.) tpuəʔ hook made of antler or horn (it is attached to the end of the lariat used in capturing wild elephants) ក្រងាវ krɑŋaav hook, crook, hooked stick for picking fruit ទំពក់ tùmpùək, tɔmpùək hook, gaff; curette; any instrument for picking / probing / digging; specif. wire bent into a hook at one end, used to catch frogs in their holes កង្វារ kɑŋvaa hook, gaff; punting pole ថ្នោល tnaol hook, pole with a hook at one end (used esp. for picking fruit); proboscis (of insects) ដង្កាវ dɑŋkaav hooked, hook-shaped ក្ងក់ khŋɔk hook ទំពក់ tumpʊək hooligan; person who is an expert with swords (may have a bad connotation, i.e. a bandit who is an expert swordsman) ហួម៉ៃ huə maj hoop-net, bird trap លប់ lup horizontal wooden framework around the wheels of a Cambodian oxcart [plate 3] ប្រែក praek, prɛɛk horn (animal) snaeŋ hornbill (prob. Rhyticeros undulatus) កេងកង keeŋ kɑɑŋ hornet, wasp ញាំង ɲeaŋ hornet, wasp តាហ៊រ taa hɔɔ (horns etc.) branching wide lās lìːəh horse (the 7th year of the 12 year cycle) មមី mɔmii horse rider; cavalryman ហយិន haʔjin horseback rider; horseback riding អស្វារោហៈ ʔahsvaarouhaʔ horsefly របោម rɔbaom horsefly ល្បោម lbaom horse seh horse សេះ seh horse អស្វ​ ʔahsvaʔ horse អស្សតរ ʔahsaʔdɑɑ horse អស្សពាហ៍ ʔahsaʔpie hospitality សណ្ឋារកិច្ច sɑnthaaraʔkəc hot (spicy) hər hot season in the solar calendar (lasting from March 21 to June 21); spring និទាឃៈ niʔtiekheaʔ hot water ឧណ្ហោទក ʔunhaoteaʔkaʔ hot, peppery hör haə hot kdaw hour, time of day; clock ម៉ោង maoŋ house (classifier) knɑɑŋ house / building in the forest អរញ្ញាវាស ʔaʔraɲɲaavaah house of refuge, charitable institution សមាវសថាគារ saʔmaaveaʔsaʔthaakie (house) painter; dyer (of cloth) រជក reaʔcʊək, reaʔceaʔkaʔ house, residence; building; shop, store; establishment. ផ្ទះ pteah housemaid, female servant; concubine; សាវជៃ saav cej house pteah how many/much pon maan how much, how many ប្លា blaa how much, how many. ប៉ុន្មាន ponmaan how, why məc howdah (roofed seat carried on the back of an elephant) កូប koop however, to whatever extent, how(ever) many, how(ever) much ប៉ុណ្ណា ponnaa how jaaŋ məc Hue (ancient city in Central Vietnam; imperial capital of Annam) ហ្វេ vee human being (represents the colloquial pronunciation of មនុស្ស ) ម្នឹស mnɨh human being, person នរូ nɔruu human body កាយិន្ទ្រិយ kaajɨntrii human faults and frailties, human defects បុរិសទោស boʔrihsaʔtouh humanitarian ជនូបត្ថម្ភក ceaʔnuupatthamphʊək, ceaʔnuupat-thammeaʔpheaʔkaʔ human mɔnuh humility, submissiveness; honesty, artlessness; simplicity; gentleness, tenderness, docility; righteousness សំឡូត sɑmloot humility នតិភាព neaʔteʔphiep humorous dialogue consisting of a series of questions and answers usually sung by a man and a woman; kind of theatrical piece somewhat similar to an operetta អាយ៉ៃ ʔaajaj hump, protuberance ពោង pòːŋ hump; lump, knob, bump; goiter; lobe (of the brain). កំពក kɑmpɔɔk hump ដំបូក ?? dɔmboːk kòː hunchback, humpback គំនម kumnɔɔm hunchbacked kɔɔm hundred rɔɔj hundred រយ rɔɔj hunger, starvation; violent desire (for something) គំលាន kumlien hungry kliən hunt for rɔɔk hunter ប្រមាញ់ prɑmaɲ hunt bɑɑ baɲ hurriedly, hastily, in a fast-talking manner, over and over quickly. ឡប់ៗ lɑp - lɑp hurriedly. តះ tah husband pdəj husked rice ʼaṅkar ʔɔŋkɔː hut, cottage; kiosk, stand, stall; pavilion; small shrine; តូប toop hut, shelter ខ្ទម khtɔ̀ːm (and khtùm) hut ktɔɔm hut toup hydroelectricity ជលាគ្គិសនី ceaʔliekkihsnii hygiene, sanitation; health អនាមយ ʔaʔnaamaj
edited Oct 28 '23 lúc 10:48 pm

I / me / my (Cham 1st person singular polite pronoun; used in stories and plays to indicate that a Cham is speaking) ឡិន lən
I / me / my (intimate, addressing close friends or those younger or equal in age, status, or position) អញ ʔaɲ
I / me / my (male speaking to respected persons, persons of higher status / rank) ខ្មាត kmaat
I / me / my (replaces ខ្លួន in compounds such as ខ្លួនអញ and ខ្លួនឯង​) អាត្មា ʔaatmaa
I / me / my (used by Buddhist monks addressing laymen; Surin dial. var. of អាត្មា ) ត្មា tmaa
I / me / my (younger brother, younger sister, sweetheart or wife--about themselves); you / your (intimate or familiar address form for younger sibling, for one's wife or girl friend, or for a close friend who is younger) អូន ʔoon
I / me / my ; ខ្ញុំ kɲom
I / me / my ញ៉ុម ɲom
I / me / my អាចក្តី ʔaac kdəj
ice, snow, frost ហិមានី heʔmaanii
idler, loafer, good for nothing; person without a definite occupation អកម្មិកជន ʔaʔkammiʔkaʔcʊən
idly, aimlessly (of a gait) អន្ត្រត ʔɑntrɑɑt
if, if only, in case of ប្រសិន prɑsən
if, in case of, probably, sometimes មរកល់ mɔrəkɑl
if, may be; although បើ baə
if baə
ill-omened, unlucky; bad luck ចង្រៃ cɔŋray
illiterate person អនក្ខរជន ʔaʔnakkhaʔraʔcʊən
(illness inter alia) to abate ស្បើយ sbaəj
illumination, brightness, (ray / flash of) light. ពន្លឺ pʊənlɨɨ
immature flowers of rice (swollen but still contained within spathes). បង្ហើម bɑŋhaəm
immediately, at once, right away ភ្លាម pliem
immobility, stillness, tranquility. អចលនៈ ʔaʔcaʔlaʔnaʔ
impatience, uncontrolled anger, lack of restraint; unforgivingness អក្ខន្តី ʔakkhantəj
impetuously, headlong, quickly, in a scurrying manner (as a small animal when frightened); taking effect quickly (of hot spices) ញ៉ិល ɲəl
importer អាហារិន ʔaahaarɨn
impunity និទ្ទណ្ឌភាព nittoandeaʔphiep
in a babbling / chattering manner (as that of many people all talking at the same time) រញ៉ rɔɲɑɑ
in a babbling, nonsensical manner ប៉ប៉ា្លញ pɑplaaɲ
in a bewildered / half-awake manner ស្រមើង srɑmaəŋ
in a bobbing / rocking / tottering manner. ប្លេងប្លោង pleeŋ - plaoŋ
in a bobbing up and down manner ប៉ផ្តិតប៉ផ្តូង pɑptət - pɑptooŋ
in a bouncing manner, moving up and down ប៉ផ្ងាក់ប៉ផ្ងើក pɑpŋak - pɑpŋaək
in a bouncing manner, with frequent bending and straightening up, with repeated bows ផ្តិតផ្តូង ptət - ptooŋ
in a bouncing up and down manner ផ្ងើកៗ pŋaək - pŋaək
in a broken and drooping manner (of a tree or branch) ស្រយាក srɑjaak
in a bubbling up manner (e.g. as boiling water or porridge) ពភល pɔphɔɔl
in a bulging / protruding manner (of the erect penis) ភ្លែល plɛɛl
in a burrowing manner (as an insect darting into a hiding place or a baby snuggling down under a blanket) រសុល rɔsol
in a circle, going round (in circles) ឆ្វៀល cviel
in a completely nonplussed manner; stupidly ច្រកក់ crɑkɑk
in a constantly complaining / scolding manner រង៉ែរង៉ូវ rɔŋae - rɔŋəv
in a constantly drizzling / continuously flowing manner ពព្រិច pɔprɨc
in a constantly moving / squirming manner, actively រវើក rɔvəək
in a constantly slowly flowing or seeping manner រហាម rɔhaam
in a constantly trembling / shaking / jerking manner ពព្រាក់ពព្រើត pɔpreak - pɔprəət
in a continuously oozing / trickling / dripping / drizzling manner សស្រិច sɑsrəc
in a cowering manner, timidly, obsequiously, furtively ញ៉បៗ ɲɑɑp - ɲɑɑp
in a crowd, in a heap ដុមដុម?? domdom
in a crush, in disorder (a.w: ជ្រហឹតជ្រហម ) ជ្រហិតជ្រហម crɔhɨt - crɔhɔɔm
in a curled-up manner គ្រវៀន krɔvien
in a daze, in a stupefied manner (as a person awakened from a deep sleep) សើងមម៉ើង saəŋ - mɔmaəŋ
in a disorderly / unorganized manner, hurriedly (but not getting anywhere), headlong (in all directions); vigorously, energetically ឆ្លា claa
in a disorderly and drooping manner ប្រណែងប្រណោង prɑnaeŋ - prɑnaoŋ
in a disorderly crowd, helter-skelter រទីសរទាស rɔtiih - rɔtieh
in a drawn-out / droning manner. រអឺត rɔʔəɨt
in a dribble, in a small amount. ច្រចៗ crɑɑc - crɑɑc
in a drizzling / slowly dripping manner ស្រិចៗ srəc - srəc
in a dumbfounded manner, in a completely nonplussed manner, in a daze ច្រងាំង crɑŋaŋ
in a fine mist (of rain falling); growing fine and sparsely (of hair) ព្រុយៗ pruj - pruj
in a firmly supported manner, sturdily braced សង់ជ្រោង sɑŋ crouŋ
in a flash, instantly. ប្រិច prəc
in a flickering manner (as a flame) ពភ្លែត pɔplɛɛt
in a fluttering manner (as leaves fluttering in the wind or floating in the water) រប៉ោយ(ៗ) rɔpaoj (-rɔpaoj)
in a fluttering, loosely swinging, or dangling manner តោករខាក taok - rɔkhaak
in a frustrated manner as a result of getting stuck in an argument or as a result of boredom អេះអុះ ʔeh - ʔoh
in a gasping manner ម្ហបៗ mhɑɑp - mhɑɑp
in a gently bubbling / boiling manner; in a wiggling / squirming manner (as many maggots in a piece of rotten meat) គ្រិចៗ krɨc - krɨc
in a gradually decreasing manner របោយ(ៗ) rɔbaoj (- rɔbaoj)
in a gradually increasing / more intense manner (esp. describes a panicky feeling which grows ever more intense) ស្រឺតៗ srəɨt - srəɨt
in a gradually sinking / weakening manner; (appearing) gradually; losing money gradually (of a business) ស្រិម srəm
in a hasty / superficial manner, not quite, not very thoroughly, slightly, almost ព្រួលៗ pruəl - pruəl
in a hobbling manner, in a jerky manner (of a person's gait) ទទ្រត tɔtrɔɔt
in a hopping manner (like a frog) ប៉ប្លោត pɑplaot
in a hurry / rush, hurriedly, hastily. ម្នីម្នា mnii - mnie
in a hurry to, quick to. រវៀស rɔvieh
in a jerky / suddenly slipping manner (of walking, running etc.) តើតៗ taət - taət
in a light but continuous manner (of rain falling), drizzlingly ប៉ប្រុយ pɑproj
in a loping manner, in a leaping manner; with long strides ផ្នាលៗ pnaal - pnaal
in a lumbering manner អន្ទ្រត ʔɑntrɔɔt
in a mumbling manner (when talking to oneself) រង៉ូវ rɔŋəv
in a nodding manner (as an old person) ងងក់ ŋɔŋʊək
in a palsied or trembling manner រញីរញ័រ rɔɲii - rɔɲoa
in a protruding / jutting out manner, partially, precariously (e.g. something trembling on the brink of a hole) ស្ប៊ឹម spəm
in a reeling / staggering manner; in a limping manner ប៉ិនប៉ាន់ pən - pan
in a repeated and obvious manner (vulgar; refers to the penis becoming erect and showing through the clothing) ពភ្លែល pɔplɛɛl
in a roaming / loitering manner រវ៉ើក rɔvaək
in a roaming / wandering manner (as a vagrant); back and forth សស្លើត sɑslaət
in a rocking / swinging manner, in a trembling / shaky manner, with jerky movements ទទ្រើត tɔtrəət
in a rocking manner; in a staggering manner រំប៉ើក rumbaək
in a scrabbling manner (as a small insect crawling) រសេវរសាវ rɔseev - rɔsaav
in a scrambling manner, fighting with one another រញ៉ី rɔɲəj
in a severely stammering / stuttering manner ឡិបឡុប ləp - lop
in a severely throbbing manner (used with ចាប់ and ឈឺ​) ខ្ទោកៗ ktouk - ktouk
in a severely throbbing manner ខ្ទើតៗ ktəət - ktəət
in a shapeless, dirty, and vaguely menacing heap (describes some vague form sitting or standing which appears to be unkempt and menacing) ស្រខូវ srɑkhəv
in a single roar (as a crowd shouting in unison at a sporting event) ក្រេវ kreev
in a skipping / hopping manner អញ្ឆើល ʔɑɲchaəl
in a slanting / oblique position ថ្ងូវ tŋəv
in a slippery manner ប៉ប្លូច pɑplooc
in a slipshod manner, carelessly; little by little, drop by drop តេះតោះ teh - tɑh
in a sloppy / messy dribbling manner (esp. of nasal secretions or saliva); in a bouncing and panting manner (describes the manner of someone running with the tongue hanging out) រឡាក់ rɔlak
in a slow stalking manner រទោងៗ rɔtouŋ - rɔtouŋ
in a slowly dragging / shuffling manner; in an exhausted / worn out manner; with great difficulty (of breathing) ម្លឺតៗ mləɨt - mləɨt
in a slowly falling manner at a great distance ស្រយឺល srɑjəɨl
in a slowly opening and closing manner; in a sobbing manner ម្រីកៗ mriik - mriik
in a slowly plodding and sidling manner (as a turtle or crab) រគើម rɔkəəm
in a solitary or lonely manner. ម៉ង់ៗ mɑŋ - mɑŋ
in a staggering / unsteady / shaky / rocking manner (as the walk of a drunken person) ទទ្រេតទទ្រោត tɔtreit - tɔtrout
in a stammering / stuttering / tongue-tied manner តាដិត taa dət
in a struggling manner, with great difficulty ទទ្រីបទទ្រាប tɔtriip - tɔtriep
in a struggling manner; in a scurrying manner ឡះ lah
in a struggling manner; straining with great effort (as oxen straining to pull a heavy load) ប៉ផ្អឺប pɑpʔəɨp
in a suddenly emerging manner; unexpectedly, suddenly ប៉ឺម pəɨm
in a surging manner, in an uproar រជោរ rɔcou
in a swift dash, in a bouncing / springing manner (referring to the actions of a happy person) សស្រ៊ាស sɑsrieh
in a thickly tangled / tightly knotted manner. ស្រមូល srɑmool
in a thin superficial layer, lightly on the surface; briefly, not thoroughly សើ saə
in a thrashing / jerking manner ខ្ញិលៗ kɲəl - kɲəl
in a thrashing about manner (as a bird trying to escape from a net) រញ៉ិល rɔɲəl
in a throng, in a crowd, as a group, all together. ត្រសង trɑsɑɑŋ
in a trembling / shaking / unsteady manner (esp. of walking) ប៉ប៉ាក់ប៉ប៉ើក pɑpak - pɑpaək
in a trembling or violently shaking manner; back and forth or up and down frequently តះៗ tah - tah
in a trickling manner, in a fluttering manner រហិច rɔhəc
in a twitching / jerking manner រវីកវើកៗ rɔviik - vəək vəək
in a twitching / pulsating manner; sporadically ព្រើតៗ prəət - prəət
in a very scattered manner រសាច rəsaːc
in a waddling manner (like a duck walking); in a squatting position តេបតាប teep - taap
in a waddling manner តិញតុញ təɲ - toɲ
in a wagging / swishing manner; in a rocking / swinging / back and forth motion; frantically រវិច rɔvɨc
in a wasteful manner; abundantly / in large quantities (as rain falling or fruit dropping off of trees) ខ្ជោកខ្ជាក kcouk - kciek
in a waving / heaving / swaying / fluttering manner ល្វិចៗ lvɨc - lvɨc
in a whisper, under one's breath; in a mutter / mumble អេចអូច ʔəc - ʔooc
in a whisper ហ៊ឹមៗ hɨm - hɨm
in all directions, erratically, helter-skelter, crisscrossed, crisscrossing ច្រវាត់ crɑvat
in all directions, helter-skelter រសាច rɔsaac
in all directions, in a disorderly manner រពាយ rɔpiej
in all directions, in different directions រប៉ែករប៉ាយ rɔpaek - rɔpaaj
in an aggressive / intimidating manner ក្រទឺត krɑtɨɨt
in an aggressive / strutting manner (referring esp. to the courting behavior of certain animals such as the cock) ទទែ tɔtɛɛ
in an agitating manner, in an interfering manner, in a badgering / troublesome / pestering manner. អុកឡុក ʔok - lok
in an itching / prickling / tingling manner (as the movements of lice or the feeling of rough cloth on the skin) រសូវ rɔsəv
in an orderly / well organized / attractive manner (describes people sitting, flowers, e.g. tulips, standing up in bloom, or many people sticking their heads out of windows at the same time) រហង់ rɔhɑŋ
in an uncoordinated manner, in a disorderly or haphazard manner, scattered here and there រប៉ាយ rɔpaaj
in an undulating / bobbing up and down manner អង្កឺល ʔɑŋkəɨl
in an unending stream, (to flow, stream, pour) endlessly; profusely សស្រាក់ sɑsrak
in ancient Cambodian civil law, the price of a woman as determined by her age, bride price ក្រសៀន krɑsien
in and out; in circles, circling, around and around ឆែល chael
in any one day, per day, daily, all day long ម្ង៉ៃៗ mŋaj - mŋaj
in brief, briefly, concisely យ៉ៗ jɑɑ - jɑɑ
in complete disorder; in confusion; unclearly, vaguely. ទទាស់ទទែង tɔtoah - tɔtɛɛŋ
(in composition) flower; floral បុប្ផ bopphaʔ
(in compounds) central, middle មជ្ឈ maccheaʔ
(in compounds) mother មាតុ mietoʔ
in disorder រប៉ាត់រប៉ែង rɔpat - rɔpaeŋ
in disorganized groups (usually refers to groups of children) រងែក rɔŋɛɛk
in every nook and cranny. ក្រឡុកក្រលៀត krɑlok - krɑliet
in gasps, in a sobbing / gasping manner ប៉ផ្តាក់ប៉ផ្តឺត pɑpdak - pɑpdəɨt
in great numbers, in a crowd មមួរមមា mɔmuə - mɔmie
in great numbers ក្រួនថួន kruən - thuən
in huge quantities, in large numbers, slowly and en masse (e.g. as a crowd of people moving somewhere together) រងួយ rɔŋuəj
in line, in rows / ranks, in formation. បង្ហែ bɑŋhae
(in negative clauses) at all, in the least, completely, utterly, absolutely; finally សោះ sɑh
in order to, so that. ដើម្បី daəmbəj
in order to thnās thnaːh
in process of kɑmlaŋ
in procession, in succession, one after the other; continuously ហែៗ hae - hae
in puffs (of smoke) ផុយៗ phoj - phoj
in puffs ផុយ-ផុយ?? phoy-phoy
(in questions) where? (in / at) what place? (in negative statements or indefinite clauses) anywhere; (in emphatic clauses) wherever, anywhere ណា naa
in slow undulating movements ផែលៗ phael - phael
in small amounts, little អន្តាក់អន្តិច ʔɑntak - ʔɑntəc
in spurts (describes the oozing of some thick liquid, such as pus) ព្រែល prɛɛl
in terror / panic សស្លោ sɑslao
in that case, so, then, therefore. ច្នឹង cnəŋ
in that case, so, then, therefore. អញ្ចឹង ʔɑɲcəŋ
in the manner of licking off the lips ភ្លែមៗ plɛɛm - plɛɛm
in the opposite direction ច្រាស craːh
in the shape of a cross; side-shoot, bud, twig ខ្នែង khnaeŋ
in tight coils (e.g. of a snake) ស្អៀច sʔiec
in tight waves (from the name of a kind of tree with tiny leaves arranged along a stalk) រង្គាដី rʊəŋkiedəj
in turmoil, in panic; in great excitement / animation, noisily, boisterously រញ៉ាល់ rɔɲal
in turn; in line; in a row រតូត rɔtoot
in whispers, in a low voice រអ៊ូសរអ៊ូ rɔʔuuh - rɔʔuu
in, inside; during + (time word) ក្នុង knoŋ
in, inside ក្នុង knoŋ
in-law (of the first ascending generation), parent-in-law ក្មេក kmeek
in-law of a descending generation, son / daughter-in-law ប្រសា prɑsaa
inaccurately, inexactly, unclearly, indefinitely, indecisively, hesitantly ង៉ែង៉រ ŋae - ŋɑɑ
inactivity និស្សកម្ម nihsaʔkam
inappropriate laughter ឧបហាសាការ ʔuʔpaʔhaasaakaa
inauguration, opening ceremony សម្ពោធន៍ sɑmpout
inception, beginning, commencement; basis, cause; reason សមុទយៈ saʔmuʔteaʔjeaʔ
incessantly, continuously, repeatedly (of stepping, trampling, raindrops hitting the ground) ជញ្ជ្រំ cʊəɲcrum
incision ចំណូត cɑmnoot
inclination, slope; decline, setting (of the sun) ជំរេ cumrei
inclination, tendency ទំនោរ tumnou
including, together / complete with ទាំង teaŋ
incoherent, garrulous ឈ្លាន chlìːən
income, profit, gain, revenue បដិលាភ paʔdeʔliep
income, profit, gain, revenue ប្រតិលាភ prɑteʔliep
incompletely threshed rice straw, rice straw that has grains of rice remaining after threshing; rice plants that are left in the field after the harvest ជៅ cɨv
inconvenience, difficulty, drawback ទុប្ផល tupphɑl
indecisively, hesitantly ឆ្អើសឆ្អើម cʔaəh - cʔaəm
indefinite pronoun អសាកល្យត្ថវាចក ʔaʔsaakaljatthaʔviecɑk
independent vowel representing the Sanskrit and Pali vowel ū (words with ឩ may also be spelled with អូ​ or អ៊ូ ) ឩ ʔuu, ʔoo
independent vowel representing the Sanskrit and Pali vowel ū (words with ឳ ʔəv may also be spelled with អូវ) ឳ ʔəv
independent vowel representing the Sanskrit and Pali vowel: u (words with ឧ may also be spelled with អុ and អ៊ុ ) ឧ ʔoʔ, ʔuʔ
India. ឥណ្ឌា ʔəndie
India ក្លិង្គ្រាស្ត្រ kləŋkrieh
indication, trace, sign, mark, trail; clear evidence លំអាន lumʔaan
indicator, pointer, index; sign, mark ដំរឹង dɑmrəŋ
indifference, lack of concern, apathy បំណាំ bɑmnam
indifference សង្ខារុបេក្ខា saŋkhaaruʔpeekkhaa
indifferently, carelessly; with delays, with procrastination; anyhow, any old way. ឡូយថូយ looj - thooj
indifferently, in a daze. វ្ហី vhii
indifferently, nonchalantly; wearily, weakly, feebly ទ្រមើយ trɔməəj
indigo; indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria) ត្រុំ trom
indistinctly, unclearly ងាំៗ ŋoam - ŋoam
indistinctly, vaguely, weakly (e.g. as far-away shouting) ខ្វើយៗ kvaəj - kvaəj
individual pronunciation សកាយនិរុត្តិ saʔkaajaʔniʔrut, saʔkaajaʔniʔrutteʔ
individually; on one's own. ប្រទាល់ prɑtoal
Indochina (all the countries between India and China including Burma, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam) ឥណ្ឌូចិន ʔənduu cən
Indochinese ឥណ្ឌូចិនិក ʔənduucənnɨk
Indonesia ឥណ្ឌូណេស៊ី ʔənduuneezii
Indus (River) ឥណ្ឌុស ʔənduh
infant, baby ង៉ា ŋaa
infantry soldier; infantry unit សេនីយ៍ seenəj
inflammation of the throat which makes swallowing difficult ខាន់បៀត khan biet
inflammation of the throat ខន្ទរា khanteaʔrie
inflated, puffed up ប៉ោង paoŋ
inflated, puffed up ប៉ោង paoŋ
inflorescence, raceme , a cluster of coconut or areca flowers ខ្ព kpɔɔ
influence of people in high positions ឥស្សរានុភាព ʔəhsaʔraanuʔphiep
information, report, story, tale, account អារោចនៈ ʔaaroucaʔnaʔ
ingot / bar (of gold) ឆ្តោរ cdao
inhabited area, country ស្រុក srok
inhale dɑɑʔ
inheritance, gift, donation ទាយៈ tiejeaʔ
injunction, order, behest; subpoena អធិបញ្ជា ʔaʔthiʔbɑɲcie
innovation, reform, reorganization ប៉ុន្នការ ponnaʔkaa
inscribing, scratching; inscribed line; scratch; place which has been scratched ចំណូរ cɑmnoo
insect ខុទ្ទកសត្វ khotteaʔkaʔsat
insect បាណកៈ paanaʔkaʔ
insert siət
insert sɔɔk
insight, general idea ខណិកទស្សន៍ khaʔneʔkaʔtʊəh
insinuating, insinuation (in a pejor. sense); staring out of the corners of the eyes ដំណៀង dɑmnieŋ
insipid, tasteless; fresh (water); powerless, ineffective សាប saːp
insistence; persistence; suit កតាវសាន kaʔtaaveaʔsaan
inspector general អគ្គាធិការ ʔakkiethiʔkaa
instability; fragility, brittleness; lack of durability អស្ថិរភាព ʔaʔstheʔreaʔphiep
instantly, in a moment, very quickly ឆាល់ chal
institute, academy បណ្ឌិត្យ bandɨt
insulting អក្កោសនាការ ʔakkaosaʔnaakaa
insult cee
insult prɑmaat
insurance ប៉ាវកេ paav kee
integration, vertical trust (of allied industries) សមាហរ័ណ saʔmaahaʔran, saʔmaahaʔraʔnaʔ
intellect, mind, wit, comprehension, eloquence (through knowledge); radiance; bravery, courage ប្រតិភាណ prɑteʔphien
intelligence, acumen; ភាតិសាមបហិដ្អា Patisambhidā (the twelfth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, part of the Buddhist canon) បដិសម្ភិទា paʔdeʔsamphiʔtie
intelligence, expertise, skill យោគ្យភាព joukjeaʔphiep
intelligence; facility of speech ឱដ្ឋ ʔaot, ʔot, ʔaotthaʔ-
intend to kɨt
intensely (of itching). រញៀវ rɔɲiev
intensive or emphatic final particle ន៏ nɔɔ
intention, will, aspiration, desire; authority លំពាំង lumpeaŋ
intention, wish, desire; prayer, vow. បំណង bɑmnɑɑŋ
intentional lying (in order to hide a mistake) សម្បជានមុសាវាទ sampaʔcienneaʔmuʔsaaviet
interception សំកាត់ somkat
interjection indicating anger; sound of a groan ហ៊ឹះ hɨh
interjection used to call someone's attention, hey! អម្ភោ ʔɑmphou
interjection used when poking someone in the ribs ឈូច chuuc
interlaced, heaped up ប្រព័ន្ធ prəpɔ̀ən
interlaced ព័ន្ធ pɔ̀ən
intermediary, go-between, contact; fastener, clasp, clip, buckle ព្រនឹង prɑnɨŋ
intermittently (of a pain) ឆៀប chiep
interpretation; interpreting បំណកស្រាយ bɑmnɑɑk sraaj
interrogative particle (spoken form of ឬ) ហៈ haʔ
interrogative word (e.g. ឬ?, ដែរឬ?, ដែរឬអ្វី?, ទេដឹង?, ទេដឹងឬ? ) សំសយត្ថវាចក saŋsaʔjatthaʔviecaʔkaʔ
intertwined, meandering ខ្វាត់-[ខ្វែង] khvat-[khvaeŋ]
intertwined, to intertwine ប្រទាក់ prətɛ̀ək
interval, gap, space between two limits / poles; fissure ប្រឡោះ prɑlɑh
interval, gap; period of time, opportunity, occasion ឆោង chaoŋ
interval, space; specif. the space between two fingers or toes ចង្វែក cɑŋvaek
intestinal worm (more commonly spelled ព្រូន ) ភ្រូណ pruun
intestinal worm ព្រូន prùːn
intrigue; secret plan, scheme; secret agent សំឡិច sɑmləc
invariable word, uninflected word ព្យសសព្ទ pjeaʔsaʔsap
invertebrate និបិដ្ឋៈដ្ឋិក niʔbetjaathək
investigator សមេសី saʔmeesəj
invitation, hospitality, friendly relations អាមន្តនៈ ʔaamɑntaʔnaʔ
invite ʔɑɲcəəɲ
invocation, spell; method of witchcraft to harm a person by using some article, e.g. clothing, hair, nail trimmings, footprint, etc., of his and performing certain spells on it eg. ត្រូវឆ្លោងគេ to be under an evil spell ឆ្លោង claoŋ
invulnerable គង់ kùəŋ
in knoŋ
iron (the metal) អយ ʔaʔjaʔ
iron daek
irrigated rice field ស្រែ srae
irrigation ditch; ditch, trench; gully អំពាច ʔɑmpiec
Islam; Moslem. អិស្លាម ʔihslaam
island kɑh
island koḥ kɔh
island កោះ kɑh
Israel អ៊ីស្រាអែល ʔiisraaʔael
Isuzu (Japanese auto maker) អ៊ីស៊ុយស៊ុយ ʔiisujsuj
it does not seem right that ..., how can it be that ..., it cannot be true that ...; probably ម្រ៉ាង(ឡើយ) mraaŋ (laəj)
it's because of ... ញ៉ន ɲɑɑn
Italy អ៊ីតាលី ʔiitaalii
itch (n.) kɑɑn rɑmòəh
itch (v.) rɑmòəh
it wiə
ivory pluk
I kɲom
I ʔaɲ
jack (to change a tire). គ្រីប kriip
jackal, wolf សរភូ saʔraʔphuu
jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) ខ្នុរ knol, knao
jackpot (in gambling) កៅអូវ kav ʔəv
Jain នគ្គសមណៈ neakkeaʔsaʔmaʔnaʔ
Jambolan Plum (kind of tree with dark purple fruit resembling cherries; Syzygium jambos; there are many varieties which may also include Mimusops elengi and Kayea and Eugenia species) ព្រីង priiŋ
January មករៈ meaʔkaʔraʔ
Japan. ជប៉ុន ceaʔpon
jar ខ្ល klɑɑ
Jarai (an Austronesian ethnic group in northeastern Cambodia and adjacent Vietnam) ចារ៉ាយ caaraaj
jar ក្រឡ krəlɔː
jasmine (Jasminum sambac) ម្លិះ mlih
jaundice ខាន់លឿង khan lɨəŋ
Java ហ្សាវ៉ា zaavaa
javelin ដែក-[សុល]?? daek-[soːl]
jaw ថ្គាម thkìːəm
Jayavarman (name of several important Cambodian kings) ជ័យវរ្ម័ន ceijeaʔvɑrman
jazz ហ្សាស zaah
jellyfish (Medusa sp.) បង្រៃ bɑŋraj
jeopardy, risk ហានិយភ័យ haaniʔphej
jerkily, in spurts យ៉ើរ jaə
Jesus Christ យេស៊ូ jeisuu
Jetha (seventh month of the Cambodian lunar calendar corresponding to mid-May - mid-June) ជេដ្ឋ ceit, ceitthaʔ-
job which takes a long time to complete, long term project ចិរស្សការ ceʔrahsaʔkaa
Job's tears (kind of plant, Coix lacryma-jobi; the seeds are used as beads) ស្កួយ skuəj
Job's tears ស្កួយ skuːəj
joining, uniting, braiding together; union, junction គំនួប kumnuəp
joint , articulation (of bones) សន្លាក់ sɑnlak
joint action, cooperation សហប្រតិបត្តិ saʔhaʔprɑteʔbat
joint of roof-truss or rafters ចែង caeŋ
joint property; shareholder's contribution to the assets of a company ឧបហារិត ʔuʔpaʔhaarit
joint welfare សហសង្គ្រោះ saʔhaʔsɑŋkrʊəh
joint, point of articulation; node or ring (of bamboo, sugar cane, etc.); bulge ថ្នាំង tnaŋ
joint ចង្គាប់?? caṅgāp'
joint ថ្នាំង thnaŋ
joint សន្លាក់ sɔnlak
journey; path, trajectory ចំណរ cɑmnɑɑ
joy, exultation, happiness, satisfaction ប្រីតា prəjtaa
joy, pleasure តុស្តី tohsdəj, dohsdəj
joyful ʼar ʔɔː
judge; lawyer, attorney, legal counsel ធម្មាធិការី thoammiethiʔkaarəj
judge វិនិច្ឆយាមាត្យ viʔnɨcchaʔjaamaat
judo យូដូ juu doo
jug, pitcher; bamboo scoop for measuring palm wine តយ tɑɑj
jumbled sounds of several conversations, murmuring. រអេៈរអុៈ rɔʔeʔ - rɔʔoʔ
jumping / squirting / darting out suddenly (e.g. from under cover, out of a crack or hole, as a rabbit darting out of its burrow) ប្រូច prooc
junction, square (of a mat); seam, row of stitching ឈ្នុល cnul
jungle, forest, woods, wilderness ព្រៃ prej
junior and senior bhikkhus ថេរានុត្ថេរៈ theeraanuttheeraʔ
junior student monk បព្វជ្ជន្តេវាសិក bappaccoanteeviesək
junk, rubbish; junk yard ឡាប់សង lap sɑɑŋ
jurisdiction យុត្តាធិការ juttaathiʔkaa
just now, just a moment ago អំបាញ់មិញ ʔɑmbaɲ mɨɲ
just now ʔɑmbaɲ məɲ
just, merely, only បាន់ ban
jute (Corchorus capsularis) ក្រចៅ krɑcav
jute កាចៅ kaa cav
Jūjaka (name of a greedy brahmin in the Vessantara Jataka) ជូជក cuu cʊək
Kae Quak (kind of music played by the retainers of a sorcerer when the sorcerer is calling some spirit into his body) កែអួក kae ʔuək
Kailāsa (name of a mountain in the Himalayas) កៃលាស kajlaah
Kampot (province in southeastern Cambodia) កំពត kɑmpɔɔt
Kampuchea Krom var. of យើង អេង ʔeeŋ
kanchae (kind of percussion instrument consisting of a long bamboo handle with a basket-like arrangement of bamboo strips at one end; colored cloth strips and small bells are attached to the basket-shaped end; the instrument is played by shaking it or striking the plain end on the ground) កញ្ឆែ kɑɲchae
kancram (kind of percussion instrument consisting of a bamboo pole with one end split and formed into a small cage-like arrangement to which small bells are attached, the cage is topped by half a coconut shell and it is played by striking the plain end on the ground) កញ្ច្រាំ kɑɲcram
kaolin (kind of clay used in ceramics) កៅឡាំង kav laŋ
Kapilavastu (India; birthplace of the Buddha) កបិលពស្តុ kaʔpeʔlaʔpoah
kapok kɔɔ
karate ការាត់តេ kaarattee
Kau Hāy (title of a collection of folk tales) កៅហាយ kav haaj
Kaundinya (legendary founder of early Cambodian kingdom of Funan) កៅណ្ឌិន្យ kavdɨn
Kaṇdhī (Buddhist treatise on religious discipline) គណ្ឋី kʊənthəj
keeping to oneself, regimen of isolation (one of the 13 dhutangas) ឯកាសនិកង្គ ʔaekaasaʔniʔkɑŋ
keep tuk
kerchief, scarf, towel, napkin (generally smaller than a ក្រមា ) កន្សែង kɑnsaeŋ
kernel (of a nut), nut-meat កំពីង kɑmpiiŋ
kettle cnaŋ
key កុញ្ចែ koɲcae
khaki (fabric and color) កាគី kaakii
Khmerization ខ្មែរូបនីយកម្ម kmaeruupaʔniijeaʔkam
khua (kind of Cambodian stew; it may be made with corn, crabs, shrimp, or lobsters). ខួ khuə
khuac (small earthenware or porcelain vessel; often used for storing oil that is believed to have magical properties) ខួច khuəc
Khuddakapātha(the first of the 15 books in the Khuddakanikāya) ខុទ្ទកបាឋ khotteaʔbaat
killing ឌេបនកម្ម deipaʔnaʔkam
kill sɑmlap
kin group, clan, tribe; family, lineage; group of people sharing the same level of education or the same characteristics eg. ភាសា​អំបូរមនខ្មែរ . the Mon-Khmer languages អំបូរ ʔɑmboo
kind of (esp. Sanskrit) poetry ឧបជាតិច្ឆន្ទ ʔuʔpaʔcietəcchan
kind of a large tailless monkey (the son of ពាលី in the Ramayana) អង្គទ ʔɑŋkʊət
kind of a sea mollusk កញ្ឆៀវ kɑɲchiev
kind of a tree used to make walking sticks ពាន់តា poan taa
kind of a very painful disease characterized by swelling of the ends of the fingers or toes (caused by abcesses or boils under a fingernail or toenail) រង់ដឿង rʊəŋ dɨəŋ
kind of agamid lizard (prob. Acanthosaura) about 3 1/2 feet long ជាស cieh
kind of alcoholic drink made by certain Montagnard tribes អេក ʔeek
kind of ancient Cambodian battle flag with the image of a Garuda on it គ្រុធពាហ៍ krutpie
kind of animal disease characterized by frequent muscular spasms of the neck (esp. in dogs) តែវ៉ែ tae - vae
kind of animal trap consisting of a handle, rope and trigger device អន្ទោក ʔɑntouk
kind of animal trap លំងក lumŋɔɔk
kind of aquatic bird, snakebird, long-necked diver ស្មោញ smaoɲ
kind of aquatic bird ព្រហីត prɔhiit
kind of aquatic cereal plant (the grain is used as a rice substitute) ស្រងែ srɑŋae
kind of aquatic herb with a fragile stem and a round yellow flower ផ្នក់ទឹក pnɑk tɨk
kind of aquatic insect កន្ទាទូក kɑntie tuuk
kind of aquatic plant នាល niel
kind of aquatic plant ស្គុះ skuh
kind of aromatic grass (Limnophila conferta; used for seasoning and to prepare medicines) ម្អម mʔɑɑm
kind of bamboo or rattan basket smaller than កន្តាំង​ ខ្ញឹង kɲəŋ
kind of bamboo with a small interior cavity ពីងពង់ piiŋ - pʊəŋ
kind of bamboo with long internodes thṅa thŋɔː
kind of bamboo with long sections ថ្ង tŋɑɑ
kind of banana ណាំវ៉ា nam vaa
kind of basket with handles កន្ត្រំ kɑntrɑm
kind of basket gruḥ krùh
kind of bee building layered nest in hollow trees etc. ព្រួត, ព្រត់?? prùːət, pruːət
kind of bee which lives in the ground (according to a Surin Cambodian legend anyone who drinks of the honey made by this bee will have long life) យុក juk
kind of bird similar to a dove with multicolored feathers and a very loud call ទៀវ tiev
kind of bird similar to a lark or quail អ៊ឺត ʔɨɨt
kind of bird that fights with cobras and eats their eyes ល្អូត lʔoot
kind of bird, wood pigeon កំប្លុក kɑmplok
kind of bird ត្លុម tlom
kind of bitter-tasting wild cucumber ឈ្មែ cmej
kind of black and white bird resembling a kingfisher កដប kɑɑdɑɑp
kind of black and yellow bird ខ្លូង klooŋ
kind of black ant with a powerful sting សង្អារ sɑŋʔaa
kind of black bird similar to the jay or cuckoo (Eudynamis malayana) (According to Tandart an adulterous man is often called តាវ៉ៅ, a reference to the fact that this bird often lays its eggs in others birds' nests.) តាវៅ taa vav
kind of black gem កាឡមុក្តមណី kaalaʔmuktaʔmeaʔnii
kind of blow fish or globe fish (Xenopteros naritus, Tetrodon cambodgiensis, or Chonerhinus modestus) ក្រពត krɑpɔɔt
kind of boiled / steamed cylindrical cake made of glutinous rice with various fillings (e.g. banana, coconut, pork, and mung beans) and wrapped in fresh (esp. banana) leaves or tinfoil (often has a sexual connotation comparing it to the penis) អន្សម ʔɑnsɑɑm
kind of box made of palm leaves (used as a container for tobacco or areca) ស្មុគ smok
kind of brown insect about 1.5 in. long found around houses (one kind has an offensive smell while another kind is edible) ខ្ញុង kɲoŋ
kind of bucket made of bamboo strips coated with waterproofing resin used as a water container សៀន sien
kind of burrowing cricket ក្មូរ kmoo
kind of burrowing insect, dung beetle កំពោង kɑmpouŋ
kind of burrowing toad (Callula pulchra) ហ៊ីង hiiŋ
kind of bush (Aporosa aurita; the fruit is edible and the bark and roots have medicinal value) កំភ្នៀង kɑmpnieŋ
kind of bush (Crotalaria mucronata) សង្ក្រងស្វា sɑŋkrɑɑŋ
kind of bush (Glycosmis pentaphylla; the fruit are edible and the leaves are used medicinally) ភ្លីងភ្លាំង pliiŋ - pleaŋ
kind of bush (Triumfetta rhomboidea; the bark is used to make cordage) ចវាច cɑvaac
kind of bush with aromatic flowers (Lawsonia spinosa inermis; the small leaves are pounded and wrapped around the fingernails as a substitute for nail polish) ក្រពេន krɑpein
kind of bush with flowers growing out of the leaves ប្រផេញ prɑphəɲ
kind of bush, oleander or rose laurel (Thevetia peruviana) យិតថោ jɨt thao
kind of bushy broad-leafed plant (it has white resin, and the fruit is poisonous) ឳណុល ʔəv nol
kind of button / fastener made of cord or cloth ក្ឌុំ kdum
kind of cactus (Euphorbia antiquorum or E. edulis) ជន្លាត់ cʊənloat
kind of Cambodian meat or fish salad. ញាំ ɲoam
kind of Cambodian wedding music កងសោយ kɑɑŋ saoj
kind of Cambodian xylophone / metallophone រនាត rɔniet
kind of carrying frame made of wire, rope, or rattan and attached to the end of a shoulder-pole; hanging basket [plate 8] សង្រែក sɑŋraek
kind of carved design esp. in copper កញ្ចាំង kɑɲcaŋ
kind of carved wooden bowl with a base and lid (it is used to hold offerings in certain ceremonies esp. weddings) តៀប tiep
kind of catfish (prob. Macrones sp.) ឆ្លាំង claŋ
kind of cheesecloth or other open weave fabric used to make mosquito netting, gauze, tulle ស្បៃ sbaj
kind of chess-like game ស្កា skaa
kind of chicken (according to Tandart a hybrid between the domestic chicken and fighting cock) ទាង tieŋ
kind of children's game (it is played by tossing a coin against a leaning piece of tile; whoever makes the coin bounce closest to a line about 10 feet from the tile wins) ហឺប həəp
kind of children's game in which one person flicks the index finger of another while reciting a rhyme ប៉ិតប៉ុត pət - pot
kind of Chinese egg roll with a wrapper made of mung bean flour ហ៊ុយគឹង huj kɨŋ
kind of Chinese gambling game played with a wheel of fortune containing 36 letters or pictures ហួយ huəj
kind of Chinese gambling game កំតាត់ kɑmtat
kind of clear yellow semi-precious stone (probably topaz) ប៊ុត but
kind of climbing plant used for medicinal purposes រំជែក rumcɛɛk
kind of climbing plant with fragrant flowers (Artabotrys odoratissimus) ក្រវាន់ krɑvan
kind of cloth cover decorated with beads and sequins used in the កឋិន ceremony to cover the monk's clothing តាខាយ taa khaaj
kind of coarse grass (Imperata cylindrica or Saccharum spicatum, used for thatching roofs and weaving walls) ស្បូវ sbəv
kind of conical bamboo fish trap with an opening at the small end (the wide end is dropped over a school of fish to imprison them while the fisherman reaches through the small end to catch them) [plate 5] អង្រុត ʔɑŋrut
kind of conical-shaped cover (used to cover plates of food or water bowls), lid (e.g. of a pan, pot, or jug) សជី saʔcii
kind of container made of bamboo or other plants (it has four legs and two handles and is used to hold offerings esp. offerings of food for monks or spirits) សង្ឃឹក sɑŋkhɨk
kind of cotton carding device which consists of a long round piece of wood with an X-shaped member attached to one end used to clean raw cotton before it is spun into thread តំពេច tɑmpɨc
kind of cotton skirt with floral pattern / stripes (commonly worn by young women and girls) ស៊ឹង sɨŋ
kind of creeping plant (Desmos Chinensis) with yellow aromatic flowers សៅយុត sav jut
kind of crocodile (it is smaller and more aggressive than ក្រពើ and has strongly webbed feet) ក្រពា krɑpie
kind of curved knife with a long handle for cutting plants with thick stalks ត្វាង tvaaŋ
kind of cylindrical fish trap [plate 5] លប lɔɔp
kind of decorated tray with a base ស្រាពក៍ sraap
kind of decorative motif consisting of arabesques or intertwined elements; decorative arrangement of flowers ភ្ញី pɲii
kind of decorative motif consisting of notched circles ដកចន្ទន៍ dɑɑk can
kind of deer (poss. Cervus schomburgki) ស្មាន់ sman
kind of deer or mountain goat horns of which are used in medicine kɛḥ kaeh
kind of dessert consisting of small pieces of dough shaped like rice grains or tear drops about one inch long (They are dipped in a solution of sugar and coconut cream before eating) លត lɔɔt
kind of dessert made with chicken or duck eggs and sugar វ៉ើយ vaəj
kind of disease characterized by enlarged testicles, elephantiasis កោប kaop
kind of disease, probably a kind of chorea, which affects the nerves and is characterized by uncontrolled muscle movement (esp. of the legs) ប្រគ្រីវ prɑkriiv
kind of disease, probably a kind of chorea, which affects the nerves of the legs and is characterized by uncontrolled muscle movement គគ្រីវ kɔkriiv
kind of disease, tumor ត្រក់ trɑk
kind of double-headed wooden drum with skin covers on both ends (one end is slightly larger than the other; it is arranged horizontally on a wooden base) សំភោរ sɑmphou
kind of drum ថូន thoon
kind of earthenware or porcelain pot with a cover used esp. for storing betel leaves or fermented sticky rice ថោ thao
kind of edible aquatic grass កន្តូឡេត kɑntoo leet
kind of edible aquatic plant (Neptunia oleracea) កញ្ឆែត kɑɲchaet
kind of edible aquatic plant (Sagittaria sagittifolia or Monochoria hastata) ត្រកៀត trɑkiet
kind of edible aquatic plant similar to watercress (Monochoria vaginalis) ច្រាច់ crac
kind of edible aquatic plant កន្ទីងរីង kɑntiiŋ - riiŋ
kind of edible plant (Costus speciosus) ត្រថុក trɑthok
kind of edible reed-like aquatic plant, similar to the lotus, with small purple flowers (Limnanthemum hydrophyllum) ស្គន់ skʊən
kind of edible tuberous plant (Arum indicum) ក្តាត kdaat
kind of egg custard សង់ខ្យា sɑŋkjaa
kind of elf believed to care for wild animals (esp. elephants) បំសុបិសាច baŋsoʔbəjsaac
kind of fabric, satin, velour កាំម្រឹត kam mrɨt
kind of fat, black aquatic beetle (it is commonly eaten fried) កន្តេះឡង់ kɑnteh lɑŋ
kind of fence consisting of a rope stretched around an area to keep wild animals out សំឡាញ sɑmlaaɲ
kind of fern (Angiopteris crassipes) ប៉េះលេះ peh leh
kind of fern (Nephrolepis biserrata) ត្រដិត trɑdət
kind of fern or parasitic plant (Ceratopteris kalictroides). ប៉ប្រក pɑprɑɑk
kind of fever causing loss of consciousness, pernicious fever. សន្ឋំ sɑnthum
kind of fig tree (Ficus carica, F. glomerata, or F. racemosa; according to tradition the king's throne should be made of wood from this tree) ល្វា lvie
kind of fine cloth from India containing gold or silver threads (often used for women's head scarves) តាត taat
kind of fine imported cloth used esp. for blouses, muslin សារូ saaruu
kind of fine powdered food made of roasted rice or corn ប្រអួល prɑʔuəl
kind of fire-making apparatus consisting of two pieces of wood or bamboo and some tinder, a fire-saw (One piece of wood, generally the harder piece, is rubbed against the other to produce hot dust which ignites the tinder) ពំនួត pumnuət
kind of firework គោហៀ kou hie
kind of fish (Barbus siaja, found in swamps and flooded rice fields) ច្រកែង crɑkaeŋ
kind of fish (Labeo pleurotoenia or Puntius altus) កាហែ kaahae
kind of fish (Macrones nigroceps) តានិល taa nɨl
kind of fish (Ophiocephalus striatus; it has a flat head covered with large scales and attains a length of about a yard) រ៉ស់ rɑh
kind of fish found in streams ឆ្ពិន cpɨn
kind of fish similar to the shad ព្រលូង prɔluuŋ
kind of fish soup. គ្រាក់ kreak
kind of fish trap (dial. ប៉ោង បញ្ឆោត ) ត្រើង traəŋ
kind of fish-eating bird with a blue head and back, a red breast, and a large red beak ចចាត cɑcaat
kind of fishing device in the form of a basket or long cage. It is submerged vertically in deep water សៃយ៉ឺន saj jəən
kind of fishing implement consisting of pieces of wood tied together and used to chase fish into a spot where they may be easily caught គន kɔɔn
kind of fishing instrument consisting of a long cylindrical cage made of bamboo strips and tapering at both ends (There are many varieties, including: ទ្រូកំពឹស, ទ្រូព្រៀងធំ, ទ្រូព្រៀងតូច, and ទ្រូកំបុត ) ទ្រូ truu
kind of fishing net, landing net, scoop net ថ្នង tnɑɑŋ
kind of fishing spear កន្ទុល kɑntul
kind of fish កំផ្លៀវ kɑmpliev
kind of fish ក្បក kbɑɑk
kind of fish ក្រមម krɑmɑɑm
kind of fish ក្រូស krooh
kind of fish ក្លាំងហាយ klaŋ haaj
kind of fish ខ្មាន់ kman
kind of fish គជ្រា kʊəcrie
kind of fish ទ្រនេល trɔneil
kind of flat fish ក្អី kʔəj
kind of flower (Mirabilis Jalapa) ម៉ោងបួន maoŋ buən
kind of flower that usually blooms around 10:00 in the morning ម៉ោងដប់ maoŋ dɑp
kind of flowering aquatic plant, blue lotus លំចង់ lumcɑŋ
kind of flowering tree ការកេត kaa keet
kind of flowering tree ខ្សឹង ksəŋ
kind of flute-like Cambodian musical instrument used esp. in folk music, kind of (reed) pipe; kind of song which is characteristically introduced with a melody played on the flute. អង្កួច ʔɑŋkuəc
kind of fly with painful bite, mosquito (maringouin) ក្អាត kʔaːt
kind of food consisting of noodles and ណាំយ៉ា sauce ណាំយ៉ា nam jaa
kind of food made of beef, shrimp, and squid cooked in a sauce (containing coconut milk, salt, sugar, vinegar, peanuts, and spices) and eaten with large, flat noodles and vegetables យ៉ៅហន jav hɑɑn
kind of food ណាំព្រិក nam priik
kind of forest spirit អារុក្ខអារក្ខ ʔaaruk - ʔaareak
kind of fresh water fish, possibly a carp កញ្ជនជៃ kɑɲcɔɔn cej
kind of fresh water fish កន្ត្រប់ kɑntrɑp
kind of freshwater catfish (Clarias batracius; they have barbs which can inject a poison that causes a painful wound) អណ្ដែង ʔɑndaeŋ
kind of freshwater fish ត្រឱន trɑʔaon
kind of freshwater turtle ត្រសៃ trɑsaj
kind of fruit tree (Amoora montana or Aglaia sp.) បង្គៅ bɑŋkɨv
kind of fruit tree (Artocarpus nitida; the green fruit is used in cooking) សំព័រ sɑmpoa
kind of fruit tree (Caryota urens) អន្សែ ʔɑnsae
kind of fruit tree (Diospyros chevalieri; the tart fruits can be used as an ingredient in a chew of betel, for dying and as a garnish for various kinds of food) ដង្កោ dɑŋkao
kind of fruit tree (Diospyros pilosanthera; the hard wood is used for making furniture, the fruit is eaten, and the young leaves are used medicinally) ត្រយឹង trɑjəŋ
kind of fruit tree (Ficus politoria) កខុប kɑkhop
kind of fruit tree (Grewia tomentosa or G. paniculata) ពភ្លា pɔplie
kind of fruit tree (Hydnocarpus anthelminthica or Nauclea cordifolia; the seeds are used in the preparation of a medicine to treat leprosy) ក្របេ krɑbav
kind of fruit tree (Madhuca sp.; the small fruit is sweet and sticky) ស្រគំ srɑkum
kind of fruit tree (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) ពួច puəc
kind of fruit tree (Richardella campechiana) ខេមា kheemaa
kind of fruit tree (Schleicheria oleosa or S. trijuga; its sour fruits are used as flavoring in stews and soups and the hard wood is used to make mortars) ពង្រ pʊəŋrɔɔ
kind of fruit tree (the sweet yellow fruit is similar to a persimmon but smaller and flatter) មាក់ប៉ែន mak paen, meak paen
kind of fruit tree similar to the ព្នៅ but with smaller fruit ព្និល pnɨl
kind of fruit tree with aromatic flowers (Mesua ferrea; the red - brown wood is heavy, hard and almost impervious to water) បុសនាគ boh niek
kind of fruit tree ទ្រៀល triel
kind of fruit tree មាក់ដោក mak daok, meak daok
kind of fruit tree មាក់ប្រេង mak preeŋ, meak preeŋ
kind of fruit tree មាក់សាង mak saaŋ, meak saaŋ
kind of gambling game in which a six-sided die with a pin in the center, similar to a dreidel, is spun on a plate and then covered with a cup or polished coconut shell. People bet on the number that comes up; the six-sided die used in the above game អាប៉ោង ʔaapaoŋ
kind of gemstone ផុស្សរាគ phohsaʔriek
kind of gnat often found on the heads of cattle មមាច mɔmiec
kind of gold or silver item of apparel shaped like a banyan leaf (it was worn by young girls in ancient Cambodia to cover their pubic area) ចាប៉ឹង caa pəŋ
kind of grass (prob. Eriosema chinense) with edible roots that grows in sandy soil ទិល tɨl
kind of grass used for making rope ត្រថឿង trɑthɨəŋ
kind of grass used to make thatch រណ្ដាស rʊəndaah
kind of grass-like herb used for pickling (Cleome gynandra) មមាញ mɔmieɲ
kind of grass ថ្កាស tkaah
kind of gray and black bird (Gracupica nigricollis) (var. = គ្រលីងគ្រលោង ) គ្រលេងគ្រលោង krɔleiŋ - krɔlouŋ
kind of gray bird ក្រាក់អាច់ krak ʔac
kind of gray fish-eating bird (Leptoptilos dubius) ត្រដក់ trɑdɑk
kind of gray squirrel កង្ហែន kɑŋhaen
kind of gray-black bird (resembling a crane) with a curved beak ត្រយង trɑjɑɑŋ
kind of grayish bird with large feet កញ្ជ្រៀច kɑɲcriec
kind of grayish colored mammal similar to a fox (when someone is compared to a កញ្ជ្រោង it means that he / she is considered wily or crafty) កញ្ជ្រោង kɑɲcrouŋ
kind of hand basket made of bamboo or reed strips, woven basket, bag or container ត្រក trɑɑk
kind of handwoven fabric (usually silk, with multicolored geometric designs) ហូល hool
kind of hard wood tree (Dipterocarpus crispalatus or D. intricatus; the wood is used in shipbuilding and the resin is used to make torches and to waterproof boots) ត្រាច traac
kind of hardwood tree (Scutula scutellata; the hard reddish wood is used to make pestles) ភ្លង plɔɔŋ
kind of hardwood tree with edible leaf shoots ធ្មា tmie
kind of hardwood tree នាង-[នួន]?? nìːəŋ-[nùːən]
kind of hawk (prob. Accipiter sp.) ស្ទាំង steaŋ
kind of hemp-like plant used to make rope ចចៅ cɑcav
kind of herbaceous plant (poss. Zingiber Cassumunar, with a yellow root having medicinal and magical uses) ពន្លៃ pʊənlej
kind of heron (Nycticorax griseus) ខ្វែក kvaek
kind of heron (Tantalus bucocephalus) រនាល rɔniel
kind of high grass used for making thatched roofs and walls ប្រី prəj
kind of hooked knife, reaping-hook ខ្វែវ kvaev
kind of hornet ឳម៉ាល់ ʔəv mal
kind of insect, mole cricket ខ្មុល kmol
kind of kite (children's toy) បុ័ក​ប៉ៅ​ pak pav
kind of L-shaped wooden or bamboo hay-fork ចង្ហាយ cɑŋhaaj
kind of lance ?? ទួន lùmpɛ̀ːŋ tùːən
kind of land snail ហៀន hien
kind of Laotian salad-like hors d'oeuvre made with sliced beef or fresh fish mixed with brown rice powder, galanga powder, lime juice, salt, sugar and eaten with vegetables (such as mint, lettuce, onion) garnished with coriander and red pepper (it is similar to ណែម​) ឡាប laap
kind of large (50 X 20 feet) dip net ចៃរ៉ា caj raa
kind of large and colorful umbrella (usually made of silk or paper, to provide shade) តាំងយូ taŋ juu
kind of large apid tra-o etc. taː ʔao, trəʔao
kind of large bag (similar to បាវ​ ) made of ramie fiber used esp. for milled rice (with a capacity of about 221 lbs.) ប៉ូវតេ pətee, pəv tee
kind of large beetle (Sternocera aequisignata) with bright green and blue wings, and yellow belly កំភេម kɑmpheim
kind of large black ant that lives in round nests made of tree bark (they kill harmful insects in Cambodian gardens and houses) កន្ត្រោក kɑntraok
kind of large black carpenter bee which can give a painful sting កន្លង់ kɑnlɑŋ
kind of large black monkey ខោរ khao
kind of large bowl made of wood inlaid with mother-of-pearl, gold, or silver (it is used to hold ceremonial offerings); kind of small finely woven basket តោក taok
kind of large broad-leaved plant (Schumannianthus dichotomus; the stems are used in weaving mats) រុន run
kind of large deep bowl ទ្រមេម trɔmeim
kind of large deer ទ្រាយ triej
kind of large drum ទីង tiiŋ
kind of large duck កាប៉ា kaapaa
kind of large edible spider ហុរពីង hol piiŋ
kind of large egg roll made of lettuce, mint, pork skins, and pork, mixed with ground browned rice and powdered galanga ប៊ី bii
kind of large fishing net / seine (There are several varieties, some of which may be several miles long) អួន ʔuən
kind of large flat shallow basket used for winnowing, drying, and raising silkworms គ្រាង krieŋ
kind of large fruit tree (Anthocephalus cadamba or A. chinensis; it has hairy yellow sour fruit; the bark and stems are used to prepare an analgesic and calmative) ថ្កូវ tkəv
kind of large fruit-eating bat (poss. Pteropus vampyrus), fox bat ជ្រឹង crɨŋ
kind of large hardwood tree (Hopea and Shorea sp.; it is used in construction and the wood is highly water-resistant) គគីរ kɔkii
kind of large hardwood tree នី nii
kind of large lizard (Hydrosaurus salvator) that lives near water courses ទន្សង tʊənsɑɑŋ
kind of large parasol without a fringe (used more often in ancient times for dignitaries such as princes) សប្បធន់ sappaʔthʊən
kind of large red ant which is commonly found on fruit trees អង្ក្រង ʔɑŋkrɑɑŋ
kind of large red parrot ណូរី noorii
kind of large round storage container kept inside the house (it is made of palm leaves and used esp. for storing rice) ដោក daok
kind of large shrimp, prawn ព្រោន proon
kind of large spider ព្រវឹង prɔvɨŋ
kind of large stone mortar used with a foot-driven pestle (esp. for polishing rice) ក្តឿង kdɨəŋ
kind of large swallow (Meropa viridis) which lives in holes in the ground ត្រដេវ trɑdeev
kind of large tree (Dysoxylum cauliflorum) ក្រអឹម krɑʔəm
kind of large tree (Schima crenata) ប្រប៉ូវ prɑpəv
kind of large tree (Vateria cocincinensis) ឳឡោក ʔəv laok
kind of large tree (Xylopia vielana or X. pierrei) ក្រាយ kraaj
kind of large tree the wood of which is used for building houses ខ្ចូវ kcəv
kind of large tree valued for its wood លាំង leaŋ
kind of large tree with edible fruit (Planchonella obovata; there are several varieties including រំដេញក្អែក and រំដេញភ្លុក) រំដេញ rumdəɲ
kind of large tree with edible sour fruit and hard, dense wood (Dialium cochinchinense) ក្រឡាញ់ krɑlaɲ
kind of large tree with reddish wood used in house construction and in the manufacture of furniture (Engelhardtia sp. or Podocarpus imbricatus) ឆាំឆា cham chaa
kind of large tree with small, highly aromatic, yellow flowers used to make wreaths, necklaces, or bracelets ព្កុល pkol
kind of large tree with valuable hardwood (Afzelia xylocarpa) បេង beeŋ
kind of large tree with valuable wood (Anisoptera scaphula) ផ្តៀក pdiek
kind of large tree; an oil is extracted from its seeds ត្រឡាត់ trɑlat
kind of large tree រំជីក rumciik
kind of large tree សំពង់ sɑmpʊəŋ
kind of large vine ដកពាយ dɑɑk piej
kind of large wasp or bee, bumblebee តាឱ taa ʔao
kind of large, black scorpion ខ្យា kjaa
kind of large, scaleless freshwater fish (Pangasius pangasius or P. Sutchi) ប្រា praa
kind of lathe operated by a treadle កន្ទោក kɑntouk
kind of leech found in damp places in the forest ទាក tiek
kind of litchi (Litchi chinensis) គូលែន kuulɛɛn
kind of litchi តាទង taa tɔɔŋ
kind of long drum ឆៃយ៉ាំ chaj jam
kind of long handled knife, somewhat resembling a billhook (formerly used as a military weapon but currently used for chopping or cutting plants) [plate 7] ផ្គាក់ pkeak
kind of long-bladed knife with a short handle ចែត caet
kind of long-handled bamboo tool with a small basket-like device at one end, used for picking fruit កន្តរ៉ kɑntɑɑ rɑɑ
kind of magic that gives superhuman strength or allows one to give off rays of light; witchcraft, sorcery ស្មិល sməl
kind of medicinal herb រំពាន់ rumpoan
kind of medicinal plant (Crassocephalum crepidioides) អំជក ʔɑmcɔɔk
kind of medicinal plant having yellow flowers (Cassia alata) កង្ហិត kɑŋhət
kind of medicinal plant which is crushed, mixed with ripe coconut meat, and fried to make an ointment for skin rashes ព្រងាល់ prɔŋoal
kind of medicinal plant with yellow flowers (Cassia alata, C. augustifolia; its leaves are used to treat skin eruptions, a potion made from its blossoms is taken as a drink, and its root and fruit are used as laxatives) ដង្ហិត dɑŋhət
kind of medicinal shrub (Melastoma normale) អង្រី ʔɑŋrəj
kind of medicinal vine (used as a remedy for constipation) ខ្ញែក kɲaek
kind of medium-sized flat fish with many bones (Notopterus hapirat) ស្លាត slaat
kind of medium-sized tree (its bark is very fibrous and was formerly used to make a coarse type of paper) ឳជ្រឹង ʔəv crɨŋ
kind of meringue ភឹង (១) phɨŋ
kind of music characterized by continuous drum beats ជើត cəət
kind of mussel found in marshes. គ្រំ krum
kind of mythological animal with a dragon's head កីលែន kəjlɛɛn
kind of nettle or plant that causes itching កន្ទេចអាល kɑntɨc ʔaal
kind of nettle plant (the bark is used to make rope and the stems and branches are used for making brooms) កន្ទាំង kɑnteaŋ
kind of night bird (it is believed that the cry of this bird is an omen of dire events) ឳឡ ʔəv lɑɑ
kind of nocturnal bird គូលីត kuu liit
kind of nocturnal bird ពព្លាក់ pəplɛ̀ək
kind of noise-maker usually made of palm leaves and attached to a kite ង៉ាវ ŋaav
kind of owl (Scops stictonotus) (or the Spotted Wood Owl Strix seloputo). ទីទុយ tii tuj
kind of palm (Calamus salicifolius) used to weave baskets រពាក់ rɔpeak
kind of palm (Zalacca Wallichiana) ប៉កម pɑkɑɑm
kind of palm tree (Zalacca Wallichiana) ប៉ាកាំ paakam
kind of palm with edible fruit ឡុក lok
kind of parasitic vine ឳជំ ʔəv cum
kind of partridge (Arborophila cambodiana; the male has a very loud, piercing cry) ទទា tɔtie
kind of percussion instrument consisting of two small round metal castanet-like plates suspended on a cord ឈឺង chɨɨŋ
kind of persimmon (Diospyros decandra; it has heavily perfumed flowers and yellow apple-like fruit) ច័ន can
kind of pickled banana (made from a variety of banana known as ចេកជ្វា) សៀមប្រៀម siem - priem
kind of pincers, tweez

I / me / my (Cham 1st person singular polite pronoun; used in stories and plays to indicate that a Cham is speaking) ឡិន lən I / me / my (intimate, addressing close friends or those younger or equal in age, status, or position) អញ ʔaɲ I / me / my (male speaking to respected persons, persons of higher status / rank) ខ្មាត kmaat I / me / my (replaces ខ្លួន in compounds such as ខ្លួនអញ and ខ្លួនឯង​) អាត្មា ʔaatmaa I / me / my (used by Buddhist monks addressing laymen; Surin dial. var. of អាត្មា ) ត្មា tmaa I / me / my (younger brother, younger sister, sweetheart or wife--about themselves); you / your (intimate or familiar address form for younger sibling, for one's wife or girl friend, or for a close friend who is younger) អូន ʔoon I / me / my ; ខ្ញុំ kɲom I / me / my ញ៉ុម ɲom I / me / my អាចក្តី ʔaac kdəj ice, snow, frost ហិមានី heʔmaanii idler, loafer, good for nothing; person without a definite occupation អកម្មិកជន ʔaʔkammiʔkaʔcʊən idly, aimlessly (of a gait) អន្ត្រត ʔɑntrɑɑt if, if only, in case of ប្រសិន prɑsən if, in case of, probably, sometimes មរកល់ mɔrəkɑl if, may be; although បើ baə if baə ill-omened, unlucky; bad luck ចង្រៃ cɔŋray illiterate person អនក្ខរជន ʔaʔnakkhaʔraʔcʊən (illness inter alia) to abate ស្បើយ sbaəj illumination, brightness, (ray / flash of) light. ពន្លឺ pʊənlɨɨ immature flowers of rice (swollen but still contained within spathes). បង្ហើម bɑŋhaəm immediately, at once, right away ភ្លាម pliem immobility, stillness, tranquility. អចលនៈ ʔaʔcaʔlaʔnaʔ impatience, uncontrolled anger, lack of restraint; unforgivingness អក្ខន្តី ʔakkhantəj impetuously, headlong, quickly, in a scurrying manner (as a small animal when frightened); taking effect quickly (of hot spices) ញ៉ិល ɲəl importer អាហារិន ʔaahaarɨn impunity និទ្ទណ្ឌភាព nittoandeaʔphiep in a babbling / chattering manner (as that of many people all talking at the same time) រញ៉ rɔɲɑɑ in a babbling, nonsensical manner ប៉ប៉ា្លញ pɑplaaɲ in a bewildered / half-awake manner ស្រមើង srɑmaəŋ in a bobbing / rocking / tottering manner. ប្លេងប្លោង pleeŋ - plaoŋ in a bobbing up and down manner ប៉ផ្តិតប៉ផ្តូង pɑptət - pɑptooŋ in a bouncing manner, moving up and down ប៉ផ្ងាក់ប៉ផ្ងើក pɑpŋak - pɑpŋaək in a bouncing manner, with frequent bending and straightening up, with repeated bows ផ្តិតផ្តូង ptət - ptooŋ in a bouncing up and down manner ផ្ងើកៗ pŋaək - pŋaək in a broken and drooping manner (of a tree or branch) ស្រយាក srɑjaak in a bubbling up manner (e.g. as boiling water or porridge) ពភល pɔphɔɔl in a bulging / protruding manner (of the erect penis) ភ្លែល plɛɛl in a burrowing manner (as an insect darting into a hiding place or a baby snuggling down under a blanket) រសុល rɔsol in a circle, going round (in circles) ឆ្វៀល cviel in a completely nonplussed manner; stupidly ច្រកក់ crɑkɑk in a constantly complaining / scolding manner រង៉ែរង៉ូវ rɔŋae - rɔŋəv in a constantly drizzling / continuously flowing manner ពព្រិច pɔprɨc in a constantly moving / squirming manner, actively រវើក rɔvəək in a constantly slowly flowing or seeping manner រហាម rɔhaam in a constantly trembling / shaking / jerking manner ពព្រាក់ពព្រើត pɔpreak - pɔprəət in a continuously oozing / trickling / dripping / drizzling manner សស្រិច sɑsrəc in a cowering manner, timidly, obsequiously, furtively ញ៉បៗ ɲɑɑp - ɲɑɑp in a crowd, in a heap ដុមដុម?? domdom in a crush, in disorder (a.w: ជ្រហឹតជ្រហម ) ជ្រហិតជ្រហម crɔhɨt - crɔhɔɔm in a curled-up manner គ្រវៀន krɔvien in a daze, in a stupefied manner (as a person awakened from a deep sleep) សើងមម៉ើង saəŋ - mɔmaəŋ in a disorderly / unorganized manner, hurriedly (but not getting anywhere), headlong (in all directions); vigorously, energetically ឆ្លា claa in a disorderly and drooping manner ប្រណែងប្រណោង prɑnaeŋ - prɑnaoŋ in a disorderly crowd, helter-skelter រទីសរទាស rɔtiih - rɔtieh in a drawn-out / droning manner. រអឺត rɔʔəɨt in a dribble, in a small amount. ច្រចៗ crɑɑc - crɑɑc in a drizzling / slowly dripping manner ស្រិចៗ srəc - srəc in a dumbfounded manner, in a completely nonplussed manner, in a daze ច្រងាំង crɑŋaŋ in a fine mist (of rain falling); growing fine and sparsely (of hair) ព្រុយៗ pruj - pruj in a firmly supported manner, sturdily braced សង់ជ្រោង sɑŋ crouŋ in a flash, instantly. ប្រិច prəc in a flickering manner (as a flame) ពភ្លែត pɔplɛɛt in a fluttering manner (as leaves fluttering in the wind or floating in the water) រប៉ោយ(ៗ) rɔpaoj (-rɔpaoj) in a fluttering, loosely swinging, or dangling manner តោករខាក taok - rɔkhaak in a frustrated manner as a result of getting stuck in an argument or as a result of boredom អេះអុះ ʔeh - ʔoh in a gasping manner ម្ហបៗ mhɑɑp - mhɑɑp in a gently bubbling / boiling manner; in a wiggling / squirming manner (as many maggots in a piece of rotten meat) គ្រិចៗ krɨc - krɨc in a gradually decreasing manner របោយ(ៗ) rɔbaoj (- rɔbaoj) in a gradually increasing / more intense manner (esp. describes a panicky feeling which grows ever more intense) ស្រឺតៗ srəɨt - srəɨt in a gradually sinking / weakening manner; (appearing) gradually; losing money gradually (of a business) ស្រិម srəm in a hasty / superficial manner, not quite, not very thoroughly, slightly, almost ព្រួលៗ pruəl - pruəl in a hobbling manner, in a jerky manner (of a person's gait) ទទ្រត tɔtrɔɔt in a hopping manner (like a frog) ប៉ប្លោត pɑplaot in a hurry / rush, hurriedly, hastily. ម្នីម្នា mnii - mnie in a hurry to, quick to. រវៀស rɔvieh in a jerky / suddenly slipping manner (of walking, running etc.) តើតៗ taət - taət in a light but continuous manner (of rain falling), drizzlingly ប៉ប្រុយ pɑproj in a loping manner, in a leaping manner; with long strides ផ្នាលៗ pnaal - pnaal in a lumbering manner អន្ទ្រត ʔɑntrɔɔt in a mumbling manner (when talking to oneself) រង៉ូវ rɔŋəv in a nodding manner (as an old person) ងងក់ ŋɔŋʊək in a palsied or trembling manner រញីរញ័រ rɔɲii - rɔɲoa in a protruding / jutting out manner, partially, precariously (e.g. something trembling on the brink of a hole) ស្ប៊ឹម spəm in a reeling / staggering manner; in a limping manner ប៉ិនប៉ាន់ pən - pan in a repeated and obvious manner (vulgar; refers to the penis becoming erect and showing through the clothing) ពភ្លែល pɔplɛɛl in a roaming / loitering manner រវ៉ើក rɔvaək in a roaming / wandering manner (as a vagrant); back and forth សស្លើត sɑslaət in a rocking / swinging manner, in a trembling / shaky manner, with jerky movements ទទ្រើត tɔtrəət in a rocking manner; in a staggering manner រំប៉ើក rumbaək in a scrabbling manner (as a small insect crawling) រសេវរសាវ rɔseev - rɔsaav in a scrambling manner, fighting with one another រញ៉ី rɔɲəj in a severely stammering / stuttering manner ឡិបឡុប ləp - lop in a severely throbbing manner (used with ចាប់ and ឈឺ​) ខ្ទោកៗ ktouk - ktouk in a severely throbbing manner ខ្ទើតៗ ktəət - ktəət in a shapeless, dirty, and vaguely menacing heap (describes some vague form sitting or standing which appears to be unkempt and menacing) ស្រខូវ srɑkhəv in a single roar (as a crowd shouting in unison at a sporting event) ក្រេវ kreev in a skipping / hopping manner អញ្ឆើល ʔɑɲchaəl in a slanting / oblique position ថ្ងូវ tŋəv in a slippery manner ប៉ប្លូច pɑplooc in a slipshod manner, carelessly; little by little, drop by drop តេះតោះ teh - tɑh in a sloppy / messy dribbling manner (esp. of nasal secretions or saliva); in a bouncing and panting manner (describes the manner of someone running with the tongue hanging out) រឡាក់ rɔlak in a slow stalking manner រទោងៗ rɔtouŋ - rɔtouŋ in a slowly dragging / shuffling manner; in an exhausted / worn out manner; with great difficulty (of breathing) ម្លឺតៗ mləɨt - mləɨt in a slowly falling manner at a great distance ស្រយឺល srɑjəɨl in a slowly opening and closing manner; in a sobbing manner ម្រីកៗ mriik - mriik in a slowly plodding and sidling manner (as a turtle or crab) រគើម rɔkəəm in a solitary or lonely manner. ម៉ង់ៗ mɑŋ - mɑŋ in a staggering / unsteady / shaky / rocking manner (as the walk of a drunken person) ទទ្រេតទទ្រោត tɔtreit - tɔtrout in a stammering / stuttering / tongue-tied manner តាដិត taa dət in a struggling manner, with great difficulty ទទ្រីបទទ្រាប tɔtriip - tɔtriep in a struggling manner; in a scurrying manner ឡះ lah in a struggling manner; straining with great effort (as oxen straining to pull a heavy load) ប៉ផ្អឺប pɑpʔəɨp in a suddenly emerging manner; unexpectedly, suddenly ប៉ឺម pəɨm in a surging manner, in an uproar រជោរ rɔcou in a swift dash, in a bouncing / springing manner (referring to the actions of a happy person) សស្រ៊ាស sɑsrieh in a thickly tangled / tightly knotted manner. ស្រមូល srɑmool in a thin superficial layer, lightly on the surface; briefly, not thoroughly សើ saə in a thrashing / jerking manner ខ្ញិលៗ kɲəl - kɲəl in a thrashing about manner (as a bird trying to escape from a net) រញ៉ិល rɔɲəl in a throng, in a crowd, as a group, all together. ត្រសង trɑsɑɑŋ in a trembling / shaking / unsteady manner (esp. of walking) ប៉ប៉ាក់ប៉ប៉ើក pɑpak - pɑpaək in a trembling or violently shaking manner; back and forth or up and down frequently តះៗ tah - tah in a trickling manner, in a fluttering manner រហិច rɔhəc in a twitching / jerking manner រវីកវើកៗ rɔviik - vəək vəək in a twitching / pulsating manner; sporadically ព្រើតៗ prəət - prəət in a very scattered manner រសាច rəsaːc in a waddling manner (like a duck walking); in a squatting position តេបតាប teep - taap in a waddling manner តិញតុញ təɲ - toɲ in a wagging / swishing manner; in a rocking / swinging / back and forth motion; frantically រវិច rɔvɨc in a wasteful manner; abundantly / in large quantities (as rain falling or fruit dropping off of trees) ខ្ជោកខ្ជាក kcouk - kciek in a waving / heaving / swaying / fluttering manner ល្វិចៗ lvɨc - lvɨc in a whisper, under one's breath; in a mutter / mumble អេចអូច ʔəc - ʔooc in a whisper ហ៊ឹមៗ hɨm - hɨm in all directions, erratically, helter-skelter, crisscrossed, crisscrossing ច្រវាត់ crɑvat in all directions, helter-skelter រសាច rɔsaac in all directions, in a disorderly manner រពាយ rɔpiej in all directions, in different directions រប៉ែករប៉ាយ rɔpaek - rɔpaaj in an aggressive / intimidating manner ក្រទឺត krɑtɨɨt in an aggressive / strutting manner (referring esp. to the courting behavior of certain animals such as the cock) ទទែ tɔtɛɛ in an agitating manner, in an interfering manner, in a badgering / troublesome / pestering manner. អុកឡុក ʔok - lok in an itching / prickling / tingling manner (as the movements of lice or the feeling of rough cloth on the skin) រសូវ rɔsəv in an orderly / well organized / attractive manner (describes people sitting, flowers, e.g. tulips, standing up in bloom, or many people sticking their heads out of windows at the same time) រហង់ rɔhɑŋ in an uncoordinated manner, in a disorderly or haphazard manner, scattered here and there រប៉ាយ rɔpaaj in an undulating / bobbing up and down manner អង្កឺល ʔɑŋkəɨl in an unending stream, (to flow, stream, pour) endlessly; profusely សស្រាក់ sɑsrak in ancient Cambodian civil law, the price of a woman as determined by her age, bride price ក្រសៀន krɑsien in and out; in circles, circling, around and around ឆែល chael in any one day, per day, daily, all day long ម្ង៉ៃៗ mŋaj - mŋaj in brief, briefly, concisely យ៉ៗ jɑɑ - jɑɑ in complete disorder; in confusion; unclearly, vaguely. ទទាស់ទទែង tɔtoah - tɔtɛɛŋ (in composition) flower; floral បុប្ផ bopphaʔ (in compounds) central, middle មជ្ឈ maccheaʔ (in compounds) mother មាតុ mietoʔ in disorder រប៉ាត់រប៉ែង rɔpat - rɔpaeŋ in disorganized groups (usually refers to groups of children) រងែក rɔŋɛɛk in every nook and cranny. ក្រឡុកក្រលៀត krɑlok - krɑliet in gasps, in a sobbing / gasping manner ប៉ផ្តាក់ប៉ផ្តឺត pɑpdak - pɑpdəɨt in great numbers, in a crowd មមួរមមា mɔmuə - mɔmie in great numbers ក្រួនថួន kruən - thuən in huge quantities, in large numbers, slowly and en masse (e.g. as a crowd of people moving somewhere together) រងួយ rɔŋuəj in line, in rows / ranks, in formation. បង្ហែ bɑŋhae (in negative clauses) at all, in the least, completely, utterly, absolutely; finally សោះ sɑh in order to, so that. ដើម្បី daəmbəj in order to thnās thnaːh in process of kɑmlaŋ in procession, in succession, one after the other; continuously ហែៗ hae - hae in puffs (of smoke) ផុយៗ phoj - phoj in puffs ផុយ-ផុយ?? phoy-phoy (in questions) where? (in / at) what place? (in negative statements or indefinite clauses) anywhere; (in emphatic clauses) wherever, anywhere ណា naa in slow undulating movements ផែលៗ phael - phael in small amounts, little អន្តាក់អន្តិច ʔɑntak - ʔɑntəc in spurts (describes the oozing of some thick liquid, such as pus) ព្រែល prɛɛl in terror / panic សស្លោ sɑslao in that case, so, then, therefore. ច្នឹង cnəŋ in that case, so, then, therefore. អញ្ចឹង ʔɑɲcəŋ in the manner of licking off the lips ភ្លែមៗ plɛɛm - plɛɛm in the opposite direction ច្រាស craːh in the shape of a cross; side-shoot, bud, twig ខ្នែង khnaeŋ in tight coils (e.g. of a snake) ស្អៀច sʔiec in tight waves (from the name of a kind of tree with tiny leaves arranged along a stalk) រង្គាដី rʊəŋkiedəj in turmoil, in panic; in great excitement / animation, noisily, boisterously រញ៉ាល់ rɔɲal in turn; in line; in a row រតូត rɔtoot in whispers, in a low voice រអ៊ូសរអ៊ូ rɔʔuuh - rɔʔuu in, inside; during + (time word) ក្នុង knoŋ in, inside ក្នុង knoŋ in-law (of the first ascending generation), parent-in-law ក្មេក kmeek in-law of a descending generation, son / daughter-in-law ប្រសា prɑsaa inaccurately, inexactly, unclearly, indefinitely, indecisively, hesitantly ង៉ែង៉រ ŋae - ŋɑɑ inactivity និស្សកម្ម nihsaʔkam inappropriate laughter ឧបហាសាការ ʔuʔpaʔhaasaakaa inauguration, opening ceremony សម្ពោធន៍ sɑmpout inception, beginning, commencement; basis, cause; reason សមុទយៈ saʔmuʔteaʔjeaʔ incessantly, continuously, repeatedly (of stepping, trampling, raindrops hitting the ground) ជញ្ជ្រំ cʊəɲcrum incision ចំណូត cɑmnoot inclination, slope; decline, setting (of the sun) ជំរេ cumrei inclination, tendency ទំនោរ tumnou including, together / complete with ទាំង teaŋ incoherent, garrulous ឈ្លាន chlìːən income, profit, gain, revenue បដិលាភ paʔdeʔliep income, profit, gain, revenue ប្រតិលាភ prɑteʔliep incompletely threshed rice straw, rice straw that has grains of rice remaining after threshing; rice plants that are left in the field after the harvest ជៅ cɨv inconvenience, difficulty, drawback ទុប្ផល tupphɑl indecisively, hesitantly ឆ្អើសឆ្អើម cʔaəh - cʔaəm indefinite pronoun អសាកល្យត្ថវាចក ʔaʔsaakaljatthaʔviecɑk independent vowel representing the Sanskrit and Pali vowel ū (words with ឩ may also be spelled with អូ​ or អ៊ូ ) ឩ ʔuu, ʔoo independent vowel representing the Sanskrit and Pali vowel ū (words with ឳ ʔəv may also be spelled with អូវ) ឳ ʔəv independent vowel representing the Sanskrit and Pali vowel: u (words with ឧ may also be spelled with អុ and អ៊ុ ) ឧ ʔoʔ, ʔuʔ India. ឥណ្ឌា ʔəndie India ក្លិង្គ្រាស្ត្រ kləŋkrieh indication, trace, sign, mark, trail; clear evidence លំអាន lumʔaan indicator, pointer, index; sign, mark ដំរឹង dɑmrəŋ indifference, lack of concern, apathy បំណាំ bɑmnam indifference សង្ខារុបេក្ខា saŋkhaaruʔpeekkhaa indifferently, carelessly; with delays, with procrastination; anyhow, any old way. ឡូយថូយ looj - thooj indifferently, in a daze. វ្ហី vhii indifferently, nonchalantly; wearily, weakly, feebly ទ្រមើយ trɔməəj indigo; indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria) ត្រុំ trom indistinctly, unclearly ងាំៗ ŋoam - ŋoam indistinctly, vaguely, weakly (e.g. as far-away shouting) ខ្វើយៗ kvaəj - kvaəj individual pronunciation សកាយនិរុត្តិ saʔkaajaʔniʔrut, saʔkaajaʔniʔrutteʔ individually; on one's own. ប្រទាល់ prɑtoal Indochina (all the countries between India and China including Burma, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam) ឥណ្ឌូចិន ʔənduu cən Indochinese ឥណ្ឌូចិនិក ʔənduucənnɨk Indonesia ឥណ្ឌូណេស៊ី ʔənduuneezii Indus (River) ឥណ្ឌុស ʔənduh infant, baby ង៉ា ŋaa infantry soldier; infantry unit សេនីយ៍ seenəj inflammation of the throat which makes swallowing difficult ខាន់បៀត khan biet inflammation of the throat ខន្ទរា khanteaʔrie inflated, puffed up ប៉ោង paoŋ inflated, puffed up ប៉ោង paoŋ inflorescence, raceme , a cluster of coconut or areca flowers ខ្ព kpɔɔ influence of people in high positions ឥស្សរានុភាព ʔəhsaʔraanuʔphiep information, report, story, tale, account អារោចនៈ ʔaaroucaʔnaʔ ingot / bar (of gold) ឆ្តោរ cdao inhabited area, country ស្រុក srok inhale dɑɑʔ inheritance, gift, donation ទាយៈ tiejeaʔ injunction, order, behest; subpoena អធិបញ្ជា ʔaʔthiʔbɑɲcie innovation, reform, reorganization ប៉ុន្នការ ponnaʔkaa inscribing, scratching; inscribed line; scratch; place which has been scratched ចំណូរ cɑmnoo insect ខុទ្ទកសត្វ khotteaʔkaʔsat insect បាណកៈ paanaʔkaʔ insert siət insert sɔɔk insight, general idea ខណិកទស្សន៍ khaʔneʔkaʔtʊəh insinuating, insinuation (in a pejor. sense); staring out of the corners of the eyes ដំណៀង dɑmnieŋ insipid, tasteless; fresh (water); powerless, ineffective សាប saːp insistence; persistence; suit កតាវសាន kaʔtaaveaʔsaan inspector general អគ្គាធិការ ʔakkiethiʔkaa instability; fragility, brittleness; lack of durability អស្ថិរភាព ʔaʔstheʔreaʔphiep instantly, in a moment, very quickly ឆាល់ chal institute, academy បណ្ឌិត្យ bandɨt insulting អក្កោសនាការ ʔakkaosaʔnaakaa insult cee insult prɑmaat insurance ប៉ាវកេ paav kee integration, vertical trust (of allied industries) សមាហរ័ណ saʔmaahaʔran, saʔmaahaʔraʔnaʔ intellect, mind, wit, comprehension, eloquence (through knowledge); radiance; bravery, courage ប្រតិភាណ prɑteʔphien intelligence, acumen; ភាតិសាមបហិដ្អា Patisambhidā (the twelfth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, part of the Buddhist canon) បដិសម្ភិទា paʔdeʔsamphiʔtie intelligence, expertise, skill យោគ្យភាព joukjeaʔphiep intelligence; facility of speech ឱដ្ឋ ʔaot, ʔot, ʔaotthaʔ- intend to kɨt intensely (of itching). រញៀវ rɔɲiev intensive or emphatic final particle ន៏ nɔɔ intention, will, aspiration, desire; authority លំពាំង lumpeaŋ intention, wish, desire; prayer, vow. បំណង bɑmnɑɑŋ intentional lying (in order to hide a mistake) សម្បជានមុសាវាទ sampaʔcienneaʔmuʔsaaviet interception សំកាត់ somkat interjection indicating anger; sound of a groan ហ៊ឹះ hɨh interjection used to call someone's attention, hey! អម្ភោ ʔɑmphou interjection used when poking someone in the ribs ឈូច chuuc interlaced, heaped up ប្រព័ន្ធ prəpɔ̀ən interlaced ព័ន្ធ pɔ̀ən intermediary, go-between, contact; fastener, clasp, clip, buckle ព្រនឹង prɑnɨŋ intermittently (of a pain) ឆៀប chiep interpretation; interpreting បំណកស្រាយ bɑmnɑɑk sraaj interrogative particle (spoken form of ឬ) ហៈ haʔ interrogative word (e.g. ឬ?, ដែរឬ?, ដែរឬអ្វី?, ទេដឹង?, ទេដឹងឬ? ) សំសយត្ថវាចក saŋsaʔjatthaʔviecaʔkaʔ intertwined, meandering ខ្វាត់-[ខ្វែង] khvat-[khvaeŋ] intertwined, to intertwine ប្រទាក់ prətɛ̀ək interval, gap, space between two limits / poles; fissure ប្រឡោះ prɑlɑh interval, gap; period of time, opportunity, occasion ឆោង chaoŋ interval, space; specif. the space between two fingers or toes ចង្វែក cɑŋvaek intestinal worm (more commonly spelled ព្រូន ) ភ្រូណ pruun intestinal worm ព្រូន prùːn intrigue; secret plan, scheme; secret agent សំឡិច sɑmləc invariable word, uninflected word ព្យសសព្ទ pjeaʔsaʔsap invertebrate និបិដ្ឋៈដ្ឋិក niʔbetjaathək investigator សមេសី saʔmeesəj invitation, hospitality, friendly relations អាមន្តនៈ ʔaamɑntaʔnaʔ invite ʔɑɲcəəɲ invocation, spell; method of witchcraft to harm a person by using some article, e.g. clothing, hair, nail trimmings, footprint, etc., of his and performing certain spells on it eg. ត្រូវឆ្លោងគេ to be under an evil spell ឆ្លោង claoŋ invulnerable គង់ kùəŋ in knoŋ iron (the metal) អយ ʔaʔjaʔ iron daek irrigated rice field ស្រែ srae irrigation ditch; ditch, trench; gully អំពាច ʔɑmpiec Islam; Moslem. អិស្លាម ʔihslaam island kɑh island koḥ kɔh island កោះ kɑh Israel អ៊ីស្រាអែល ʔiisraaʔael Isuzu (Japanese auto maker) អ៊ីស៊ុយស៊ុយ ʔiisujsuj it does not seem right that ..., how can it be that ..., it cannot be true that ...; probably ម្រ៉ាង(ឡើយ) mraaŋ (laəj) it's because of ... ញ៉ន ɲɑɑn Italy អ៊ីតាលី ʔiitaalii itch (n.) kɑɑn rɑmòəh itch (v.) rɑmòəh it wiə ivory pluk I kɲom I ʔaɲ jack (to change a tire). គ្រីប kriip jackal, wolf សរភូ saʔraʔphuu jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) ខ្នុរ knol, knao jackpot (in gambling) កៅអូវ kav ʔəv Jain នគ្គសមណៈ neakkeaʔsaʔmaʔnaʔ Jambolan Plum (kind of tree with dark purple fruit resembling cherries; Syzygium jambos; there are many varieties which may also include Mimusops elengi and Kayea and Eugenia species) ព្រីង priiŋ January មករៈ meaʔkaʔraʔ Japan. ជប៉ុន ceaʔpon jar ខ្ល klɑɑ Jarai (an Austronesian ethnic group in northeastern Cambodia and adjacent Vietnam) ចារ៉ាយ caaraaj jar ក្រឡ krəlɔː jasmine (Jasminum sambac) ម្លិះ mlih jaundice ខាន់លឿង khan lɨəŋ Java ហ្សាវ៉ា zaavaa javelin ដែក-[សុល]?? daek-[soːl] jaw ថ្គាម thkìːəm Jayavarman (name of several important Cambodian kings) ជ័យវរ្ម័ន ceijeaʔvɑrman jazz ហ្សាស zaah jellyfish (Medusa sp.) បង្រៃ bɑŋraj jeopardy, risk ហានិយភ័យ haaniʔphej jerkily, in spurts យ៉ើរ jaə Jesus Christ យេស៊ូ jeisuu Jetha (seventh month of the Cambodian lunar calendar corresponding to mid-May - mid-June) ជេដ្ឋ ceit, ceitthaʔ- job which takes a long time to complete, long term project ចិរស្សការ ceʔrahsaʔkaa Job's tears (kind of plant, Coix lacryma-jobi; the seeds are used as beads) ស្កួយ skuəj Job's tears ស្កួយ skuːəj joining, uniting, braiding together; union, junction គំនួប kumnuəp joint , articulation (of bones) សន្លាក់ sɑnlak joint action, cooperation សហប្រតិបត្តិ saʔhaʔprɑteʔbat joint of roof-truss or rafters ចែង caeŋ joint property; shareholder's contribution to the assets of a company ឧបហារិត ʔuʔpaʔhaarit joint welfare សហសង្គ្រោះ saʔhaʔsɑŋkrʊəh joint, point of articulation; node or ring (of bamboo, sugar cane, etc.); bulge ថ្នាំង tnaŋ joint ចង្គាប់?? caṅgāp' joint ថ្នាំង thnaŋ joint សន្លាក់ sɔnlak journey; path, trajectory ចំណរ cɑmnɑɑ joy, exultation, happiness, satisfaction ប្រីតា prəjtaa joy, pleasure តុស្តី tohsdəj, dohsdəj joyful ʼar ʔɔː judge; lawyer, attorney, legal counsel ធម្មាធិការី thoammiethiʔkaarəj judge វិនិច្ឆយាមាត្យ viʔnɨcchaʔjaamaat judo យូដូ juu doo jug, pitcher; bamboo scoop for measuring palm wine តយ tɑɑj jumbled sounds of several conversations, murmuring. រអេៈរអុៈ rɔʔeʔ - rɔʔoʔ jumping / squirting / darting out suddenly (e.g. from under cover, out of a crack or hole, as a rabbit darting out of its burrow) ប្រូច prooc junction, square (of a mat); seam, row of stitching ឈ្នុល cnul jungle, forest, woods, wilderness ព្រៃ prej junior and senior bhikkhus ថេរានុត្ថេរៈ theeraanuttheeraʔ junior student monk បព្វជ្ជន្តេវាសិក bappaccoanteeviesək junk, rubbish; junk yard ឡាប់សង lap sɑɑŋ jurisdiction យុត្តាធិការ juttaathiʔkaa just now, just a moment ago អំបាញ់មិញ ʔɑmbaɲ mɨɲ just now ʔɑmbaɲ məɲ just, merely, only បាន់ ban jute (Corchorus capsularis) ក្រចៅ krɑcav jute កាចៅ kaa cav Jūjaka (name of a greedy brahmin in the Vessantara Jataka) ជូជក cuu cʊək Kae Quak (kind of music played by the retainers of a sorcerer when the sorcerer is calling some spirit into his body) កែអួក kae ʔuək Kailāsa (name of a mountain in the Himalayas) កៃលាស kajlaah Kampot (province in southeastern Cambodia) កំពត kɑmpɔɔt Kampuchea Krom var. of យើង អេង ʔeeŋ kanchae (kind of percussion instrument consisting of a long bamboo handle with a basket-like arrangement of bamboo strips at one end; colored cloth strips and small bells are attached to the basket-shaped end; the instrument is played by shaking it or striking the plain end on the ground) កញ្ឆែ kɑɲchae kancram (kind of percussion instrument consisting of a bamboo pole with one end split and formed into a small cage-like arrangement to which small bells are attached, the cage is topped by half a coconut shell and it is played by striking the plain end on the ground) កញ្ច្រាំ kɑɲcram kaolin (kind of clay used in ceramics) កៅឡាំង kav laŋ Kapilavastu (India; birthplace of the Buddha) កបិលពស្តុ kaʔpeʔlaʔpoah kapok kɔɔ karate ការាត់តេ kaarattee Kau Hāy (title of a collection of folk tales) កៅហាយ kav haaj Kaundinya (legendary founder of early Cambodian kingdom of Funan) កៅណ្ឌិន្យ kavdɨn Kaṇdhī (Buddhist treatise on religious discipline) គណ្ឋី kʊənthəj keeping to oneself, regimen of isolation (one of the 13 dhutangas) ឯកាសនិកង្គ ʔaekaasaʔniʔkɑŋ keep tuk kerchief, scarf, towel, napkin (generally smaller than a ក្រមា ) កន្សែង kɑnsaeŋ kernel (of a nut), nut-meat កំពីង kɑmpiiŋ kettle cnaŋ key កុញ្ចែ koɲcae khaki (fabric and color) កាគី kaakii Khmerization ខ្មែរូបនីយកម្ម kmaeruupaʔniijeaʔkam khua (kind of Cambodian stew; it may be made with corn, crabs, shrimp, or lobsters). ខួ khuə khuac (small earthenware or porcelain vessel; often used for storing oil that is believed to have magical properties) ខួច khuəc Khuddakapātha(the first of the 15 books in the Khuddakanikāya) ខុទ្ទកបាឋ khotteaʔbaat killing ឌេបនកម្ម deipaʔnaʔkam kill sɑmlap kin group, clan, tribe; family, lineage; group of people sharing the same level of education or the same characteristics eg. ភាសា​អំបូរមនខ្មែរ . the Mon-Khmer languages អំបូរ ʔɑmboo kind of (esp. Sanskrit) poetry ឧបជាតិច្ឆន្ទ ʔuʔpaʔcietəcchan kind of a large tailless monkey (the son of ពាលី in the Ramayana) អង្គទ ʔɑŋkʊət kind of a sea mollusk កញ្ឆៀវ kɑɲchiev kind of a tree used to make walking sticks ពាន់តា poan taa kind of a very painful disease characterized by swelling of the ends of the fingers or toes (caused by abcesses or boils under a fingernail or toenail) រង់ដឿង rʊəŋ dɨəŋ kind of agamid lizard (prob. Acanthosaura) about 3 1/2 feet long ជាស cieh kind of alcoholic drink made by certain Montagnard tribes អេក ʔeek kind of ancient Cambodian battle flag with the image of a Garuda on it គ្រុធពាហ៍ krutpie kind of animal disease characterized by frequent muscular spasms of the neck (esp. in dogs) តែវ៉ែ tae - vae kind of animal trap consisting of a handle, rope and trigger device អន្ទោក ʔɑntouk kind of animal trap លំងក lumŋɔɔk kind of aquatic bird, snakebird, long-necked diver ស្មោញ smaoɲ kind of aquatic bird ព្រហីត prɔhiit kind of aquatic cereal plant (the grain is used as a rice substitute) ស្រងែ srɑŋae kind of aquatic herb with a fragile stem and a round yellow flower ផ្នក់ទឹក pnɑk tɨk kind of aquatic insect កន្ទាទូក kɑntie tuuk kind of aquatic plant នាល niel kind of aquatic plant ស្គុះ skuh kind of aromatic grass (Limnophila conferta; used for seasoning and to prepare medicines) ម្អម mʔɑɑm kind of bamboo or rattan basket smaller than កន្តាំង​ ខ្ញឹង kɲəŋ kind of bamboo with a small interior cavity ពីងពង់ piiŋ - pʊəŋ kind of bamboo with long internodes thṅa thŋɔː kind of bamboo with long sections ថ្ង tŋɑɑ kind of banana ណាំវ៉ា nam vaa kind of basket with handles កន្ត្រំ kɑntrɑm kind of basket gruḥ krùh kind of bee building layered nest in hollow trees etc. ព្រួត, ព្រត់?? prùːət, pruːət kind of bee which lives in the ground (according to a Surin Cambodian legend anyone who drinks of the honey made by this bee will have long life) យុក juk kind of bird similar to a dove with multicolored feathers and a very loud call ទៀវ tiev kind of bird similar to a lark or quail អ៊ឺត ʔɨɨt kind of bird that fights with cobras and eats their eyes ល្អូត lʔoot kind of bird, wood pigeon កំប្លុក kɑmplok kind of bird ត្លុម tlom kind of bitter-tasting wild cucumber ឈ្មែ cmej kind of black and white bird resembling a kingfisher កដប kɑɑdɑɑp kind of black and yellow bird ខ្លូង klooŋ kind of black ant with a powerful sting សង្អារ sɑŋʔaa kind of black bird similar to the jay or cuckoo (Eudynamis malayana) (According to Tandart an adulterous man is often called តាវ៉ៅ, a reference to the fact that this bird often lays its eggs in others birds' nests.) តាវៅ taa vav kind of black gem កាឡមុក្តមណី kaalaʔmuktaʔmeaʔnii kind of blow fish or globe fish (Xenopteros naritus, Tetrodon cambodgiensis, or Chonerhinus modestus) ក្រពត krɑpɔɔt kind of boiled / steamed cylindrical cake made of glutinous rice with various fillings (e.g. banana, coconut, pork, and mung beans) and wrapped in fresh (esp. banana) leaves or tinfoil (often has a sexual connotation comparing it to the penis) អន្សម ʔɑnsɑɑm kind of box made of palm leaves (used as a container for tobacco or areca) ស្មុគ smok kind of brown insect about 1.5 in. long found around houses (one kind has an offensive smell while another kind is edible) ខ្ញុង kɲoŋ kind of bucket made of bamboo strips coated with waterproofing resin used as a water container សៀន sien kind of burrowing cricket ក្មូរ kmoo kind of burrowing insect, dung beetle កំពោង kɑmpouŋ kind of burrowing toad (Callula pulchra) ហ៊ីង hiiŋ kind of bush (Aporosa aurita; the fruit is edible and the bark and roots have medicinal value) កំភ្នៀង kɑmpnieŋ kind of bush (Crotalaria mucronata) សង្ក្រងស្វា sɑŋkrɑɑŋ kind of bush (Glycosmis pentaphylla; the fruit are edible and the leaves are used medicinally) ភ្លីងភ្លាំង pliiŋ - pleaŋ kind of bush (Triumfetta rhomboidea; the bark is used to make cordage) ចវាច cɑvaac kind of bush with aromatic flowers (Lawsonia spinosa inermis; the small leaves are pounded and wrapped around the fingernails as a substitute for nail polish) ក្រពេន krɑpein kind of bush with flowers growing out of the leaves ប្រផេញ prɑphəɲ kind of bush, oleander or rose laurel (Thevetia peruviana) យិតថោ jɨt thao kind of bushy broad-leafed plant (it has white resin, and the fruit is poisonous) ឳណុល ʔəv nol kind of button / fastener made of cord or cloth ក្ឌុំ kdum kind of cactus (Euphorbia antiquorum or E. edulis) ជន្លាត់ cʊənloat kind of Cambodian meat or fish salad. ញាំ ɲoam kind of Cambodian wedding music កងសោយ kɑɑŋ saoj kind of Cambodian xylophone / metallophone រនាត rɔniet kind of carrying frame made of wire, rope, or rattan and attached to the end of a shoulder-pole; hanging basket [plate 8] សង្រែក sɑŋraek kind of carved design esp. in copper កញ្ចាំង kɑɲcaŋ kind of carved wooden bowl with a base and lid (it is used to hold offerings in certain ceremonies esp. weddings) តៀប tiep kind of catfish (prob. Macrones sp.) ឆ្លាំង claŋ kind of cheesecloth or other open weave fabric used to make mosquito netting, gauze, tulle ស្បៃ sbaj kind of chess-like game ស្កា skaa kind of chicken (according to Tandart a hybrid between the domestic chicken and fighting cock) ទាង tieŋ kind of children's game (it is played by tossing a coin against a leaning piece of tile; whoever makes the coin bounce closest to a line about 10 feet from the tile wins) ហឺប həəp kind of children's game in which one person flicks the index finger of another while reciting a rhyme ប៉ិតប៉ុត pət - pot kind of Chinese egg roll with a wrapper made of mung bean flour ហ៊ុយគឹង huj kɨŋ kind of Chinese gambling game played with a wheel of fortune containing 36 letters or pictures ហួយ huəj kind of Chinese gambling game កំតាត់ kɑmtat kind of clear yellow semi-precious stone (probably topaz) ប៊ុត but kind of climbing plant used for medicinal purposes រំជែក rumcɛɛk kind of climbing plant with fragrant flowers (Artabotrys odoratissimus) ក្រវាន់ krɑvan kind of cloth cover decorated with beads and sequins used in the កឋិន ceremony to cover the monk's clothing តាខាយ taa khaaj kind of coarse grass (Imperata cylindrica or Saccharum spicatum, used for thatching roofs and weaving walls) ស្បូវ sbəv kind of conical bamboo fish trap with an opening at the small end (the wide end is dropped over a school of fish to imprison them while the fisherman reaches through the small end to catch them) [plate 5] អង្រុត ʔɑŋrut kind of conical-shaped cover (used to cover plates of food or water bowls), lid (e.g. of a pan, pot, or jug) សជី saʔcii kind of container made of bamboo or other plants (it has four legs and two handles and is used to hold offerings esp. offerings of food for monks or spirits) សង្ឃឹក sɑŋkhɨk kind of cotton carding device which consists of a long round piece of wood with an X-shaped member attached to one end used to clean raw cotton before it is spun into thread តំពេច tɑmpɨc kind of cotton skirt with floral pattern / stripes (commonly worn by young women and girls) ស៊ឹង sɨŋ kind of creeping plant (Desmos Chinensis) with yellow aromatic flowers សៅយុត sav jut kind of crocodile (it is smaller and more aggressive than ក្រពើ and has strongly webbed feet) ក្រពា krɑpie kind of curved knife with a long handle for cutting plants with thick stalks ត្វាង tvaaŋ kind of cylindrical fish trap [plate 5] លប lɔɔp kind of decorated tray with a base ស្រាពក៍ sraap kind of decorative motif consisting of arabesques or intertwined elements; decorative arrangement of flowers ភ្ញី pɲii kind of decorative motif consisting of notched circles ដកចន្ទន៍ dɑɑk can kind of deer (poss. Cervus schomburgki) ស្មាន់ sman kind of deer or mountain goat horns of which are used in medicine kɛḥ kaeh kind of dessert consisting of small pieces of dough shaped like rice grains or tear drops about one inch long (They are dipped in a solution of sugar and coconut cream before eating) លត lɔɔt kind of dessert made with chicken or duck eggs and sugar វ៉ើយ vaəj kind of disease characterized by enlarged testicles, elephantiasis កោប kaop kind of disease, probably a kind of chorea, which affects the nerves and is characterized by uncontrolled muscle movement (esp. of the legs) ប្រគ្រីវ prɑkriiv kind of disease, probably a kind of chorea, which affects the nerves of the legs and is characterized by uncontrolled muscle movement គគ្រីវ kɔkriiv kind of disease, tumor ត្រក់ trɑk kind of double-headed wooden drum with skin covers on both ends (one end is slightly larger than the other; it is arranged horizontally on a wooden base) សំភោរ sɑmphou kind of drum ថូន thoon kind of earthenware or porcelain pot with a cover used esp. for storing betel leaves or fermented sticky rice ថោ thao kind of edible aquatic grass កន្តូឡេត kɑntoo leet kind of edible aquatic plant (Neptunia oleracea) កញ្ឆែត kɑɲchaet kind of edible aquatic plant (Sagittaria sagittifolia or Monochoria hastata) ត្រកៀត trɑkiet kind of edible aquatic plant similar to watercress (Monochoria vaginalis) ច្រាច់ crac kind of edible aquatic plant កន្ទីងរីង kɑntiiŋ - riiŋ kind of edible plant (Costus speciosus) ត្រថុក trɑthok kind of edible reed-like aquatic plant, similar to the lotus, with small purple flowers (Limnanthemum hydrophyllum) ស្គន់ skʊən kind of edible tuberous plant (Arum indicum) ក្តាត kdaat kind of egg custard សង់ខ្យា sɑŋkjaa kind of elf believed to care for wild animals (esp. elephants) បំសុបិសាច baŋsoʔbəjsaac kind of fabric, satin, velour កាំម្រឹត kam mrɨt kind of fat, black aquatic beetle (it is commonly eaten fried) កន្តេះឡង់ kɑnteh lɑŋ kind of fence consisting of a rope stretched around an area to keep wild animals out សំឡាញ sɑmlaaɲ kind of fern (Angiopteris crassipes) ប៉េះលេះ peh leh kind of fern (Nephrolepis biserrata) ត្រដិត trɑdət kind of fern or parasitic plant (Ceratopteris kalictroides). ប៉ប្រក pɑprɑɑk kind of fever causing loss of consciousness, pernicious fever. សន្ឋំ sɑnthum kind of fig tree (Ficus carica, F. glomerata, or F. racemosa; according to tradition the king's throne should be made of wood from this tree) ល្វា lvie kind of fine cloth from India containing gold or silver threads (often used for women's head scarves) តាត taat kind of fine imported cloth used esp. for blouses, muslin សារូ saaruu kind of fine powdered food made of roasted rice or corn ប្រអួល prɑʔuəl kind of fire-making apparatus consisting of two pieces of wood or bamboo and some tinder, a fire-saw (One piece of wood, generally the harder piece, is rubbed against the other to produce hot dust which ignites the tinder) ពំនួត pumnuət kind of firework គោហៀ kou hie kind of fish (Barbus siaja, found in swamps and flooded rice fields) ច្រកែង crɑkaeŋ kind of fish (Labeo pleurotoenia or Puntius altus) កាហែ kaahae kind of fish (Macrones nigroceps) តានិល taa nɨl kind of fish (Ophiocephalus striatus; it has a flat head covered with large scales and attains a length of about a yard) រ៉ស់ rɑh kind of fish found in streams ឆ្ពិន cpɨn kind of fish similar to the shad ព្រលូង prɔluuŋ kind of fish soup. គ្រាក់ kreak kind of fish trap (dial. ប៉ោង បញ្ឆោត ) ត្រើង traəŋ kind of fish-eating bird with a blue head and back, a red breast, and a large red beak ចចាត cɑcaat kind of fishing device in the form of a basket or long cage. It is submerged vertically in deep water សៃយ៉ឺន saj jəən kind of fishing implement consisting of pieces of wood tied together and used to chase fish into a spot where they may be easily caught គន kɔɔn kind of fishing instrument consisting of a long cylindrical cage made of bamboo strips and tapering at both ends (There are many varieties, including: ទ្រូកំពឹស, ទ្រូព្រៀងធំ, ទ្រូព្រៀងតូច, and ទ្រូកំបុត ) ទ្រូ truu kind of fishing net, landing net, scoop net ថ្នង tnɑɑŋ kind of fishing spear កន្ទុល kɑntul kind of fish កំផ្លៀវ kɑmpliev kind of fish ក្បក kbɑɑk kind of fish ក្រមម krɑmɑɑm kind of fish ក្រូស krooh kind of fish ក្លាំងហាយ klaŋ haaj kind of fish ខ្មាន់ kman kind of fish គជ្រា kʊəcrie kind of fish ទ្រនេល trɔneil kind of flat fish ក្អី kʔəj kind of flower (Mirabilis Jalapa) ម៉ោងបួន maoŋ buən kind of flower that usually blooms around 10:00 in the morning ម៉ោងដប់ maoŋ dɑp kind of flowering aquatic plant, blue lotus លំចង់ lumcɑŋ kind of flowering tree ការកេត kaa keet kind of flowering tree ខ្សឹង ksəŋ kind of flute-like Cambodian musical instrument used esp. in folk music, kind of (reed) pipe; kind of song which is characteristically introduced with a melody played on the flute. អង្កួច ʔɑŋkuəc kind of fly with painful bite, mosquito (maringouin) ក្អាត kʔaːt kind of food consisting of noodles and ណាំយ៉ា sauce ណាំយ៉ា nam jaa kind of food made of beef, shrimp, and squid cooked in a sauce (containing coconut milk, salt, sugar, vinegar, peanuts, and spices) and eaten with large, flat noodles and vegetables យ៉ៅហន jav hɑɑn kind of food ណាំព្រិក nam priik kind of forest spirit អារុក្ខអារក្ខ ʔaaruk - ʔaareak kind of fresh water fish, possibly a carp កញ្ជនជៃ kɑɲcɔɔn cej kind of fresh water fish កន្ត្រប់ kɑntrɑp kind of freshwater catfish (Clarias batracius; they have barbs which can inject a poison that causes a painful wound) អណ្ដែង ʔɑndaeŋ kind of freshwater fish ត្រឱន trɑʔaon kind of freshwater turtle ត្រសៃ trɑsaj kind of fruit tree (Amoora montana or Aglaia sp.) បង្គៅ bɑŋkɨv kind of fruit tree (Artocarpus nitida; the green fruit is used in cooking) សំព័រ sɑmpoa kind of fruit tree (Caryota urens) អន្សែ ʔɑnsae kind of fruit tree (Diospyros chevalieri; the tart fruits can be used as an ingredient in a chew of betel, for dying and as a garnish for various kinds of food) ដង្កោ dɑŋkao kind of fruit tree (Diospyros pilosanthera; the hard wood is used for making furniture, the fruit is eaten, and the young leaves are used medicinally) ត្រយឹង trɑjəŋ kind of fruit tree (Ficus politoria) កខុប kɑkhop kind of fruit tree (Grewia tomentosa or G. paniculata) ពភ្លា pɔplie kind of fruit tree (Hydnocarpus anthelminthica or Nauclea cordifolia; the seeds are used in the preparation of a medicine to treat leprosy) ក្របេ krɑbav kind of fruit tree (Madhuca sp.; the small fruit is sweet and sticky) ស្រគំ srɑkum kind of fruit tree (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) ពួច puəc kind of fruit tree (Richardella campechiana) ខេមា kheemaa kind of fruit tree (Schleicheria oleosa or S. trijuga; its sour fruits are used as flavoring in stews and soups and the hard wood is used to make mortars) ពង្រ pʊəŋrɔɔ kind of fruit tree (the sweet yellow fruit is similar to a persimmon but smaller and flatter) មាក់ប៉ែន mak paen, meak paen kind of fruit tree similar to the ព្នៅ but with smaller fruit ព្និល pnɨl kind of fruit tree with aromatic flowers (Mesua ferrea; the red - brown wood is heavy, hard and almost impervious to water) បុសនាគ boh niek kind of fruit tree ទ្រៀល triel kind of fruit tree មាក់ដោក mak daok, meak daok kind of fruit tree មាក់ប្រេង mak preeŋ, meak preeŋ kind of fruit tree មាក់សាង mak saaŋ, meak saaŋ kind of gambling game in which a six-sided die with a pin in the center, similar to a dreidel, is spun on a plate and then covered with a cup or polished coconut shell. People bet on the number that comes up; the six-sided die used in the above game អាប៉ោង ʔaapaoŋ kind of gemstone ផុស្សរាគ phohsaʔriek kind of gnat often found on the heads of cattle មមាច mɔmiec kind of gold or silver item of apparel shaped like a banyan leaf (it was worn by young girls in ancient Cambodia to cover their pubic area) ចាប៉ឹង caa pəŋ kind of grass (prob. Eriosema chinense) with edible roots that grows in sandy soil ទិល tɨl kind of grass used for making rope ត្រថឿង trɑthɨəŋ kind of grass used to make thatch រណ្ដាស rʊəndaah kind of grass-like herb used for pickling (Cleome gynandra) មមាញ mɔmieɲ kind of grass ថ្កាស tkaah kind of gray and black bird (Gracupica nigricollis) (var. = គ្រលីងគ្រលោង ) គ្រលេងគ្រលោង krɔleiŋ - krɔlouŋ kind of gray bird ក្រាក់អាច់ krak ʔac kind of gray fish-eating bird (Leptoptilos dubius) ត្រដក់ trɑdɑk kind of gray squirrel កង្ហែន kɑŋhaen kind of gray-black bird (resembling a crane) with a curved beak ត្រយង trɑjɑɑŋ kind of grayish bird with large feet កញ្ជ្រៀច kɑɲcriec kind of grayish colored mammal similar to a fox (when someone is compared to a កញ្ជ្រោង it means that he / she is considered wily or crafty) កញ្ជ្រោង kɑɲcrouŋ kind of hand basket made of bamboo or reed strips, woven basket, bag or container ត្រក trɑɑk kind of handwoven fabric (usually silk, with multicolored geometric designs) ហូល hool kind of hard wood tree (Dipterocarpus crispalatus or D. intricatus; the wood is used in shipbuilding and the resin is used to make torches and to waterproof boots) ត្រាច traac kind of hardwood tree (Scutula scutellata; the hard reddish wood is used to make pestles) ភ្លង plɔɔŋ kind of hardwood tree with edible leaf shoots ធ្មា tmie kind of hardwood tree នាង-[នួន]?? nìːəŋ-[nùːən] kind of hawk (prob. Accipiter sp.) ស្ទាំង steaŋ kind of hemp-like plant used to make rope ចចៅ cɑcav kind of herbaceous plant (poss. Zingiber Cassumunar, with a yellow root having medicinal and magical uses) ពន្លៃ pʊənlej kind of heron (Nycticorax griseus) ខ្វែក kvaek kind of heron (Tantalus bucocephalus) រនាល rɔniel kind of high grass used for making thatched roofs and walls ប្រី prəj kind of hooked knife, reaping-hook ខ្វែវ kvaev kind of hornet ឳម៉ាល់ ʔəv mal kind of insect, mole cricket ខ្មុល kmol kind of kite (children's toy) បុ័ក​ប៉ៅ​ pak pav kind of L-shaped wooden or bamboo hay-fork ចង្ហាយ cɑŋhaaj kind of lance ?? ទួន lùmpɛ̀ːŋ tùːən kind of land snail ហៀន hien kind of Laotian salad-like hors d'oeuvre made with sliced beef or fresh fish mixed with brown rice powder, galanga powder, lime juice, salt, sugar and eaten with vegetables (such as mint, lettuce, onion) garnished with coriander and red pepper (it is similar to ណែម​) ឡាប laap kind of large (50 X 20 feet) dip net ចៃរ៉ា caj raa kind of large and colorful umbrella (usually made of silk or paper, to provide shade) តាំងយូ taŋ juu kind of large apid tra-o etc. taː ʔao, trəʔao kind of large bag (similar to បាវ​ ) made of ramie fiber used esp. for milled rice (with a capacity of about 221 lbs.) ប៉ូវតេ pətee, pəv tee kind of large beetle (Sternocera aequisignata) with bright green and blue wings, and yellow belly កំភេម kɑmpheim kind of large black ant that lives in round nests made of tree bark (they kill harmful insects in Cambodian gardens and houses) កន្ត្រោក kɑntraok kind of large black carpenter bee which can give a painful sting កន្លង់ kɑnlɑŋ kind of large black monkey ខោរ khao kind of large bowl made of wood inlaid with mother-of-pearl, gold, or silver (it is used to hold ceremonial offerings); kind of small finely woven basket តោក taok kind of large broad-leaved plant (Schumannianthus dichotomus; the stems are used in weaving mats) រុន run kind of large deep bowl ទ្រមេម trɔmeim kind of large deer ទ្រាយ triej kind of large drum ទីង tiiŋ kind of large duck កាប៉ា kaapaa kind of large edible spider ហុរពីង hol piiŋ kind of large egg roll made of lettuce, mint, pork skins, and pork, mixed with ground browned rice and powdered galanga ប៊ី bii kind of large fishing net / seine (There are several varieties, some of which may be several miles long) អួន ʔuən kind of large flat shallow basket used for winnowing, drying, and raising silkworms គ្រាង krieŋ kind of large fruit tree (Anthocephalus cadamba or A. chinensis; it has hairy yellow sour fruit; the bark and stems are used to prepare an analgesic and calmative) ថ្កូវ tkəv kind of large fruit-eating bat (poss. Pteropus vampyrus), fox bat ជ្រឹង crɨŋ kind of large hardwood tree (Hopea and Shorea sp.; it is used in construction and the wood is highly water-resistant) គគីរ kɔkii kind of large hardwood tree នី nii kind of large lizard (Hydrosaurus salvator) that lives near water courses ទន្សង tʊənsɑɑŋ kind of large parasol without a fringe (used more often in ancient times for dignitaries such as princes) សប្បធន់ sappaʔthʊən kind of large red ant which is commonly found on fruit trees អង្ក្រង ʔɑŋkrɑɑŋ kind of large red parrot ណូរី noorii kind of large round storage container kept inside the house (it is made of palm leaves and used esp. for storing rice) ដោក daok kind of large shrimp, prawn ព្រោន proon kind of large spider ព្រវឹង prɔvɨŋ kind of large stone mortar used with a foot-driven pestle (esp. for polishing rice) ក្តឿង kdɨəŋ kind of large swallow (Meropa viridis) which lives in holes in the ground ត្រដេវ trɑdeev kind of large tree (Dysoxylum cauliflorum) ក្រអឹម krɑʔəm kind of large tree (Schima crenata) ប្រប៉ូវ prɑpəv kind of large tree (Vateria cocincinensis) ឳឡោក ʔəv laok kind of large tree (Xylopia vielana or X. pierrei) ក្រាយ kraaj kind of large tree the wood of which is used for building houses ខ្ចូវ kcəv kind of large tree valued for its wood លាំង leaŋ kind of large tree with edible fruit (Planchonella obovata; there are several varieties including រំដេញក្អែក and រំដេញភ្លុក) រំដេញ rumdəɲ kind of large tree with edible sour fruit and hard, dense wood (Dialium cochinchinense) ក្រឡាញ់ krɑlaɲ kind of large tree with reddish wood used in house construction and in the manufacture of furniture (Engelhardtia sp. or Podocarpus imbricatus) ឆាំឆា cham chaa kind of large tree with small, highly aromatic, yellow flowers used to make wreaths, necklaces, or bracelets ព្កុល pkol kind of large tree with valuable hardwood (Afzelia xylocarpa) បេង beeŋ kind of large tree with valuable wood (Anisoptera scaphula) ផ្តៀក pdiek kind of large tree; an oil is extracted from its seeds ត្រឡាត់ trɑlat kind of large tree រំជីក rumciik kind of large tree សំពង់ sɑmpʊəŋ kind of large vine ដកពាយ dɑɑk piej kind of large wasp or bee, bumblebee តាឱ taa ʔao kind of large, black scorpion ខ្យា kjaa kind of large, scaleless freshwater fish (Pangasius pangasius or P. Sutchi) ប្រា praa kind of lathe operated by a treadle កន្ទោក kɑntouk kind of leech found in damp places in the forest ទាក tiek kind of litchi (Litchi chinensis) គូលែន kuulɛɛn kind of litchi តាទង taa tɔɔŋ kind of long drum ឆៃយ៉ាំ chaj jam kind of long handled knife, somewhat resembling a billhook (formerly used as a military weapon but currently used for chopping or cutting plants) [plate 7] ផ្គាក់ pkeak kind of long-bladed knife with a short handle ចែត caet kind of long-handled bamboo tool with a small basket-like device at one end, used for picking fruit កន្តរ៉ kɑntɑɑ rɑɑ kind of magic that gives superhuman strength or allows one to give off rays of light; witchcraft, sorcery ស្មិល sməl kind of medicinal herb រំពាន់ rumpoan kind of medicinal plant (Crassocephalum crepidioides) អំជក ʔɑmcɔɔk kind of medicinal plant having yellow flowers (Cassia alata) កង្ហិត kɑŋhət kind of medicinal plant which is crushed, mixed with ripe coconut meat, and fried to make an ointment for skin rashes ព្រងាល់ prɔŋoal kind of medicinal plant with yellow flowers (Cassia alata, C. augustifolia; its leaves are used to treat skin eruptions, a potion made from its blossoms is taken as a drink, and its root and fruit are used as laxatives) ដង្ហិត dɑŋhət kind of medicinal shrub (Melastoma normale) អង្រី ʔɑŋrəj kind of medicinal vine (used as a remedy for constipation) ខ្ញែក kɲaek kind of medium-sized flat fish with many bones (Notopterus hapirat) ស្លាត slaat kind of medium-sized tree (its bark is very fibrous and was formerly used to make a coarse type of paper) ឳជ្រឹង ʔəv crɨŋ kind of meringue ភឹង (១) phɨŋ kind of music characterized by continuous drum beats ជើត cəət kind of mussel found in marshes. គ្រំ krum kind of mythological animal with a dragon's head កីលែន kəjlɛɛn kind of nettle or plant that causes itching កន្ទេចអាល kɑntɨc ʔaal kind of nettle plant (the bark is used to make rope and the stems and branches are used for making brooms) កន្ទាំង kɑnteaŋ kind of night bird (it is believed that the cry of this bird is an omen of dire events) ឳឡ ʔəv lɑɑ kind of nocturnal bird គូលីត kuu liit kind of nocturnal bird ពព្លាក់ pəplɛ̀ək kind of noise-maker usually made of palm leaves and attached to a kite ង៉ាវ ŋaav kind of owl (Scops stictonotus) (or the Spotted Wood Owl Strix seloputo). ទីទុយ tii tuj kind of palm (Calamus salicifolius) used to weave baskets រពាក់ rɔpeak kind of palm (Zalacca Wallichiana) ប៉កម pɑkɑɑm kind of palm tree (Zalacca Wallichiana) ប៉ាកាំ paakam kind of palm with edible fruit ឡុក lok kind of parasitic vine ឳជំ ʔəv cum kind of partridge (Arborophila cambodiana; the male has a very loud, piercing cry) ទទា tɔtie kind of percussion instrument consisting of two small round metal castanet-like plates suspended on a cord ឈឺង chɨɨŋ kind of persimmon (Diospyros decandra; it has heavily perfumed flowers and yellow apple-like fruit) ច័ន can kind of pickled banana (made from a variety of banana known as ចេកជ្វា) សៀមប្រៀម siem - priem kind of pincers, tweezers ចន្ទាស cɑntieh kind of pine tree (Pinus sylvestris) with red wood ស្ពង់ spʊəŋ kind of plant (Amaranthus bletum; its ashes produce soda from which soap is made) ផ្ទី ptii kind of plant (Ampelocissus arachnoidea, the roots of which are used to prepare medications for treating venereal diseases) កក្រោក kɑkraok kind of plant (Cestrum nocturnum, with highly aromatic pale yellow flowers). ណាគ្រី naakrii kind of plant (Cratoxylon sp.) with edible flowers and shoots ល្ងៀង lŋieŋ kind of plant (Ixia sinensis) with medicinal roots លំពាន់ lumpoan kind of plant (Nauclea cadumba, with edible sprouts; it occurs in two varieties, one លៀបធំ has large leaves and the other elob តូច has small leaves) លៀប liep kind of plant (Sindora sumatrana) ក្រគរ krɑkɔɔ kind of plant (Zingiber zerumbet, with a yellowish aromatic rhizome) ផ្ទឺ ptɨɨ kind of plant having edible fruit សង្ឃា sɑŋkhie kind of plant used for dyeing (poss. Bixa orellana; it produces a reddish-yellow dye) ដកគាំ dɑɑk koam kind of plant which grows from a bulb and has large, long, thick leaves កំភ្លឹង kɑmplɨŋ kind of plant which grows near river banks, orchid ក្រកី krɑkəj kind of plant with aromatic flowers (the leaves can be woven into sacks, mats, etc.) រំចាក rumcaak kind of plant with edible tubers ធ្មៅ tmɨv kind of plant with fragrant white flowers (Allamanda carthartica) យីហ៊ុប jii hup kind of plant with fragrant, white flowers កាកែល kaa kael kind of plant with long thin leaves that grows from a bulb or tuber ស្រជែត srɑcɛɛt kind of plant with white flowers; it is used as a vegetable ផ្កាស pkaah kind of plant, spurge (Euphorbia sp.) តាសិក taa sək kind of plant អំបឹះ ʔɑmbəh kind of poison (used esp. for killing vermin) សានណូវ saan nəv kind of poisonous plant ប្រង់ prɑŋ kind of punishment for Buddhist monks បាចិត្តិយៈ paacəttəjeaʔ kind of rake or roller (used for leveling) ខ្នៀរ knie kind of rash that does not suppurate; measles កញ្ជ្រឹល kɑɲcrɨl kind of rattan អារ៉ិច ʔaarəc kind of rattle [plate 10] ពីងពាំង piiŋ - peaŋ kind of red ant កន្តាវរ៉ាវ kɑntaav - raav kind of reed or rattan ក្រែក kraek kind of resin; crude turpentine យៅ jɨv kind of roofed platform built in a tree (used for protection from wild animals and the weather) ស្រណាង srɑnaaŋ kind of round cake made of fried, popped sticky rice mixed with sugar and sesame seeds ក្រពង krɑpɔɔŋ kind of salt water shrimp បង្គា bɑŋkie kind of salt-water fish (Scomber brachsysoma) កាម៉ុង kaamoŋ kind of saltwater fish ត្រពួច trɑpuəc kind of scaleless fish ខ្ជឹង kcɨŋ kind of scaleless freshwater fish ឈ្វាត cviet kind of scavenger fish ទីពោ tii pou kind of scoop net ឈ្នក់ cnʊək kind of seagull (Anastomus oscitans) រំពេ rumpei kind of shackle of wood or bamboo put around the necks of cattle or horses to keep them from going too fast, shaft-bow (part of harness), collar ណែងណង naeŋ - nɑɑŋ kind of shallow flat basket [plate 9] ចង្អេរ cɑŋʔee kind of shellfish, clam, abalone គ្រែង krɛɛŋ kind of shellfish អុកលាំងៗ ʔok leaŋ - leaŋ kind of short cudgel / club ល្បុក្ក lbok kind of shrub (Columbia auriculata; the bark of which is used to make rope and the leaves of which are used to make torches) ព្រាល priel kind of shrub (Connarus cochinchinensis) រពុះ rɔpuh kind of shrub (Desmodium flexuosum) ម្គី mkii kind of shrub (Gmelina asiatica) រំចាញ rumcaaɲ kind of shrub (Homalium brevidans) used for firewood រទាំង rɔteaŋ kind of shrub from fruits of which shampoo is made sɔmbuːə kɔk kind of shrub or tree of the buckthorn family (Rhamnus tinctorius; the fruit is used to make a detergent) ល្វៀង lvieŋ kind of shrub with aromatic flowers រញា rɔɲie kind of shrub with edible leaves and fruit (Leucoena glauca; it is often used for hedges) កន្ឋំ kanthum kind of shrub, the screw-pine (Pandanus Pierrei; the leaves are used for weaving mats) រំចេក rumceek kind of silk brocade របើក rɔbaək kind of silk cloth with a small red and black checker-board pattern មក្លាំ meaʔklam kind of silk lam material សារបាប់ saaraʔbap kind of single-stringed musical instrument similar to a guitar (it is played by plucking) សាដៀវ saadiev kind of six-holed flute; quadruple-reed shawm ស្រឡៃ srɑlaj kind of skin disease characterized by dark reddish or purplish blisters; wen, sebaceous cyst ផ្តូត pdoot kind of skin disease, (?) scabies ត្រអក trəʔɔːk kind of skin rash, prurigo, psoriasis, prickly heat កញ្ជុសមាន់ kɑɲcuh moan kind of skirt made of brocade with threads of gold or silver woven through it ចរបាប់ cɑɑrəbap kind of skirt with an elastic waistband ខិង khəŋ kind of small aquatic plant with a violet flower resembling a lotus ចង្កុលណី cɑŋkoʔleaʔnəj kind of small basket, decorated with flowers, in which gifts for Buddhist monks are placed ក្រចាស krɑcaah kind of small basket-like handbag; platform of a scale អ៊ុយ ʔuj kind of small bird (Zosterops siamensis) ពពេច pɔpɨc kind of small bird similar to a hummingbird. ច្រឡៃ crɑlaj kind of small black bird (Crypsirhina varians) រន្ទេប rʊənteip kind of small brown porcupine ប្រមោញ prɑmaoɲ kind of small bucket, woven bamboo basket coated with tar or resin គ្រុះ kruh kind of small caterpillar that feeds on wood, bamboo, and dried fish ព្រយ prɔɔj kind of small catfish with two barbs or whiskers (Macrones nemurus) កញ្ចុះ kɑɲcoh kind of small cucumber កញ្ជ្រៀប kɑɲcriep kind of small cymbal ឈិង chɨŋ kind of
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